
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    As one of the world's oldest holidays, Halloween is still celebrated today in several countries around the globe, but it is in North America and Canada that it maintains its highest level of popularity. Every year, 65% of Americans decorate their homes and offices for Halloween. Halloween is the holiday when the most candy is sold and is second only to Christians in terms of total sales.


    In Austria, some people will leave bread, water and a lighted lamp on the table before retiring on Halloween night. The reason for this is that it was once believed such items would welcome the dead souls back to earth on a night which for the Austrians was considered to be brimming(溢)with strong cosmic energies.


    The Belgians believe that it is unlucky for a black cat to cross one's path and also unlucky if it should enter a home or travel on a ship. The custom in Belgium on Halloween night is to light candles in memory of dead relatives.


    Modern Halloween celebrations in Canada began with the arrival of Scottish and Irish immigrants in the 1800s. Jack- O- Lantern is carved and the festivities include parties, trick-or-treating and the decorating of homes with pumpkins and corn stalks.


    Unlike most nation of the world, Halloween is not celebrated by the French in order to honor the dead and departed ancestors. It is regarded as an “American” holiday in France and was unknown in the country until around 1996.

(1)、In which countries does Halloween have its highest level of popularity?

A、France and North America. B、Canada and North America. C、Austria and Canada. D、Belgium and Canada.
(2)、Why will people leave bread, water and a lighted lamp on the table in Austria?

A、These items would welcome the dead souls back to earth B、These items are used to respect ancestors C、These items are just for fun D、The other items can replace them
(3)、In which country does Halloween is not celebrated as the others?

A、Canada. B、Belgium. C、Austria. D、France.

    Although problems are a part of our lives, it certainly doesn't mean that we let them rule our lives forever. One day or the other, you'll have to stand up and say – problem, I don't want you in my life.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Problems with friends, parents, girlfriends, husbands, and children – the list goes on. Apart from these, the inner conflicts within ourselves work, too. These keep adding to our problems. Problems come in different shapes and colors and feelings.

    But good news is that all problems can be dealt with. Now read on to know how to solve your problems.

    Talk, it really helps. What most of us think is that our problem can be understood only by us and that no talking is going to help. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} Talking helps you move on and let go.

    Write your problems. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}When you write down your problems, you are setting free all the tension from your system. You can try throwing away the paper on which you wrote your problems. By doing this, imagine yourself throwing away the problems from your life.

    Don't lose faith and hope. No matter what you lose in life, don't lose faith and hope. Even if you lose all your money, family… you should still have faith. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    Your problems aren't the worst. No matter what problem you get in life, there're another one million people whose problems are huger than yours. {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Your problems might just seem big and worse, but in reality they can be removed.

    Go about and solve your problems because every problem, however big or small, always has a way out.

A. But the truth is that when you talk about it, you're setting free the negative energies that have been gathering within you.

B. When we have a problem, a pressing, critical, urgent, life-threatening problem, how do we try and solve it?

C. Tell yourself: when they can deal with them, why can't I?

D. Of course, we've been fighting troubles ever since we were born.

E. We can often overcome the problem and achieve the goal by making a direct attack.

F. Having a personal diary can also be of huge help if you don't want a real person to talk with.

G. With faith and hope, you can rebuild everything that you lose.


    Founded in 2010, Wall Street Daily is an independent, honest publisher of news and opinions regarding global financial markets. Its writing staff consists of gifted journalists and investment(投资) professionals. They provide original, practical ideas based on superior insights into value and where and how to find it. They learn facts others don't, they see things differently, and they do a better job to earn money. The following experts are most outstanding of them.

Robert Williams is the Publisher and Founder of Wall Street Daily. Before launching Wall Street Daily, he was the lead financial analyst for Forbes Top 50 private corporation and an analyst to one of the largest academic donations on Earth. Williams has worked alongside venture capitalists(风险投资商), bestselling authors, multi-million-dollar hedge fund(对冲基金)manager, and even billionaire owners of major professional sports merchants. Since launching Wall Street Daily, it's estimated that Williams has helped unlock $26 million in new investor wealth.

Louis Basenese helped direct over $1 billion in institutional capital at Morgan Stanley before leaving Wall Street for Silicon Valley. Now, as the world's premier venture capital analyst, Louis tracks early investment opportunities born from technological breakthroughs and new drug discoveries. Louis serves as the Investment Director for his wildly popular publications True Alpha, Extreme Alpha, and Venture Cap Strategist.

For 27 years, Martin Hutchinson was an international merchant banker in London, New York, and Zagreb. He ran trading platforms for two European banks before serving as director of a Spanish venture capital company, advisor to the Korean company Sunkyong, and chairman of a U.S. group building company company. In Zagreb, he established the Croation debt capital markets, set up the corporate finance operations of Privredna Banka Zagreb, and arranged for the management of 800,000 frozen Macedonian for eign currency savings accounts.


    Such chronic (慢性的) diseases as heart disease, stroke, cancer and lung disorders are the most leading causes of death in the world. Yet health experts say these conditions are often the most preventable.

    The World Health Organization (WHO) points out chronic diseases lead to about 17 million early deaths each year. The United Nations (UN) agency expects more than 380 million people to die of chronic diseases by 2015. About 80% of the deaths will happen in developing nations.

    Chronic diseases now cause two-thirds of all deaths in the Asia-Pacific area. In ten years it could be almost three-fourths. People are getting sick in their most economically productive years. In fact, chronic diseases are killing more middle-aged people in poorer countries than in richer ones. The WHO estimates (估计) that chronic diseases will cost China alone more than 500,000 million dollars in the next ten years. That estimate represents the costs of medical treatment and lost productivity. Russia and India are also expected to face huge economic losses.

    According to a WHO report, deaths from chronic diseases have increased largely as the result of economic gains in many countries. Until recently infectious and parasitic (寄生的) diseases have been the main killers in Asia and the Pacific but they are no longer the major cause of death in most countries.

As many as 80% of the deaths from chronic diseases could be prevented, health officials say. An important tool for governments is to limit the marketing of alcohol and tobacco to young people. Also, more programs are needed to urge healthy eating and more physical activity.

    The UN aims to reduce chronic-disease deaths by 2% each year by international action through 2015, that's to say, 36 million lives could be saved, including 25 million in Asia and the Pacific.


    There are an unbelievable number of reasons to go to Greece; just like there are an unbelievable number of things to do once a traveler arrives there. Here is a look at just some of the great historical things to see when on holiday in Athens, Greece.


    Agora lies in ruins now, but during its glory days it was a lively and active open marketplace where Greeks came to buy, sell, and exchange their goods and services. Agora has ties to common people of ancient Greece.  Guided tours are available and there is also a small museum with many artifacts from this area on display.


    One of the most famous landmarks in Athens is the legendary Parthenon. This building is still today admired by architects who are appreciative of the decorative design, as well as the engineering involved in its construction.  Those interested in history will be impressed beyond belief with the opportunity to see this historic structure up close and personal.

    Temple of Olympian Zeus

    One of the most impressive monuments to see up close is the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Many people see this monument from far away, or even from the window of a taxi, and never stop for a first hand look themselves. This is a huge mistake as the size of it cannot truly be appreciated without visiting it up close.

    Odeum of Herodes Atticus

    Built into the hillside and providing a nice view of Athens is the Odeum of Herodes Atticus. This theater was constructed in the second century and was an important gathering place for both the upper and lower classes. It holds a little over 5,000 people, is located just below the Acropolis, and is still used for performances to this day.


    I was with a group of businessmen, and we were dealing with a question — what is a good person?

    At a certain point during the discussion, one of the students, a young man of about 30, described an event that happened at Christmas. He and his five-year-old son were decorating the Christmas tree, and a little boy came to the front door begging. If you ever visit Mexico, you will see that the people there take begging as nothing to get upset about and nothing to get embarrassed by.

    So, this little boy came to the door, a boy about the same age as my student's son. The father and the son went to the front door, and the father went back with his five-year-old son and said to him, “Give him one of your toys.” At the words, the little boy quickly picked up one toy, and his father said to him, “No, no, give him your favorite toy.”

    And the little boy, like a little tiger, said, “No way!” He cried; he refused. But the father, like a big tiger in a way, insisted gently, “No, you must give him one of your favorite toys.”

    And finally the boy, with his head down, picked up a toy he had just gotten. The father waited in the living room, and the boy walked to the front door with the toy in his hand. The father waited and waited.

    What do you think happened?

    After a couple of minutes, his son came running back into the living room, his face lighted up. “Daddy,” he said, “can I do that again?” I think I have got the answer to the question.

