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题型:单词拼写(语篇) 题类: 难易度:普通



A man noticed a woman in the grocery store with a three-year-old girt in her shopping cart. 

As they passed the cookie section, the little girl asked for some cookies but her mother r her. The little girl cried out at once. However, the mother said q , "Now Monica. we just have several passages to go through. Don't be upset. It won't be l." 

   Soon they came to the candy section, and the little girl began to shout for candy. When she was told she couldn't have any, she cried l again. The mother said. "There, there, Monica, don't cry--only two more passages to go and then we'll c out." 

   When they went to the cashier desk, the little girl once again began to ask for gum and burst into a terrible a when she found out that there had been no gum to buy. The mother said patiently, "Monica we'll be through this counter in 5 minutes and then you can go home and have a bath before having a s sleep." 

   The man f them out and stopped the woman to praise her. "I couldn't help n how kind you were with little Monica. You're such a good mother!" he said with an a voice. 

   "However," the mother replied, "I'm Monica--my little girl's name is Tammy."


Kobe Bryant and LeBron James became NBA players when they graduated from high school. Their stories have encouraged many student basketball players in China to dream big. Kobe was born on August 23, 1978. He is an American professional basketball player. He plays shooting guard for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association. His nickname is "Black Mamba" or "Little Flying Man". LeBron James( born on December 30, 1984)is an American professional basketball player.He plays for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association.He is commonly nicknamed "King James" or "The Chosen One".

However, almost all professional players in China come from state-run (公立的) sports schools. This makes most talented student players in ordinary schools(普通学校) give up their dreams in sports, and concentrate on their studies instead .

The Nike High School League(耐克高中篮球联赛) gives Chinese school players a chance to play their games like never before. High school students from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei compete in the game.Although they have not yet become professional players ,their excellent performances are highly recognized(认可) by a number of people. Thousands of audience of members, including China national basketball team players Yi Jianlian and Ding Yanyuhang, watched the final of the league.

The Nike High School League encourages student players to keep making their basketball dreams come true.People hope they will work hard towards their goals and become professional plays in the future.


    As more information comes out about 10-year-old Cindy Smith's death(死亡), worries about amusement park safety(游乐场安全性) grow.

Cindy is not the first child who died on an amusement park ride. 25 years ago, the mother of a 14-year-old girl waited to pick up her daughter outside Worlds of Fun. Laura Barry never saw her daughter Rosie alive again.

"My heart goes out to the Smith family more than they can ever possibly know," said Barry. She is one of the few people who truly know the hurt that family is feeling.

In 1995, Rosie's mom said that something went wrong on the Timber Wolf the night Rosie died. Police found no evidence(证据). Two men told the police that they saw Rosie standing before she fell out of the car.

"I couldn't believe that such a thing could happen still and again," said Barry. She believes Rosie's death should have been a wakeup call for amusement park safety.

She finds that not much has changed in the past years. Amusement parks race to build bigger, taller, faster rides. In her opinion, amusement parks just try to bring in visitors and give them the idea that riding is good, safe and fun. She believes that parks should have put safety first.

There is no exact number of amusement park deaths each year. It is quite low according to some websites. But Barry doesn't accept that. "My daughter was the only person that had ever been killed at Worlds of Fun in all of the years, among all of the thousands and thousands of people that went there. The number doesn't mean anything, you know, because when your child is the one, that's one too many," she said.


Paris is the capital of France. Its subway is very special(特别的). You can enjoy its culture(文化)when you are in this city.

Look, you can see many people listening to music with their headsets(耳机)on the subway. When they are on the subway or at the station, there is always a book in the hand, too.

The subway station in Paris is not big. However, each of them has its special things. Some stations look like ships. Some have clothes, hats and shoes. And every station has a big ad picture. But many of them are for selling clothes and cosmetics(化妆品).

You can meet some beggars(乞丐)on the subway. But the beggar s on the Paris subway are also very special. They enjoy playing the violin or guitar. After playing, it is natural(自然的)for them to go around the train and ask you for some money. They think they should get the money because of their show.

If you want to learn more about Paris, go to the subway and enjoy its culture by yourself.

The Subway in Paris

Main feeling

The subway is not the {#blank#}1{#/blank#} as that in other cities.

Special things

★ People are always listening to {#blank#}2{#/blank#} or reading when they are on the subway or at the station.

★The subway in Paris is {#blank#}3{#/blank#} but special. You can enjoy its culture. If you take the subway there, you can {#blank#}4{#/blank#} clothes, hats and shoes.

★ The beggars on the subway don't feel shy to ask for money {#blank#}5{#/blank#} they think they give their show to other people.

