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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Prinker: Color Your Way

    Tattoos always look so cool, but actually getting one is quite a commitment. After all, apart from using expensive laser removal therapy, they stay on your skin forever.

    The Prinker is here to change the game. It is a device (设备) that lets you create or print any image or temporary tattoos within a matter of seconds. It is connected to your smartphone and you can select a bunch of preloaded tattoos available in the app.

    This device was exhibited at The International Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas this year. It is manufactured by a Korean startup company called “SketchOn”.

    You can sketch your ideas out on your skin with this portable device that is almost twice the size of a computer mouse. This is a nice way to support your team in the match by printing its logo or design onto your skin. You can also share your tattoo designs with others through the app. It is also a fun and creative toy for kids to play with.

    In order to print the design, all you need to do is select or draw a design on your mobile and then press and rub the base of the device against your skin and you are done. These designs and images are water resistant but can be washed off with soap water. The ink of the Prinker is non-toxic and is made only from certified cosmetic ingredients. Each cartridge (墨盒) contains enough ink for about 1,500 tattoos, or as J+ R. Smith would call it, “a good start.”

    The Prinker is developed by a small team of five members. The company is planning to launch the device in China and then in the United States. The device is currently commercializing in Korea as a rental device. The agencies and organizations pay $150 for a day to use it in their events or marketing.

    The current version of Prinker is aimed towards business users (think festivals, carnivals, sports events, promotion campaigns). But the company is working on a home version, and hopes to have it available to buy before the end of 2018. SketchOn estimates the personal model will retail at $200. The company is currently seeking to partner with international agencies for distribution opportunities.

    Although Prinker is currently aimed towards novelty and creative purposes, its technologies could eventually be adapted for use by professional tattoo artists or medical professionals who provide tattoos for patients, such as after a breast cancer operation or skin graft.

(1)、According to the passage, tattoos by Prinker ______.
A、can stay permanently B、are convenient to print C、can draw more attention D、are expensive to remove
(2)、What can we learn from the passage?
A、Prinker can be used to create any image in a short time. B、Prinker is preloaded with many tattoo designs inside. C、Prinker is available for kids in their daily activities. D、Prinker has been adapted for professional use.
(3)、Where can we probably use Prinker at present?
A、At a company annual meeting. B、At a surgical ward in the hospital. C、At a family gathering at home. D、At a professional tattoo shop.
(4)、The passage is intended to .
A、persuade people to buy Prinker B、promote various methods of getting tattoos C、introduce a new tattoo printing device to readers D、search for business partners for further expansion

    Researchers at Brigham found about one in five teenagers now have some degree of hearing damage. The researchers did not say why hearing loss has risen, but other experts have strong suspicions. One likely culprit, they say, is MP3 players.

    An MP3 player can be dangerous to hearing when its decibel level is turned up too high. High-decibel sounds can damage nerve endings, called hair cells. If a sound is loud enough, the damage can be permanent. A loud sound can shake the membrane (薄膜) on which the hair cells sit- “like an earthquake”. That shake can break or even uproot hair cells. When that happens, the hair cells are finished. Human ears cannot regrow hair cells. Therefore, when listening to an MP3 player, set a volume limit and avoid exposure to loud sounds.

    On the other hand, the loudness of today's music may not be totally under your control. Music companies have been purposely turning up the volume. It's a trend called the fight for loudness.

    Play a CD from the 1990s. Then play a newly released tune. Don't touch the volume control. You'll probably notice that the new CD sounds louder than the old one. Why? Sound engineers who create CDs are using dynamic range compression (压缩), a technology that makes the quiet parts of a song louder and the loud parts quieter. The overall effect of compression is a louder recording.

    Many musicians and sound engineers aren't pleased. They say that compression is driving down the quality of today, s music, making it sound flat and blaring. Gray Hobish, a sound engineer, explains that music should be a combination of loudness and softness. But music companies want to make music louder so it will stand out. That's important in the competition among recording companies.

    What about listeners? Many teenagers listen to music on the go in noisy places and through headphones, all of which reduce sound quality. So young listeners may not notice the poorer quality of modem recordings. “To their ears,” says Hobish, “the music sounds fine. And they are not aware of the hidden threat of the music they are enjoying.”


    Guide to four of the most exciting new adventure trips for 2017:


    Attractions: International Expeditions   Length: 18 days   Price: $13,998

Details: Remember the movie Ishtar? Now you, too, can spend days wandering in the desert, just like warren Beatty and Dustin Hoffman. Designed for rugged travelers, the camping expedition crosses1,500 miles of Niger's Sahara in four—wheel—drive vehicles.

    Departure Time: May 12     Information: 800-633-4731;  ietravel.com

    Across Patagonia: From the Andes to the Ocean

    Attractions: Boundless Journeys   Length: 10 days    Price: $8,995

    Details: The newest route across Patagonia starts high in the Argentine Andes and follows the Futaleufu River into Chile all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Travelers start by trekking along the river, changing to rafts before taking up kayaks for the final leg.

    Departure Time: March 5    Information: 800-941-8010; boundless, com.


    Attractions: Myths and Mountains      Length: 17 days        Price: $17,530

    Details: For the travelers who have already visited the best-known India sites, this new trip visits a relatively unexplored state in central India ruled by the Vindhyachal Range and known for its wildlife, waterfalls, ancient sites and tribal culture.

    Departure Time(出发时间): Feb 17   Information: 800-670-6984; myths.com

    Dalmatian Coast Biking

    Attractions: Backroads            Length: 7 days           Price: $7,298

    Details: The company's first foray into Croatia follow scenic roadways across four islands between Dubrovnik and Spht.

    Departure Time: May 7    Information: 800-462-2848; backroads.com


    They aren't great artists like Leonardo da Vinci or Vincent van Gogh, but their paintings are just as popular on Chinese social media, with millions of Chinese people willing to pay for them.

The 36 works were painted by ordinary Chinese people who live with autism (自闭症) or cerebral palsy (脑瘫), aged from their early teens to late thirties. They all studied art at World of Art Brut Culture (WABC), which is a Shanghai-based non-profit organization (非赢利组织) for art education. The project was started by WABC and supported by the Tencent Charitable Foundation. Users could buy a digital copy of each painting by donating (捐赠) 1 yuan or more. By Aug 29, donations totaled more than 15 million yuan, with about 5.8 million people participating (参与).

    “The paintings by these autistic kids and adults are beautiful: the style is similar to that of the Dutch artist Van Gogh. I'm really impressed by their talent,” Feng Li, a customer service officer in Shanghai, told the South China Morning Post.

    However, the popular campaign also led to certain questions.

    Li Laoxi, an experienced special education teacher in Hangzhou, said that based on his experience, people with autism could only draw a few lines or fill in colors under the guidance of their trainers. “Maybe there are some geniuses out there, but I've never met them”. Others questioned where the money would go, as the donations went to WABC instead of the painters. In response to these concerns, Miao Shiming, founder of WABC, said the money would be used to employ art teachers, buy supplies, and rent facilities. Meanwhile, Tencent said that all donation information would be open to the public.


    Here is a record of the discussion about AI (artificial intelligence) conducted by several scientists:

    Scientist A: I would say that we are quite a long way off developing the AI, though I do think it will happen within the next thirty or forty years. We will probably remain in control of technology and it will help us solve many of the world's problems. However, no one really knows what will happen if machines become more intelligent than humans. They may help us, ignore us or destroy us. I tend to believe AI will have a positive influence on our future lives, but whether that is true will be partly up to us.

    Scientist B: I have to admit that the potential consequences of creating something that can match or go beyond human intelligence frighten me. Even now, scientists are teaching computers how to learn on their own. At some point in the near future, their intelligence may well take off and develop at an ever-increasing speed. Human beings evolve biologically very slowly and we would be quickly substituted. In the short term, there is the danger that robots will take over millions of human jobs, creating a large underclass of unemployed people. This could mean large-scale poverty and social unrest. In the long term machines might decide the world would be better without humans.

    Scientist C: I'm a member of the Campaign to Stop Killer Robots. Forget the movie image of a terrifying Terminator stamping on human skulls and think of what's happening right now: military machines like drones, gun turrets and sentry robots are already being used to kill with very little human input. The next step will be autonomous “murderbots” following orders but finally deciding who to kill on their own. It seems clear to me that this would be extremely dangerous for humans. We need to be very cautious indeed about what we ask machines to do.


    Have you ever thought that your life will be perfect if something in your outside world changes? You may say, "I will live happily if I find my soul mate." You may say, "If the perfect job comes along, I will get satisfaction. My problem is that my boss is stupid." Or you may say, "If I have a child, I will know what it is like to be loved." The problem is that it is not the outside world that prevents you from experiencing peace, love and joy. Instead, it is your own internal (内部的) patterns that get in your way.

    To prove this point, at my weekend programs, I had my students look at a flower on my table. Then I asked them to share their experiences. Some showed a state of complete joy because staring at the flower reminded them of their wedding or a great trip with their lovers. Others said the flower made them angry because it reminded them of a gift given by a former partner who turned against them. Some students even told me that the flower reminded them of their beloved grandmothers' gardens with some shedding tears (流泪)of joy and others shedding tears of sadness. However, the flower was still just a flower.

    Our internal patterns decide whether each moment is filled with peace, anger, joy, love or sadness. When you don't realize that it is your own internal state that is creating your experience, you are likely to blame (责备)the external situations in your life. Most people aren't taught that emotion is a choice. And they aren't taught how to change those lower emotional patterns such as anger, anxiety, sadness and so on. Next time, when you meet something bad, please look at your internal state. When you accept that you are responsible for your own state, and find the courage to turn inward, you can step out of being a slave to what shows up in your external world.


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