
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:真题 难易度:普通



    No one knows for sure when advertising first started. It is possible that it grew out of the discovery that some people did certain kinds of work better than others did them. That led to the concept of specialization, which means that people would specialize, or focus, on doing one specific job.

    Let's take a man we'll call Mr. Fielder, for example. He did everything connected with farming. He planted seeds, tended the fields, and harvested and sold his crops. At the same time, he did many other jobs on the farm. However, he didn't make the bricks for his house, grind the wheat for his flour, or cut his trees into boards. He also did not make the plows(犁), the work boots, or any of the other hundreds of things a farm needs. Instead, he got them from people who specialized in doing each of those things.

    Suppose there was another man we shall call Mr. Plowright. Using what he knew about farming and working with iron, Mr. Plowright invented a plow that made farming easier. Mr. Plowright did not really like farming himself and wanted to specialize in making really good  plows. Perhaps, he thought, other farmers will trade what they grow for one of my plows.

    How did Mr. Plowright let people know what he was doing? Why, he advertised, of course. First he opened a shop and then he put up a sign outside the shop to attract customers. That sign may have been no more than a plow carved into a piece of wood and a simple arrow pointing to the shop door. It was probably all the information people needed to find Mr. Plowright and his really good plows.

    Many historians believe that the first outdoor signs were used about five thousand years ago. Even before most people could read, they understood such signs. Shopkeepers would carve into stone, clay, or wood symbols for the products they had for sale.

    A medium, in advertising talk, is the way you communicate your message. You might say that the first medium used in advertising was signs with symbols. The second medium was audio, or sound, although that term is not used exactly in the way we use it today. Originally, just the human voice and maybe some kind of simple instrument, such as a bell, were used to get people's attention.

    A crier, in the historical sense, is not someone who weeps easily. It is someone, probably a man, with a voice loud enough to be heard over the other noises of a city. In ancient Egypt, shopkeepers might hire such a person to spread the news about their products. Often this primitive form of advertising involved a newly arrived ship loaded with goods. Perhaps the crier described the goods, explained where they came from, and praised their quality. His job was, in other words, not too different from a TV or radio commercial in today's world.

(1)、What probably led to the start of advertisement?
A、The discovery of iron. B、The specialization of labor. C、The appearance of new jobs. D、The development of farming techniques.
(2)、To advertise his plows, Mr. Plowright__________.
A、praised his plows in public B、placed a sign outside the shop C、hung an arrow pointing to the shop D、showed his products to the customers
(3)、The writer makes up the two stories of Mr. Fielder and Mr. Plowright in order to___________.
A、explain the origin of advertising B、predict the future of advertising C、expose problems in advertising D、provide suggestions for advertising
(4)、In ancient Egypt, a crier was probably someone who_______________.
A、owned a ship B、had the loudest voice C、ran a shop selling goods to farmers D、functioned like today's TV or radio commercial
(5)、The last two paragraphs are mainly about_____________.
A、the history of advertising B、the benefits of advertising C、the early forms of advertising D、the basic design of advertising

    Sambodromo Samba Parade tickets for Rio carnival

    Order on this page your Rio Carnival tickets for the Samba Parade in Rio's Sambodromo.

    Benefit from our unique advantages. Read the Sambodromo ticket and order description first.

Covered Grand Tier Boxes—Yellow on the map

    The boxes in Sector 7 have been covered to offer an enjoyable Parade experience even in the rain. These boxes are more comfortable than the other boxes since the 12 seats are cushioned(带坐垫的)and they also have a coffee table.

    Price for per seat is $ 70.

    Luxury Suite Lounge Carioca—Purple on the map

    The goal of Lounge Carioca in Sector 5 is to reach those who look for a new product to attract, conquer and make new business. It has privileged location -the center of the Avenue! In our cabin we will have ample and comfortable space for our guests to watch the parades in a unique structure.

    Price for per seat is $ 90.

    Luxury Suite Lounge Folia -Red on the map

    This leisure area between Open Front Boxes of Sector 6 and 8 is for 1,000 rather-party-minded people and contains a beauty salon, a dance floor with DJs and has some space also to relax and watch the Parade on a giant screen.

    Price for per seat is $ 100.

    Luxury Suites -Blue on the map

    These covered boxes in Sector 9 are the best places. They are at the right height to offer the perfect view of the Parade, being above the front boxes. You can buy individual seats in the desired suite or rent a whole suite for a particular night.

    Price for per seat is $ 120 and $ 260 for a whole suite.


    Developed by researchers and designers specializing in typography(印刷术)and behavioral science, Sans Forgetica is a new font(字体)designed to help readers better remember the information they read by forcing them to spend a bit more time on each word.

    The design of Sans Forgetica is based on a font called Albion, but with substantial  modifications(修改)to reduce familiarity and attain its goal of engaging the brain more and helping the reader retain(保留) more information. It was developed by scientists at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, who believe it could help students studying for exams.

    “We believe this is the first time that specific principles of design theory have been combined with specific principles of psychology theory in order to create a font, ”Behavioral economist Jo Peryman told DW.

    If fonts are too familiar, readers often glance over them without their brain creating may  memories of what was read. At the same time, if a font is too outlandish, the brain has to struggle too much to decipher(破译)it while neglecting the retention of information. According to its developers, “Sans Forgetica lies at a sweet spot where just enough obstacle has been added to create that memory retention.” Its modifications force readers to spend more time, but not too much time, reading each word, allowing the brain to engage in deeper cognitive processing.

    So does Sans Forgetica actually work? Does it help readers better remember the information they read? So far, studies have shown that it can make a difference, although not a significant one.

    One experiment had 96 participants recall word pairs presented in three different fonts. They remembered 69 percent of the word pairs written in Sans Forgetica, compared to 61 percent for the other fonts. In a different experiment, 303 students took a mock(模拟)multiple-choice exam, and whenever the text was presented in Sans Forgetica, they remembered 57 percent of the text, compared to only 50 percent of the surrounding text written in Arial font.

    So Sans Forgetica won't give you the memory of an elephant, but if you're the kind of person who believes every little bit helps, it might be worth a try.


    Italian Language Immersion Class in Chicago, Illinois

    Language stars:

    FunImmersion Italian class at Language Stars in Illinois provides fun, full language immersion programs (全语言沉浸式教学) for children aged (1-10). Also: Spanish, French, German and Mandarin Chinese. Throughout their 3-hour class every day, the children take part in full-immersion activities, create art projects, sing and enjoy themselves all in Italian!

    Quality teachers:

    Teachers are the single greatest driver of the quality of our programs! Language Stars carefully selects our native-speaking Italian teachers, who have received extensive (广泛的) training before starting their teaching careers.

    Teaching Style:

    Language Stars makes learning a language fun, through a mix of games, songs, puppet shows, arts & crafts, cooking projects, treasure hunts, movement and drama, all in the foreign language. Our unique FunImmersion method is the best way for children to enjoy learning a foreign language.

    The Benefits of Learning a Language at a Young Age:

    It is uniquely suitable for young children to learn a second language. Exposing your child to a second language allows a child to optimize (使最优化) his or her learning potential, helping to shape the brain at its most flexible stage. Learning a second language at a young age is as easy as learning a first language.

    Language Immersion Programs for Kids (Aged 1-10):

    Language Stars offers play-based, full immersion programs in small groups of 4-8 children in Italian, Spanish, French, German and Mandarin Chinese in three exciting formats:

    Parents & kids (Aged 1-3)

    Kids Only Classes (Aged 3-5, 5-8, 8-10)

    Summer Immersion Camp

    Free Trial Class:

    During a free class we encourage your child to participate as if he / she is enrolled.

    Tuition Fee:

    $ 600


    2105 N. Southport, Chicago, Illinois, USA


    Hacking isn't just for computers and smartphones, According to a study published last week in the journal Science, scientists have found a way to hack a plant's genes in order to make it use sunlight more quickly. Someday, the results could increase the amount of food produced around the world.

    Photosynthesis(光合作用)is the word used to describe how plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to make their own food. Scientists who conducted the new study say this is a very slow process. Plants use less than 1 percent of the energy available to therm. But by hacking a plant's genes, the scientists were able to increase the amount of leaf growth on plants between 14 and 20 percent.

    "Specifically, scientists hacked the plant's protective system. Normally, this system is activated when a plant gets too much sunlight, "said scientist Krishna Niyogi, co-author of the study. When the plant senses the light, it gets rid of extra energy and creates more leaves. When the plant is in shade, the protective system is turned off, but the process is slow.

    Stephen Long is the lead author of the study. He compared a plant's protective system to light-adjusting glasses. When a person wears the glasses outside during the day, the lenses(镜片)darken and lighten depending on how sunny it is. Plants do the same thing, he said. But in plants the adjustment can take anywhere from 10 minutes to an hour. This makes it hard for plants to get the right amount of sunlight needed to create food.

    The new study sped up the process. By changing the plant's genes, the protective system turned on and off more quickly than normal. As a result, leaf growth on the plants scientists used in the study increased. Leaf growth in two plants increased by 20 percent, while leaf growth on a third plant increased by 14 percent. Scientists conducted the study on tobacco plants. But they think the genetic changes will produce the same results in corn and rice.

