
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:容易



    In Western countries, bread is one of the most important foods. When they get up in the morning many people eat toast (烤面包). They spread butter and jam on their toast. People eat bread at other times of the day too. For example, at main meals, they often eat bread with soup.

    It's also very common to eat sandwiches. A sandwich is two pieces of bread with a filling inside - salad, cheese or fish. A hamburger is a kind of sandwich.

There are many different kinds of bread. Some are special to some countries. For example, the baguette (法国棍子面包) is a long, thin loaf that began in France.

    There is also white bread and whole-wheat (全麦面) bread. What's the difference? White bread is refined (精制的). It has things taken out of it to make it softer and easier to eat. The trouble is, white bread also has lots of goodness taken out. Although some people dislike the taste of whole-wheat bread, it is much healthier.

    Some kinds of bread have additives (添加剂). They are put into the bread for many reasons. Some additives are good for you - for example vitamin C. Others are there to make the bread last longer. Still others to make it taste better - but they do not necessarily make the bread healthier to eat!

(1)、People in the west have             as their main food.
A、butter B、bread C、cheese D、fish
(2)、The fourth paragraph tells us
A、how to make white bread B、how to make whole-wheat bread C、the difference between white bread and whole-wheat bread D、people dislike the taste of whole-wheat bread
(3)、Which of the statements about additives(添加剂) is WRONG?
A、Not all the additives are good for our health. B、Vitamin C makes the bread last longer. C、Some additives are put into bread to make bread healthier. D、To make bread taste better, some additives can be put into bread.

     "You see someone just sitting there, looking like they're stupid," explains teenager Manny Logan excitedly. "You just run up to them, slap(掌击) them and run off. It's funny."

    The 16-year-old Logan was describing "happy slapping". It's supposed to be fun but it's a new problem in Britain. Young people will attack passers-by while their friends record the whole thing on camera phones. It was first reported in south London six months ago. But, the practice has spread to other parts of the country and videos of attacks have become popular on the Internet.

    The young people are called "hoodies" because they usually wear a sweatshirt with a hooded top. The top can be used to cover the head or face.

    One study in England published earlier this year suggested that as many as one in four teenagers is an active offender. That includes both serious crimes and small acts like not paying for a bus ticket.

    The fear of youth crime has left some parts of towns empty of ordinary people.

    So, the British government declared war on public disorder last week. The Prime Minister has supported a decision by the country's biggest shopping centre in southeast of England to ban teenagers wearing hooded tops. The clothing helps troublemakers hide from the centre's cameras.

    This week, the government is going further. It plans to force teenage offenders to wear orange jackets while they do public service. The idea is to shame them in front of others.

    But some teenagers and experts have complained that, in their rush to stop the hoodies, politicians risk tarring all teenagers with the same brush.


    WHAT can help you make a fortune in the future? Graduating from a top university might not be enough. A new study from the University of Essex in Britain has shown that the more friends you have in school, the more money you'll earn later.

    The idea that popularity could have a serious influence on one's earning potential shouldn't come as too much of a surprise. The researchers noted that if you want to get ahead in life, social skills and networking are easily as powerful as talent and hard work.

    “If a person has lots of friends, it means that he or she has the ability to get along with others in all kinds of different situations,” said Xu Yanchun, 17, from Nantou High School in Shenzhen, who totally agreed with the recent finding. “Also, friends always help each other. They not only create wider social circles for you but lift your mood when you are occasionally in low spirits,” said Xu. She believed that all this helps you “earn a higher salary.”

    Maybe that's why some people think the younger generations are in the age of Friendalholism (交友狂症). A woman even complained that the networking website Facebook's 5,000-friend limit was too low for her large reserve of social contacts.

    But what does a friend mean? Should friends be regarded as a form of currency?

    “Call me uncool, but I think of a friend as an actual person with whom I have an actual history and whom I enjoy actually seeing. It seems, however, that this is no longer the definition of friend”, said Meghan Daum, who works with The Los Angeles Times in the US.

    Daum dislikes the idea that quantity trumps quality in the age of Friendaholism. She thought the idea of friendship, at least among the growing population of Internet social networkers, was to get as many of not-really-friends as possible. For example, a friend might be someone you might know personally but who could just as easily be the friend of a friend of some other Facebook friend you don't actually know. Although she agreed that social ties grease (润滑) the wheels of life, she also warned. “Too bad one thing money can't buy is a real friend.”


    Dodder is an unusual and unwanted plant that attacks other plants. Except for its flowers, the plant looks like spaghetti, a kind of noodles in the shape of long thin pieces that look like string when they are cooked. It's almost leafless, thread-like stems hang down on top of other plants that dodder needs to stay alive. Dodder does not produce its own food. Instead, it steals food from other plants. It feeds by sucking juices from the plant which is wrapped around, often making its host very weak or even killing it.

    Dodder can find other plants by their smell. When a young dodder plant starts growing, it follows the smell of plants it prefers, like tomato plants, potato plants, or other farm crops. Unlike most plants that usually grow in the direction of light or warmth, a dodder plant will grow in the direction of, for example, tomato smell—if a tomato happens to be growing nearby.

    However, a young dodder plant must find a host plant quickly. It no longer needs its root once it is attached to the host and wrapped around it. If it cannot catch a smell of a potential host within a few days, it will dry up and vanish even if there is plenty of water around. Once it finds a host, the young dodder plant will attach itself to it and start growing faster. At that point the dodder plant will drop its root.

    Dodder is thus a difficult weed to manage and a real headache for farmers. When it does get out of hand, dodder can greatly reduce a farmer's harvest or even destroy crops completely. Before sowing their produce, especially farmers in warm parts of the world often check to make sure no unwanted dodder seeds have mixed with their crop seeds. This is a good way to stop dodder plants from making their way to a crop field secretly.


    The dream to travel the world has always been in the mind of many. The national geographic and Discovery Channel videos are just not enough. You can only feel the excitement of experiencing all those fascinating wildlife, countryside or adventure tourism documentaries by traveling the world. Here are the best destination countries based on safety, culture, ease of transportation, and accommodation for single travelers in 2018.

    Bali Island, Indonesia

    The cheapest of all countries to visit. Living in a comfortable room, having three meals a day and a few beers for only 25 dollars per day! Accommodation and goods are cheap everywhere, especially when you move further to the north.


    Lined with olive trees, hilltop towns, and wonderful beaches, Italy is one of the most sought-after destinations; Not forgetting the wine and wine-cooked barbecues. All the cities of Italy are always full of tourists all year around.


    Vietnam suburbs or the city of Hanoi is just where you need to be. Amazing landscapes, friendly locals, cheap food and affordable services, Cab services are a mere 10 dollars or less compared to cab services in the States which can get as high as 30 dollars for a couple of blocks away.


    You don't talk of France without mentioning Eiffel tower. At night, it gives the most incredible view of France. Avoid the long lines to the tower and book your trip earlier For Catholics or historians, the Notre Dame and its surroundings will attract you with its ancient mummified (制成木乃伊的) cats, while Les Invalids military museum has all types of the world war weapons.


That night, when Aksionov was lying on his bed and just beginning to sleep, someone came quietly and sat down on his bed. He peered(看) through the darkness and recognized Makar.

"What more do you want of me?" asked Aksionov. "Why have you come here?"

Makar Semyonovich was silent. So Aksionov sat up and said, "What do you want? Go away, or I will call the guard!"

Makar Semyonovich bent close over Aksionov, and whispered, "Ivan Dmitrich forgive me!"

"What for?" asked Aksionov.

"It was I who killed the merchant and hid the knife among your things. I meant to kill you, too, but I heard a noise outside, so I hid the knife in your bag and escaped out of the window."

Aksionov was silent, and didn't know what to say. Makar Semyonovich slid off the bed-shelf and knelt upon the ground. "Ivan Dmitrich" he said, "forgive me! I will confess that it was I who killed the merchant, and you will be released and can go to your home."

"It is easy for you to talk," said Aksionov "but I have suffered for you these twenty-six years. Where could I go now?... My wife is dead, and my children have forgotten me. I have nowhere to go..."

Makar Semyonovich did not rise, but beat his head on the floor. "Ivan Dmitrich, forgive me!" he cried. "When they flogged(鞭打) me with the knot, it was not so hard to bear as it is to see you now... yet you had pity on me and did not tell. Forgive me, devil that I am!" And he began to sob.

When Aksionov heard him sobbing, he too, began to weep. "I will forgive you!" he said. "Maybe I am a hundred times worse than you." And at these words his heart grew light, and the longing for home left him. He no longer had any desire to leave the prison, but only hoped for his last hour to come.

In spite of what Aksionov had said, Makar Semyonovich confessed his guilt. But when the order for his release came, Aksionov was already dead.

