
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

牛津版(深圳·广州)初中英语九年级下册第二模块检测卷 (Units 3 & 4)


    Thirteen-year-old Cindy had been bullied (欺凌) at school for about two years. Her bag, keys and mobile phone had been stolen. She had also been knocked off her bicycle, kicked and punched (以拳重击).

    Cindy tried to fight back, but it always seemed to be her, not the bullies, who got into trouble. She became so afraid of going to school that she started to be absent from her classes.

    Finally, her headmaster set up a special plan, asking students to look after one another. He gave Cindy the courage to play the guitar in a school concert, which gave Cindy new confidence and helped her receive respect from the other students. Gradually, the bullying began to stop.

    Cindy's story is not uncommon, but help is out there. All schools in the UK now have to follow strict bullying policies (政策). There are many charities and organizations giving support to young people, such as Bullying UK and Childline. So remember one very important piece of advice: If you are being bullied, don't put up with it—tell someone.

(1)、How old was Cindy when she was bullied the first time?
A、About 7. B、About9. C、About 11. D、About 13.
(2)、Why was Cindy absent from her classes?
A、Because she couldn't deal with her trouble. B、Because she was afraid of her teachers. C、Because she liked playing. D、Because she had to work.
(3)、How did Cindy receive respect?
A、By fighting back. B、By setting up a special plan. C、By playing the guitar in a school concert. D、By asking an organization for help.
(4)、The underlined phrase "put up with" in the last paragraph means "_________".
A、stand B、refuse C、notice D、miss
(5)、What is the best title for this passage?
A、Disadvantages of bullying B、Bullying policies C、Leave bullying alone D、Say no to bullying

Mr. and Mrs. Albino, with 64 children, have the world's largest family. Not one of their children is adopted(领养).

When people hear about the Albinos' large family, the first question they ask is, "How is it possible? How can one woman give birth to 64 children in her lifetime?" The answer is simple: {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Soon after the Albinos got married, the children came quickly, in twos and threes. The first 21 children were boys. Mrs. Albino loved her sons, but she wanted a daughter very much.

The Albinos spent the early years in Argentina. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} To travel from Argentina to Chile, they had to cross the Andes Mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Albino and their 21 sons made the difficult, two-week journey on mules. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}

During the snowstorm, Mrs. Albino gave birth to triplets, a boy and two girls!

The oldest Albino children are in their thirties and forties. They are on their own now, but 18 of the Albino children still live with their parents. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} The shack has electricity but no toilet or running water. The children wash in a small bowl in the dusty backyard.

At times there is very little food in the Albinos' small house when there is not enough food for everyone, Mrs. Albino makes sure the youngest children do not go hungry. "The smallest eat first, and then the bigger ones. We've always done it that way," she says. Obviously, the Albinos do not have enough money for their big family, then, do they continue to have children?

The Albinos do not use birth control because it is against their religion(宗教). They could let other people take care of their children, but Mrs. Albino will not allow it, "When my two brothers and I were babies," she says, "our mother left us at an orphanage(孤儿院) and never returned. We lived there together until we were five. Then a couple adopted my brothers and I was left behind. I was heartbroken.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Even if I didn't have much money, I would always take care of my children by myself." Mrs. Albino has kept her promise.

A. Every time Mrs. Albino gave birth, she had twins or triplets.

B. One night there was a terrible snowstorm in the mountains.

C. Then they decided to move to Chile.

D. The family lives in a two- room shack(小屋) in Colina Chile.

E. Mrs. Albino loves her children very much.

F. I promised myself that when I became a mother, I would never give my children away.


    Nearly 7,000 medical workers in the team supporting Central China's Hubei province left the capital, Wuhan, the hardest-hit city in the novel coronavirus outbreak in China, and went back to their hometowns on Tuesday, March 31, marking the largest scale departure (离开) of medics (医学工作者)since the first group left on March 17. The Civil Aviation Administration of China has organized 51 planes to support the departure.

    More than 42,000 medics from other parts of the country have joined the battle with local medics to fight against COVID-19. The support teams came from 21 provinces, cities and autonomous regions(自治区) and some of them worked on several battlefields during the past months. The support team from the First Hospital of China Medical University in Shenyang, was among those in the group. Sixty members were in charge of treating COVID-19 patients in 100 beds in the Union Hospital and treated 174 patients who have been seriously ill since they arrived on Feb 10.

    Wang Zhenning, the leader of its support team, expressed his thanks to the Wuhan people who offered great help to them. "I am proud to witness and play a role in history. We've been here, seen it happen and become better. Wuhan is our second hometown. We will forever care about the city and the people fighting with us." he said.

    Wuhan city government showed great thanks to all medics in a letter, expressing their gratefulness of the medics' efforts to save lives in the battle. "Thanks to your arrival, Wuhan welcomes today's peace and stability. We will always remember your kindness!" the letter said. In it, the city government also invited the medics to visit Wuhan in the future for sightseeing. Local people volunteered to line up and see medics off as the medics left for home after finishing their mission(使命) in Wuhan. Wuhan traffic police led the way for medics to the airport.

