
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:真题 难易度:普通



To improve your reading, you can try the form of readers' theatre, a formatted script for readers to read aloud. It's so interesting!

Cast of Characters: Narrator, Kayla, Ms. Lee, Zack   

Narrator: On a sunny day in southern Texas, Ms. Lee's students gathered in the school playground.

Ms. Lee: Tomorrow is the day of the sidewalk (人行道) chalk-art festival. The principal has allowed us to practise our wet-chalk drawing on the playground sidewalk, which will be our studio, Remember, whenever you want to draw on a sidewalk, always ask an adult in charge for permission before you draw. Now let's review the steps of wet-chalk drawing. What do we do first?

Narrator: As the students told her the steps in order, Ms. Lee wrote them on a large pad of paper. When she finished writing, she pulled the paper off the pad and displayed the directions so everyone could read them. Then the students chose and soaked (浸湿) their pieces of chalk. Meanwhile, Kayla and Zack planned their drawing.

Kayla: Let's draw a jungle feast. Parrots can be eating all kinds of fruit.

Zack: I'll draw a model train carrying food to the birds.

Narrator: The students removed their pieces of chalk from the water and drew. As Zack drew a sweeping curve of train track, his hand knocked over the jar of water. He and Kayla watched water streak across their drawing.

Zack: Our drawing is ruined (毁坏)!

Kayla: Don't be so worried! Quick, mix the water and the chalk together! Now lets use more chalk and smear (涂抹) it around.

Narrator: Kayla and Zack worked quickly. The smeared colours looked glorious, like rich, thick frosting on a cake.

Ms. Lee: That looks great! That's a special method you're using, kids. Are you two interested in taking part in the chalk-art festival tomorrow? The timetable for the festival says that drawing starts at 9:00 a. m.

Kayla and Zack: Sure!

Kayla: Tomorrow we'11 pour water over our drawing on purpose.

Zack: Then we'll know just what to do!

(1)、What do we know about readers' theatre?
A、A place for readers to enjoy plays. B、A reading material for people to read aloud. C、A series of steps for children to draw on the sidewalk. D、A number of people gathering together to play games.
(2)、What does the underlined word "streak" in the passage mean?
A、Rise rapidly. B、Move quickly. C、Disappear suddenly. D、Swim slowly.
(3)、The narrator in the readers' theatre __________________.
A、tells the whole story in a silent way   B、gives instructions to the characters C、helps the characters understand the story D、describes settings and events
(4)、What does the underlined sentence "Tomorrow we'll pour water over our drawing on purpose." at the end of the passage mean?
A、Kayla and Zack will ruin their drawing with water for fun. B、Kayla and Zack will find the steps by accident by themselves. C、Kayla and Zack will draw as well as their teacher by pouring water. D、Kayla and Zack will draw pictures using the method they discovered today.
在空格中填上适当的单词, 使对话完整正确。一空一词(含缩写词)。

A: Hi, Jill, I have noticed lots of"faded star(过气明星)" reappearing or the screen and winning tons of popularity, But before that, they were almost is {#blank#}1{#/blank#} in public. I hear that they got few chances to work as more and more younger ones coming out, Some of them made money by doing part-time jobs while others even borrow money to live. But how did they {#blank#}2{#/blank#}it without any chance to show?

B: Although they were once off the stage, they never stop treating themselves strictly, including body-shaping, and talents improving. Because they do{#blank#}3{#/blank#}any second on the stage and they must show their best. 

A: Also, I seldom hear gossip news(绯闻) about them. 

B: That's because they never he {#blank#}4{#/blank#}fame to get noticed. As long as they are listed as tainted entertainers(劣迹艺人), they will without doubt{#blank#}5{#/blank#} up being nobody like some online influences who break the law to make money. 

A: Compared with other online influences, I really appreciate Dong Yuhui. How {#blank#}6{#/blank#} he is about Chinese literature and English. As a live-streaming sale(带货主播), he {#blank#}7{#/blank#}fans by introducing culture related to product. Although he has millions of fans, he{#blank#}8{#/blank#} the one who like to read, share, and encourage the young who get {#blank#}9{#/blank#} in failure. 

B:Like them, many high flyers(杰出人物) in other{#blank#}10{#/blank#} have something in common: they don't take overnight success seriously, but they are always running ahead with a strong will, 

