
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

外研版八年级上Module 1 How to learn English 单元测试(含听力音频)

根据短文内容, 完成各题。

Reading is a good habit, but the problem is that there's too much to read, and too little time to read every word of it. So ①we need to find good ways to read faster. There are hundreds of skills (技巧) to help you read more in less time. Here are two skills that I think are especially good.

Preview (预看) —if it's long and hard. This skill is especially useful for ideas of heavy reading like long magazine articles (文章) and business reports (报告).

    Here's how the preview goes.

●Read the first two paragraphs (段落) and the last two paragraphs carefully.

●Then read only the first sentence of the other paragraphs.

    This skill doesn't give you all the details (细节, 详情). It stops you spending time on things you don't really want or need to read.

    Skim (略读)—if it's short and simple (简单的). Skimming is a good way to get ideas of light reading like popular magazines or sports and entertainment (娱乐) papers.

    Here's how to skim.

    ●Get your eyes to move fast. Sweep across each line.

    ●Pick up only a few ②key words in each line.

    Everybody skims differently. You and I may not pick up the same words when we skim the same piece, but we'll get a similar (相似的) idea of what it's mainly about.

(1)、How many skills are recommended in this passage?
(2)、What should we do when we read sports news in a daily paper according to the passage?
A、Get our eyes to move fast. Sweep across each line. B、Pick up only a few key words in each line. C、Both A and

Idioms are phrases and sentences that do not mean exactly what they say. Even if you know the meaning of each word you see or hear, you may not understand the idiom because you don't understand the culture behind it.
For example, if an American boy asks his mother what's for dinner tomorrow, she may say “I'll play it by ear”, that means she doesn't have plans for dinner and she will decide later. "Play by ear" used to mean playing music using the sheet music, but now people often use it when they're not talking about music.
There're many idioms in English. If you learn to use them, your English will be more vivid and colorful. English idioms are more common in spoken English. They can be difficult to remember sometimes. Next time when you hear somebody saying to you, "Give me a hand", you don't necessarily stretch out your hand to him/her, but you do need to be helpful. And when the situation is out of hand, you usually can do very little to manage all that. What about a green hand? It's not about the color of your hand! You're a green hand when you are very new at your work and don't have much experience. If you and your partner always work together hand in glove, you two definitely work together very well.
Can you guess the meanings of some common English idioms to do with parts of your body?
{#blank#}1{#/blank#} What is an idiom ?
{#blank#}2{#/blank#} What does “ Can you give me a hand “ mean ?
{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Are English idioms more common in written English or spoken English ?

Every year in English-speaking countries, people list the most popular names. Here are some examples. In the United States at the moment, the three most popular names are Emily, Emma, and Madison. For boys, they are Michael, Joshua and Mathew. In Britain parents today might call their little girl Grace, Jessica or Ruby. If they have a little boy, they could call him Jack, Thomas or Oliver.
In China names have very clear meanings. If a girl is called Mei, her name means “beautiful”. If a boy is called “Wu”, his name means “ like a soldier”. Names in English-speaking countries are like this too. The girl's name Joy is probably chosen because the parents with their daughter to be joyful and bring joy to others. If a girl is Ruby, it may be because of the beautiful valuable stone.
Parents often pick names that can be shortened. They might choose such names because they want to be able to speak to their child in a personal way.
For exampale, a popualr name is William. But William can be shortened to Will, Willy, Bill and Billy. The same is true of the favourite old name for a girl, Elizabeth. Elizabeth can be shortened to Beth, Liza and Liz.
Another reason children get the names is that parents want their boy or girl after someone who is famous, such as an actor, a pop star or sports star. David is a popular name in Britain, partly because David Beckham is a famous footballer.
{#blank#}1{#/blank#} At the moment, Michael is one of the three most popular names for boys _______ while Grace for __________ in Britain.
{#blank#}2{#/blank#} Mei means ________ and Ruby means ________ according to the passage.
{#blank#}3{#/blank#} From this passage, we know that both parents in ________ countries and in China would like to choose names for their __________.
{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Parents often pick names that can be _________ so that they can ____________ in a personal way.
{#blank#}5{#/blank#} David is a popular name in Britain partly __________________ the famous football _____________, David Beckham.


A. Donating blood is not difficult.

B. Then the blood can be used for people in need.

C. In fact, blood is the gift of life and keeps us alive.

D. Donating blood is not only one of the easiest ways to save lives.

E. Most people are able to donate blood again in several months if they wish.

    Seeing blood in a horror movie might make you cover your eyes, but real blood isn't scary at all.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} That's why blood donors are considered lifesavers.

    Blood donors are those giving blood—usually about 200ml at a time—to blood banks or blood donation (捐赠) centers. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} For example, someone may have lost blood in accidents, or have a serious illness that requires his blood to be replaced. Hospitals and blood banks store the blood and try to keep enough on hand.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Medical workers ask donors several questions to make sure the blood is safe to use. Then the donors relax, often reading a magazine or talking as their blood is drawn. Afterward, the donors may receive some juice or water and maybe fruit to give them energy. The process is simple, not scary. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} To give blood, a person must be at least 18 years old and must meet certain other requirements.

    Students of all ages, though, can learn more about the donation process by visiting a local blood donation center. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It is also an easy way to help a community.

