
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I was a single parent of four small children, working at a low-paid job. Money was always tight, but we had a 1 over our heads, food on the table, clothes on our backs, and if not a lot, always 2. Not knowing we were poor, my kids just thought I was 3. I've always been glad about that.

    It was Christmas time, and although there wasn't 4 for a lot of gifts, we planned to celebrate with a family party. But the big 5 for the kids was the fun of Christmas 6.

    They planned weeks ahead of time, asking 7 what they wanted for Christmas. Fortunately, I had saved $120 for 8 to share by all five of us.

    The big9 arrived. I gave each kid a twenty-dollar bill and 10 them to look for gifts of about four dollars each. Then everyone scattered(散开). We had two hours to shop; then we would 11 back at the “Santa's Workshop”.

    Driving home, everyone was in high Christmas spirits(情绪), 12 my younger daughter, Ginger, who was unusually 13. She had only one small, flat(瘪的) bag with a few candies—fifty-cent candies! I was so angry, but I didn't say anything 14 we got home. I called her into my bedroom and closed the door, 15 to be angry again. This is what she told me.

    “I was looking 16 thinking of what to buy, and I 17 to read the little cards in the ‘Giving Trees.' One was for a little girl, four years old, and all she 18 for Christmas was a doll(玩具娃娃). So I took the card off the tree and 19 the doll for her. We have so much and she doesn't have anything.”

    I never felt so 20as I did that day.

A、hat B、roof C、cloud D、star
A、little B、less C、more D、enough
A、polite B、strict C、serious D、sad
A、money B、room C、time D、date
A、anger B、problem C、surprise D、excitement
A、shopping B、traveling C、parties D、greetings
A、the other B、each other C、one by one D、every other one
A、toys B、clothes C、presents D、bills
A、day B、chance C、card D、tree
A、benefited B、reminded C、invited D、forgave
A、draw B、stay C、move D、meet
A、including B、except C、beside D、for
A、quiet B、excited C、happy D、healthy
A、since B、after C、until D、while
A、ready B、able C、curious D、afraid
A、out B、over C、forward D、around
A、forgot B、stopped C、failed D、hated
A、wanted B、did C、built D、played
A、made B、searched C、bought D、fetched
A、angry B、rich C、patient D、terrified

    Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always strict. What's more, he is quite different from others in ideas and 1: beating or bringing to account his son in the presence of neighbors as he strongly believes in such a2: a dutiful son is the 3 of the rod, which is deeply impressed in his mind from his father. So I was emotionally upset and 4 in spite of just a 10-year-old kid, who thought, “I was randomly beaten, so I would bring blows on other smaller kids”. And Dad would deal me a heavier 5the next time.

    It 6 that I completely lost control of this blow and found it impossible for me to 7 on my lessons as I came to blows with other kids all day long . Everything went from bad to worse for me so much 8 I couldn't write out the English alphabet, 9 could I do arithmetic (算术). 10, I was sent into a reformatory school(劳教所) where I stayed guilty for two and a half years. This time Dad shed bitter tears , saying, “Son, it is not that I don't love you but that I should not have been so angry at your failure to 11 my expectations!”

    Retiring from the army, he gave me 10,000 US dollars for a trip around the world. 12 getting back from this trip, he said to me, “Book knowledge is 13 valuable but he who travels far and wide should know better at the time of your life. I guess you are now fully prepared to get started for work.” At 26, I started up Runhua Machinery Co., Ltd., which was later poorly 14 and went bankrupt(破产); it was not long 15I started to engage in a dye-stuff plant which happened to be blown up. At all these, my father only gave me such words, “I will congratulate you on your god-given setbacks and failures, which will help you make 16 mistakes in life.”

    The Ph.D. graduation ceremony was grandly started and my parents were 17 invited to 18. Dad didn't say a single word 19 me but cried bitterly again this time, and at this very moment, my mind was in a state of 20 emotions and I stood on the stage with warm tears in my eyes.


    There are many kinds of friends. Some are always1you, but don't understand you. Some say only a few words to you, but understand you. Many people will step in your life, but only2friends leave footprints.

    I shall always recall the autumn and the girl with the3. She will always bring back the friendship between us. I know she will always be my best friend.

    It was the golden season. I could see the yellow leaves4in the cool wind. In such a5, I liked walking alone in the leaves,6to the sound of them.

    Autumn is a harvest season and7is uninteresting. The free days always get me8. But one day, the sound of a violin9into my ears like a stream flowing in the mountains. I was so surprised that I jumped to see what it was. A young girl, standing in the wind, was10in playing her violin.

    I had11seen her before. The music was so nice that I listened quietly. Lost in the music, I didn't know that I had been12there for so long but my existence did not seem to disturb her.

    Leaves were still falling. Every day she played the violin in the corner of the building13I went downstairs to watch her performance. I was the only listener. The autumn seemed no longer lonely and life became14.Though we didn't know each other, I thought we were already good15. I believe she also liked me.

    Autumn was nearly over. One day, when I was listening carefully, the sound suddenly16.To my surprise, the girl came over to me.

    “You must like violin.” she said.

    “Yes. And you play very well. Why did you stop?” I asked.

Suddenly, a17expression appeared on her face and I could feel something unusual.

    “I came here to see my grandmother, but now I must leave. I once played very badly. It was your listening every day that18me.” she said.

    “In fact, it was your playing19gave me a meaningful autumn,” I answered, “Let's be friends.”

    The girl smiled, and so did I.

    I never heard her play again in my life. I no longer went downstairs to listen like before. Only thick leaves were left behind. But I will always remember the fine figure(身影) of the girl. She is like a20so short, so bright, like a shooting star giving off much light that makes the autumn beautiful.


    Angela Fullmer already had enough to handle. She'd recently completed her bachelor's degree and she had given birth to her 1 baby Atreyu just three months before.

    So at 1:30 a.m. March 15, when her dog Capone was barking 2 in their home, she yelled, "Shut up! You're going to 3 the baby."

    He wouldn't 4.

    She called for Capone to come to her.

    He wouldn't come.

    The dog 5 comes, she said, ever since she and husband, Isaac, 6 the wandering animal from a busy highway 18 months ago.

    Capone just looked at her and ran back to the 7.

    Fullmer, 32 — who has a 8 about dogs — thought something wasn't 9. Tired as she was, she went to 10 what was going on in the kitchen.

    The plug for the microwave was on fire. The fire seemed 11 at first, but she knew she needed to get the 12 out fast. She scooped up her 13 baby Atreyu, and then grabbed her 20-month-old toddler Mondecai. She yelled for her oldest, Landon, 12, to help 14 the other children.

    By the time most of the children were heading out.15 shot up to the kitchen ceiling and the smoke alarm 16 went off. She called 911 and did a roll call. Her nine children were all 17 outside the house.

    Capone? He had barked and barked for two minutes before the fire alarm even 18. He had saved their lives.

    "He 19 his family," Fullmer said. "I'm glad we found him on the 20."


    Jim and his sister May walked in the street, and then they noticed a pet store. It was a very small pet store that didn't have many 1. The owner of the shop, Mr Smith, greeted Jim and May when they 2. May said, "We would like to buy a dog." "Ah, well, our shop is not very 3," Mr Smith told her. "So we only have two dogs to choose 4."

    They asked Mr Smith to 5 them the dogs. Mr Smith took them to see the two dogs. One was a big Bulldog named Buster. The other was a tiny Chihuahua named Teacup. May wanted Teacup, 6 Jim wanted Buster. They walked outside to 7. They couldn't agree 8 a dog. May 9 they race home for it. The one who won the race could choose the dog.

    Jim agreed, and then told May her shoelace was loose. When May 10. he ran off to get a head start. Jim ran as 11 as he could because he really wanted that Bulldog. When he looked back, he found May was so 12 behind that he couldn't even see her. Jim finally got home. He was 13 but happy. He knew he was the 14. May arrived a few minutes later. She congratulated him and they 15 the pet store together. However, when they arrived they 16 saw Teacup. They asked Mr Smith where Buster was.

    Mr Smith gave them a(n) 17 that a few minutes after May and Jim left, two boys walked in and bought the Bulldog.

    Jim looked at May, and she held 18 a smile. Jim 19 and turned back to Mr Smith. "Sometimes you win the 20, but not the prize!" Jim smiled sadly. "We'll take the Chihuahua, please."


    I've heard such a story.

    On a Friday1, a poor young artist stood at the gate of the subway station, playing his violin. The music was2, and many people3and put some money into the 4of the young man.

    The next night, the young artist took out a large piece of5and laid it on the ground. Then he began 6. The music sounded more pleasant. Some people gathered and they found the 7on that paper. “Last night, a gentleman put a(n)8thing into my hat. Please come to get it back.” When the people saw that, they felt very curious and began to9what it could be. After about half an hour, a man 10there in a hurry and said, “It can't be true!You …you …”.

    The young violinist asked, “Did you11 something?” “Lottery (彩票).”the man answered12.

    The violinist took out a lottery ticket. “Is it?” he asked. The man was too 13to say a word… George Sang 14 a lottery ticket a few days ago. The awards(奖)opened yesterday and he won $500,000. So lucky and excited did he feel that he 1550 dollars and put it into the hat when hearing the music. However, the lottery ticket was also thrown into the hat without being noticed. The violinist found the lottery ticket. Thinking that the owner would 16to look for it, he came back to where he was given the lottery ticket.

    Someone asked the violinist17 he returned the lottery ticket to the man. He said, “18 I don't have much19 , I live happily; but if I lose20 I won't be happy forever.”


    A lady wanted a birthday gift from her husband. For many months she had liked a beautiful 1, and knowing her husband could 2 it, she told him that was all she wanted. On the morning of the 3 husband told her how 4 he was to have such a good wife, and how much he loved her. He 5 her beautiful gift package (盒). She opened it and 6 a Bible. 7, she raised her voice and said to her husband. "With all your money, you give me a Bible?" She was so 8 that she left him.

    Many years passed and the lady was very 9 in business. She owned two large companies. She 10 her husband was very old, and thought perhaps she should go to 11 him. But before she could, she 12 a letter telling her that he had died, and gave all of his possessions (财产) to her. She needed to come back 13 take care of things.

    When she arrived at his house, sadness 14 her heart. She saw the still new 15, just she had left it years before. With 16 she opened it and began to turn the pages. A ring 17 from Bible to the floor and a 18 could be seen. She picked it up and found it was the ring she wanted in those days. And on the card was the date of her birth, and the words "LOVE YOU ALWAYS".

    19 your gift is not packaged the way you want it, it's because it is better packaged! Always appreciate little things; they usually lead you to bigger things in the world! The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched for they must be felt with the 20.

