
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Diana got married and had a 5-year-old son named Dusfin. They lived a very happy life and have been expecting a new family member coming. But a disease forced her to experience an emergency operation to deliver their new daughter.At 12 inches long and 1 only one pound and nine ounces,she was a premature baby.But the doctor's soft words dropped like 2.“I don't think she's going to make it” he said.“There's only a 10-percent 3 she will pull through the night,and even then,if by some chance she does make it,her future could be a very 4 one.”

    David and Diana listened as the doctor 5 the serious problems the newly—born baby,Anna,would 6 face if she survived.She would never walk;she would never 7;she would probably be blind;and so on.

    “No! No!” was all Diana could 8.The whole family had long 9 the day they would have a daughter to become a 10 of four.Now,within a matter of hours,that dream was slipping away. But Diana insisted,“I don't care what the doctors say! One day she will be coming home with us!”

    Certainly,there was 11 a moment when Anna suddenly grew 12.But as the weeks went by,she did 13 gain an ounce of weight here and an ounce of 14 there. At last,when Anna turned two months old,her parents were able to 15her in their arms for the very first time though 16 continued to gently but coldly17 that her chances of surviving,much less living any kind of normal life,were next to zero.

    Finally,Anna went home from the hospital,just as her mother had 18.Today,five years later,Anna is a little but lively young girl with bright gray eyes 19 a strong interest for life. She shows no 20 of any mental or physical injuries. Simply,she is everything a little girl can be.

A、weighing B、counting C、measuring D、looking
A、gifts B、rains C、orders D、bombs
A、chance B、right C、deduction D、result
A、easy B、common C、cruel D、peaceful
A、solved B、collected C、created D、described
A、bravely B、likely C、completely D、firmly
A、talk B、taste C、breathe D、see
A、act B、consider C、say D、refuse
A、gone through B、given up C、relied on D、dreamed of
A、family B、group C、team D、unit
A、ever B、even C、never D、still
A、happier B、stronger C、quieter D、calmer
A、strangely B、sharply C、particularly D、slowly
A、strength B、progress C、skill D、wisdom
A、hold B、grasp C、touch D、flick
A、barbers B、parents C、relatives D、doctors
A、notice B、warn C、judge D、present
A、doubted B、feared C、hoped D、accused
A、but B、and C、so D、or else
A、effects B、marks C、signs D、evidences

    I was at the post office early that morning, hoping to be in and out in a short while. Yet, I1myself standing in a queue that went all the way into the hallway. I had never seen so many people there on a weekday. It seemed someone might have made an announcement, welcoming customers to carry as many2as they could and bring them in when I needed to have my own package3.The queue moved very slowly. My patience ran out and I got 4.The longer it took, the angrier I became. When I got to the counter finally, I finished my5 quickly and briefly, and then walked past the queue that was now extending past the front door.

"Excuse me," I said, trying not to be too pushy. Several people had to move6to make room for me to get to the 7.

    I stepped out, complaining about the8conditions. Thinking I was going to be late for my dentist appointment, I headed into the parking lot.

    A woman was coming across the lot in my9She was walking with determination, and each step sounded very heavy. I 10that she looked as if she could breathe fire. It stopped me in my tracks. I11myself and it wasn't pretty. Had I looked like that? Her body language said that she was having a12day. My anger melted away. I wished I could wrap her in a hug but I was a 13.So I did what I could in a minute14she hurried past me—I smiled. In a second everything changed. She was astonished, then somewhat15.Then her face softened and her shoulders16I saw her take a deep breath. Her pace slowed and she smiled back at me as we passed each other.

    I continued to smile all the way to my17Wow, it's amazing what a simple smile can do.

    From then on, I became aware of people's18and my own, the way we show our feelings. Now I use that 19 every day to let it20me that when facing the world, I can try a smile.


    "What an excellent thing is knowledge," said a sharp-looking, talkative man to one who was 1 older than himself. "Knowledge is an 2 thing, as everyone can see,"3  he. "My boys know more at six and seven years old than I did at twelve. They can read all sorts of books, and 4 on all sorts of subjects. The world is a great deal wiser than it used to be. Everybody knows 5 of everything now. Do you not think, sir, that knowledge is an excellent thing?" " 6  , sir," replied the old man in surprise, looking 7 in manner, "that depends 8 upon the use it is applied. It may be a blessing or a curse(诅咒). Knowledge is only an 9 of power, and power may be bad, 10 a good thing" "That is what I can't understand," said the 11 little man. "How can power be a bad thing?"

    "I will tell you" calmly replied the old man and thus he went on: "When the power of a horse is under control, the animal is 12in bearing burden, drawing loads, and carrying his master, but 13 that power is out of control, the horse 14 his bridle (缰绳),dashes to pieces the carriage that he draws, or throws his 15. " "I see!" said the little man.

    "When the ship is operated alright, the sail that she 16 enables her sooner to get into port, but if operated 17 ,the more sails she carries, the further she will go out of her course" "I see!" said the little man, " I clearly see! "

    "Well then,"18the old man, "if you see these things clearly, I hope you can see, too, that knowledge, to be good thing, must be rightly applied. God's grace in the heart will make the knowledge of the head a blessing but 19 this, it may 20 to us no better than a curse." "I see! I see! " said the little man, "I see! "


    How far would you go to make a good impression at a new job? A college student in Alabama walked 22 kilometers in the1to get to his new job.

    Walter Carr's2broke down the night before starting a new job at Bellhops, a furniture moving company. Several attempts as he made, Carr3 to find a ride. Knowing he couldn't afford to4it, he decided to walk and5how long it would take to walk to the job in Pelhain — 32 kilometers away. He left at midnight so that he could6it to the customer's house on time.

    Carr had reportedly walked about 22 kilometers before the local police7in to help the young man. After hearing his8, they took him to breakfast. Then, they gave him a9to the home of customer Jenny Lamey, whom he was 10to help move that morning, before the rest of the11arrived.

    "I asked Walter if he wanted to go12 and rest until everyone else arrived," said Lamey in a Facebook post, "He13 and said he could go ahead and get started." So, the family and Carr began 14 up the home, chatting along the way.

    He told Lamey that he and his mother15 from New Orleans to Birmingham after losing their 16 in Hurricane Katrina, an extremely destructive and deadly one that17 the Gulf Coast of the U.S. in 2005.

    "I just can't tell you how18 I was by Walter and his journey. He is modest, kind, cheerful, hardworking and19 ." Lamey shared her story of Walter on Facebook. It spread 20 , moving many others all over the world.


    Chris is a columnist (专栏作家) at citypages.com whose life turned upside down in 2017. Chris was willing to share his story but his own print deadlines made it a(n) 1  task for this time. In 2017 Chris found out his 2  condition left much to be desired and that he needed a kidney transplant (移植). Any person would have been lost in such a situation but Chris tuned to the place where he felt most comfortable——Twitter.

    The whole operation thing takes lots of efforts on a donor's (捐赠者) side and Chris continued 3  all the details on his blog and Facebook account. In the meantime, he was 4  a tiresome process of hemodialysis (血液透析) 5 waste and water removal from his blood and it generally takes 4 hours.

    6 , 19 people replied to Chris's tweet (推特信息)! They were his lawyers or just people he met at some party months ago and even complete 7 . None of them was his family, relative or Just a 8  friend. Just imagine all these people accepting medical checks, 9  their blood types and stuff of the kind to make a great 10 to a person they hardly knew! One person 11  ideally­­­Scott. Strangely enough Scott and Chris never met in person before the 12 and really saw each other for the first time on a thanksgiving evening. Both men felt that it was somewhat easier for them to let their communication flow on Social Media 13 a certain point of time. Scott sent Chris a 14 tweet even after the successful operation. When seeing Scott for the first time on a family dinner Chris couldn't say all he wanted at first and his writing talent 15 at one time.

    Social Media 16 worked! Chris has a healthy kidney now thanks to Scott, Twitter, Facebook, and the inventor of the web. For some people, 17 networks are pure evil or just time consuming black holes, but Social Media was once a 18  for Chris. It isn't just a place where people 19 their time on lonely evenings. For some of us it is also one of few paths that can lead to a certain kind of 20 .

