
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    After breakfast Mrs. Beckman started packing(打包)the bags. She bought the tickets to London. Her husband works there. She and her children are going to fly there to see him. Thomas and Katy can't help her and she told them to play outside.

    "It often rains in London in autumn," the woman said to herself, " I'd better take the umbrellas. So I won't buy any when it rains there."

Suddenly(突然), she heard Thomas crying and ran out at once. She asked, " What's the matter?"

    "Katy pulled(揪)my hair," the boy said in tears(眼泪汪汪地).

    "Don't be angry," said the woman. "She's too young. She doesn't know pulling hair hurts(疼痛)"

    And then she went to the house again. After a short time there was more crying. She had to come out to see what the matter was.

This time Thomas said, "Now she knows."

(1)、Mr. Beckman works in             .
A、America B、England C、France D、Canada
(2)、Mrs Beckman will go to London by          .
A、car B、train C、plane D、bus
(3)、        , so they can't help their mother.
A、The two children are too young B、The two children like playing C、The two children are busy D、The two children want to rest
(4)、Thomas cried because        .
A、He didn't want to play with Katy B、Katy ate his fruit C、Katy didn't play with him D、He hurt
(5)、Katy cried because        .
A、Thomas pulled her hair. B、She pulled Thomas's hair C、She didn't know pulling hair hurts D、Thomas didn't want to play with her.

    Captain(船长) Nemo invited me and my friends to go hunting with him in the forests of Crespo Island. I asked him why he was so interested in Crespo Island, "I thought you preferred the sea to being on land."

    "I do," replied the captain. "But these forests are under the sea."

After going through a door, we were about ten metres under the water. The light from the sun reached us. Everything looked very colourful. We were going deeper and deeper. At 100 metres deep, we could see quite well, and Captain Nemo stopped and pointed to some dark shapes. This was the forest. The "trees" in the forest were giant seaweed(海草), and all their "branches" were vertical(垂直的).We could not stop looking at them. Fish swam around the branches like birds in a forest.

    Suddenly, I saw a large sea spider about a metre tall. It was going to attack me. Captain Nemo's man killed it with his gun, but it reminded me that the sea could be as dangerous as it was beautiful. When we reached 150 metres, it was dark. The sun's light could not reach this depth(深度). We turned on our lights. We could see about 20 metres around us. Finally, we found Crespo Island—where a steep rock wall rose in front of us.

    We could go no further, so we walked back towards the Nautilus. Suddenly, Captain Nemo stopped and shot an animal with his gun, it was a beautiful and rare sea otter(水獭). At last, we could see the Nautilus. Several large sharks swam over us. Luckily they didn't see us. We re-entered the Nautilus safely. I was tired but amazed by what I had seen.

