
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    A boy couldn't speak when he was 3 years old. A lot of people thought he was a foolish boy. When the boy was 9 years old, he could speak but he still couldn't speak well. His teacher didn't like him at all and his classmates laughed at him. He felt very sad, One day his father had a walk with him. They went to a wood and there were a lot of trees there. Then his father took him to two trees and said to him.“Boy, this tree is sabal (菜棕,一种树的名字)and this tree is fir(冷杉). Sabal grows very quickly at first but a few years later, it will stop growing, so the tallest Sabal can't reach(达到)ten meters. But the fir is different, it grows very slowly at first but it never stops growing so it can grow very tall."

    Then his father took him to another fir. It was so tall, so strong. It can reach the sky. The father said to his son, “Son, you are the fir."The boy understood his father's words. The boy became a very great scientist. Do you know who he is? He is the world-famous scientist. His name is Einstein.

(1)、What did people think of the boy when he was very young?
A、They thought the boy was very clever. B、They thought the boy was foolish. C、They thought the boy couldn't speak. D、They thought the boy was a good student.
(2)、Why did his classmates laugh at the boy?
A、Because the boy was foolish. B、Because the boy was very clever. C、Because the couldn't speak well. D、Because the boy couldn't walk.
(3)、Is the sabal taller than the fir?
A、Yes, it is. B、Yes, it does. C、No, it isn't. D、No, it doesn't.
(4)、What do you think of the boy's father?
A、He doesn't like the boy. B、He is a great father. C、He often takes a walk with his son. D、The boy doesn't like his father.
(5)、What did the boy become at last?
A、He became a great teacher. B、He became a great father. C、He became a great scientist. D、He became a great businessman.

Known as "soft gold", Gambiered Canton gauze (香云纱) is the only silk fabric (织物) that's still hand-dyed (手染的) using natural plants in the world today.

The skill has a history of more than 500 years. In 2008, it was listed as a national intangible cultural heritage (国家非物质文化遗产). Ouyang Yongze is an inheritor of the dyeing skills from Guangdong. The man started learning the skills in 2017.

The dyeing process includes 30 steps. It can take up to six months and is done by hand with materials from nature. "The plant shuliang (薯莨), river mud, sunshine, and grass are all important in dyeing," Ouyang told China Daily.

To dye the fabric, workers put it in shuliang juice and let it dry on the grass. They repeat this many times until it turns brownish yellow. Then, they put river mud on it to help shuliang react fully. After washing and drying it again, the fabric turns black!

Mastering the skills is difficult, according to Ouyang, who put full effort into controlling the density (浓度) of shuliang juice. "Too much may cause color loss, and too little may nor lead to a dark enough fabric," he said. "Better control of the density comes after many failures."

Also, the job can be really tiring as workers have to be at work in the sun for 8 hours each day. Only a few people work in the industry, and skilled masters are getting older as fewer young people take part.

Considering this, Ouyang works harder to develop the traditional craft. He has got together other dyeing skills such as tie-dyeing (扎染法) and batik (蜡染) and has worked with famous fashion designers. They turn the silk into both traditional and fashionable clothes that are popular worldwide. He thinks this can help make the craft stay alive and drew people to the industry.


①As missing children get older,they become quite different from the faces in their last﹣known photographs,which makes finding the really difficult. Now AI(人工智能)can make it easier to match any found children to those old photos. 

②Police can use software(软件)to age photos of missing people,but it seems to work best in adults

③Unlike adults ,the faces of children change greatly as time goes by,and matching photos of found children to old images(画像)(数据库)of missing children is difficult. "Even with a recent face image of a child,it is quite hard for a human to recognize(辨认),who the child is from a large data set of child face images," says Debayan Deb at Michigan State University. 

④Now Deb and his teammates have created an algorithm(算法)to work out the problem. They created a face﹣recognition algorithm on data sets,which have images of nearly 1

⑤AI learned to match recent photographs of children with images taken 2. 5 years earlier. The correct matching rate can be 80 percent. With one year between the two photographs,it was 90 percent correct at recognizing faces. This dropped to 73 percent after three years. The new AI might help to improve accuracy (准确性)of this kind of software

⑥Deb's next goal(目标 )is to make the age gap wider. His team also hopes to develop an app to fight against the sale of children. 

