
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



In February 2021, a young man in Italy posted a video on Tik Tok about his new neighbor—and their unbelievable piano talent! They 1 their friendship by two pianos separated by one wall.

One day in January, the young man 2an idea when he heard the music from his neighbor. He wrote a note to his neighbor and 3him to play a song together: the classic "My Heart Will Go On" by Celine Dion.

The next day, hearing the music from the neighbor, the young man was both 4and moved. Their communication soon 5piano duets (二重奏)through the wall, where each of them would create great music together.

Later, the young man 6that his neighbor's name was Emil and he was 78 years old. His wife had passed away in December from COVIEM9. Emil felt so sad and the only 7 thing left to him was playing the piano. He played it for his wife at 2 pm every weekend.

8 , Emil passed away in his sleep a few weeks later. When the young man learned the news, he felt so sad. To express his feeling, the young man wrote a letter to Emil, "Dear Emil, I knew very little about you,9 you changed my life. You gave me back my passion (激情),and we shared that with the world. You'll be in my 10.keep playing, thinking of how powerful music can be. You said I was your light, but you've been mine, too. Bye, Emil. "

A、heard B、chaiigcd C、built D、cut
A、came up with B、looked forward to C、stayed away from D、got out of
A、allowed B、invited C、took D、taught
A、bored B、tired C、excited D、worried
A、turned into B、broke into C、looked into D、ran into
A、learned B、said C、hoped D、doubted
A、famous B、correct C、strange D、happy
A、Unluckily B、Hopefully C、Perfectly D、Probably
A、and B、but C、so D、or
A、way B、house C、bag D、heart

{#blank#}1{#/blank#}John's mobile phone didn't work this morning because it was short of electricity. After checking it, he found something wrong with the battery. He had to buy a new one and throw the old one away.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#}Tim will graduate from university. He has some useful books which helped him to pass the exams. But now they are not valuable to him. He wants to give them away to others.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Betty was born in a rich family. She can buy any clothes she likes from shops. But she never wears them more than three times. She thinks it is a kind of waste. So she wants to give them away to the people who need them.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}Jacky is fond of drinking a bottle of beer each meal. Now he has collected many beer bottles. He hopes to make more money by selling them.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}Lucy's sofa was broken last week. Today she bought a new set of sofa. She has no room for the old sofa and she would like to find a place to put it.

A. Don't throw your old bottles here and there. You should put them into the dustbins around you. Remember not to break the bottles, or they may hurt you or the cleaners who collect them.

B. This is the school library. You are allowed to do some reading here. If you have some books which you don't need, you can give them away to us. We'll be thankful for your kindness.

C. If you have old furniture you don't need, you can give it away to the charity. Maybe someone else needs it. Don't throw it into the rubbish station.

D. In our waste collecting shop, you can sell all the things you don't need, such as old newspapers, paper bags and bottles. We will offer you some money for your old things.

E. The batteries can do great harm to the earth where you throw them. They will pollute the earth for a long time. So, don't throw your old batteries everywhere. Just put them into a certain dustbin so that cleaners can deal with them easily.

F. This dustbin is set here for the visitors to throw their rubbish, especially something that can be recycled. Batteries and something like them are not allowed to throw here.

G. We are a public service organization. Now it is cold winter. We don't have enough clothes to keep warm. If you have any clothes you don't need, please send them to us. We will be very thankful for your help.


Have you ever had lucid (清醒的) dreams? Recent studies suggest that the number of people having them is on the rise. Someone having a lucid dream realizes they are dreaming and may from then on" direct" the action, or they may simply " watch" the dream unfold. The sense of awareness (知道) makes it different from a dream that is simply very lively and true to life. And although the description may seem strange, the process is far from alien to many of us.

Studies suggest that the number of people in the Western world experiencing lucid dreams, which happen once in a while, has risen by between 10 and 40 per cent since the 1980s. Today, they are so common that about one in eight of us will have one in our lives. But still, little is known about what causes them or what is behind the rise.

Research carried out at the respected Harvard University in the US shows that the brain is working hard during lucid dreams. In fact, the level of the mental (精神

的) activity in some parts of the brain is similar to that of a person who is awake. Lucid dreamers seem to share certain personal characters. For example, in general they are quite creative. They are also good at digging deep into problems and going out of their way to solve them. Furthermore, they always believe in personal responsibility rather than letting society carry the can.

Our nightmares (噩梦) may show our waking worries, with the five most common ones-- falling, being run after, feeling disabled, being late and the death of a loved one. Men are more likely to have nightmares about fights or being fired while hair and tooth loss appear more in women's nightmares-perhaps showing worries about losing their looks. Research has also found that women have more nightmares than men. Their dreams are also scarier and more unforgettable.


when, again, lay, cookies, with, bring, such, how, taste, home, gradually

Rick and his 70-year-old mother lived together in a town. Rick preferred {#blank#}1{#/blank#} when he was young. Influenced by Rick, his mother loved cookies too. So Rick often {#blank#}2{#/blank#} her different ones after work. 

{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Rick's mother got older, Rick had to send her to the nursing home far from his house because of Alzheimer's disease (阿尔茨海默病). His mother started to forget his name and her health condition was worse {#blank#}4{#/blank#}. She often asked, "Who are you?" Rick told her he was her son {#blank#}5{#/blank#} and again. She called his name happily and reached for his hands. 

One day, Rick saw a shop on his way to the nursing {#blank#}6{#/blank#}. So he bought some cookies as before. After his mother ate them, she {#blank#}7{#/blank#} down and rested. Rick sat close to the bed. His mother held his hands and fell asleep {#blank#}8{#/blank#} a smile. 

Rick looked at his sleeping mother and recalled his childhood. His mother used to buy him cookies and he always enjoyed the {#blank#}9{#/blank#} just like his mother now. What sweet memories! Rick hugged his mom and told her {#blank#}10{#/blank#} much he loved her. 

Rick's mother passed away 3 months later. Rick would never forget her smile. It was {#blank#}11{#/blank#} a beautiful moment.


Long ago in China, there lived five brothers who looked almost the same. The only way to tell them was by their amazing 1 . First Brother was as strong as ten horses. Second Brother could fly in the sky like a bird. Third Brother could 2 an ant sneeze (打喷嚏). Fourth Brother could make his body iron hard. Fifth Brother could make a river when he cried.

One day, Fifth Brother came across a strange 3 . When he was enjoying the delicious apple picked from the garden, 4 three men appeared. They took him to the owner of the garden. The owner was a bad, greedy man. He 5 Fifth Brother in his deepest prison. He said only if Fifth Brother 6 the treasure of Fire Island to him, he could set Fifth Brother free. Fire Island was in the middle of a nearby 7 . A dragon lived there, guarding its treasure. Stealing it seemed like a(n) 8 task, but Fifth Brother agreed to try.

That night, far away, 9 Brother heard Fifth Brother call for help. After listening to his story, Third Brother told other brothers what had happened. They made a 10 to go to help their brother get the treasure.

The next day, the five brothers worked together and with great 11 , they got the treasure from the dragon in the lake. Then Fifth Brother gave it to the owner. 12 the owner would not let Fifth Brother go because he thought Fifth Brother had many powers.

When Fifth Brother knew this, he started to 13 . Soon, his tears tan like a rushing river that swept the owner away.

Once the land dried out, the brothers journeyed home. They were 14 to be together again.

The next day, Fifth Brother said he was going on another walk. His brothers made him 15 that he would never eat in strange gardens again. Fifth Brother laughed and left.

