
试题 试卷


题型:听力题 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


(1)、Fairy penguins are the ____________ penguins in the world.
A、fattest B、largest C、smallest
(2)、How tall are fairy penguins?
A、About 3 centimeters tall. B、About 13 centimeters tall. C、About 30 centimeters tall.
(3)、Where do fairy penguins lay eggs?
A、In the sea. B、On land. C、In a hole under the sea.
(4)、Fairy penguins are in danger. One of the reasons is that _____________.
A、they often get hurt B、there is no enough food C、they are losing their homes because of pollution
(5)、According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?
A、Fairy penguins are good at swimming and flying. B、It's the father and mother penguins' task to sit on the eggs. C、Fairy penguins live in the north of Australia and in New Zealand.
