
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通




    For years people have enjoyed following the life of Garfield the cat. Garfield is a popular comic book character, known for being lazy and fat. But the cat was back in the news recently for something you might not expect.

    A man in the United States changed the gender (性别) of Garfield to “none” on the cat's Wikipedia (维基百科) page. After that lots of people got angry and kept changing Garfield's Wikipedia page. They argued about whether the cat was a boy, girl or neither.

    Wikipedia finally locked the page to stop people editing it. Jim Davis, Garfield's creator, settled (解决) the argument.

    “Garfield is male (男性),” he simply told the Washington Post. The 71-year-old artist said he liked working with animals because they didn't have to be old, young, boys or girls. He was angry that some people cared so much about Garfield's gender.

    It seems like quite an unnecessary argument to have. But it is not the only recent example of argument about gender.

    To celebrate International Women's Day in Australia earlier this year, the city of Melbourne made 10 traffic lights with a figure (人形) dressed in a skirt. They were designed to celebrate women and give them more confidence in public.

    But not everyone thinks the idea is necessary. Some people think it is important for women to be treated fairly in Australia, but that this idea is silly.

    “I'm all for doing anything we can for gender equity (公平), but really?” Melbourne mayor (市长) Robert Doyle told the Herald Sun. The mayor said this idea is more likely to be laughed at than bring respect to women.

(1)、What put Garfield the cat back in the news recently?
A、The cat's lazy character. B、Being included in Wikipedia. C、The cat's image being changed on Wikipedia. D、The cat's gender being changed on Wikipedia.
(2)、According to Jim Davis, _____.
A、Wikipedia should lock the page about Garfield B、Garfield can be a boy or a girl, and young or old C、artists don't care about animals' age or gender D、it's unnecessary to take Garfield's gender seriously
(3)、Why did Melbourne make 10 traffic lights with a figure dressed in a skirt?
A、To laugh at women in public B、To celebrate International Women's Day C、To bring more chances to women D、To treat women fairly in Australia
(4)、What did Melbourne mayor Robert Doyle think of the traffic light idea?
A、It would give women more confidence in public. B、It would help women be treated fairly in Australia. C、It would bring respect to women. D、It was not a good idea for gender equity.

Astronauts would face dangers both getting to and surviving (生存) on Mars. Let's learn about surviving a trip to Mars.

What would it take to keep people safe and healthy on a trip to Mars? Scientists are already working on it, though the trip may be many years later.

Over the last 60 years, many spaceships have flown by orbited(沿轨道运行)and even landed on the Red Planet. However, machines cannot replace humans. That's why the United States, China and other countries want to send people to Mars. But surviving on this trip would not be easy.

A trip to Mars would be the farthest journey in human(人类) history. Mars is about 225 million kilometers away, so it would take astronauts at least 180 days to reach there. However, it only takes a few days to get to the Moon.

Space travel is dangerous. For one thing, staying in space for long periods makes the human body weak. Also, it puts pressure behind the eyes and causes eye problems. But gravity(重力) machines could help.

Then there's space radiation(辐射) to worry about. It is bad for astronauts when they have long journeys. Scientists are working out the issue. They have found that taking certain vitamins can help.

Astronauts will have to pack light to lift off from the earth. But they won't be able to get the things they need easily. Astronauts on the space station practice for this by growing lettuce and other food in space. Engineers are developing 3D printing techniques(技术)which can allow future Mars astronauts to build what they want.


The Internet has changed the world, people are able to get and share information in seconds. Nowadays, people begin to wonder: Is the Internet good or bad? "It's impossible to answer that question because the Internet means so many things," says psychologist (心理学家) Patricia Greenfield.

Some are truly wonderful. In many ways it makes life easier and simpler. It helps us get things done more quickly. It opens up the world to us. And if a friend lives far away, the Internet makes it easy to stay in touch.

However, the issue (话题)    isn't black and white. Some can become real problems if we don't take care. Spending too much time online is bad to people's health. It may even cause them to be less social with family and friends. Aside from that, some people attack the web or use the Internet to steal others' personal information, even banking information. Most of the young students think the Internet is simply an icon (图标) on the screen(屏幕). Kids won't realize that the Internet is a network of millions of computers until about 10 years old.

The Internet can be a useful tool, but don't let it take up all of your time. Use the Internet properly and carefully and it can make your life more colourful.

