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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Not long ago, "blind box economy" suddenly became popular, winning the heart of large numbers of faithful fans. People simply get interested in it. A couple spent 200 thousand yuan on them. Another sixty-year-old guy spent over 700 thousand yuan in buying blind boxes. Statistics showed that last year 300 thousand hobbyists made deals through a second-hand shopping platform.

The blind boxes usually contain peripheral (周边的) dolls of comics and animation, or film and television, or specially designed ones. A single blind box usually costs about thirty to fifty yuan. But there is no mark on the box, and only after opening it can the buyer see what he has bought. This is rather like buying lottery tickets, for the buyer has to bet on his luck.

However, addiction to blind box is much like that to gambling (赌博). It is highly nontransparent compared with lottery ticket. Nobody knows whether sellers of blind boxes exaggerated (夸大) the winning rate so as to attract people to buy them, thus digging a consumption trap. Besides, it is also unknown whether the objects in the blind boxes are genuine or not. The blind box economy promoted its second-hand trade. The price of some classic dolls or dolls of limited edition have skyrocketed in second-hand trade platforms, and some may reach thirty to forty times. But it is difficult for buyers to judge whether it is the result of real supply and demand, or the consequence of businessmen's tricks.

The basis of the "blind box economy" is the cultural trend of collection. Many of the target consumers are young people who have scanty experience of life. They are thus attracted by deliberately exaggerated probability of "winning a prize" and constantly throw money to buy blind boxes in order to gain dolls that they desire. Or they may buy at second-hand trade platform high-priced blind box dolls, thinking they can keep value preservation and appreciation, thus falling into the fixed pattern of trap carefully designed by businessmen.

Therefore, it is necessary to remind young people to control their consumption in case they become addicted.

(1)、A couple and a sixty-year-old guy are mentioned in Para.1 to ________.
A、stress the importance of "blind box economy" to people B、tell how much money people spend on "blind box economy" C、show the popularity of "blind box economy" among people D、prove older people can afford more to buy "blind box economy"
(2)、Which may NOT be the contributing factor to "blind box economy"?
A、The fondness of gambling to bet on their luck. B、The high winning rate exaggerated by sellers. C、The blind faith in the cultural trend of collection D、The possibility of making a fortune in second-hand trade.
(3)、The underlined word "scanty" in Para. 4 probably means ________.
A、previous B、inadequate C、personal D、unforgettable
(4)、What's the author's purpose of writing the passage?
A、To inform readers of the "blind box economy". B、To promote the products of "blind box economy". C、To list the reasons behind the popularity of "blind box economy". D、To warn the consumers to think twice before buying blind boxes.

    Transparent animals let light pass through their bodies the same way light passes through a window. These animals typically live between 

the surface of the ocean and a depth of about 3,300 feet—as far as most light can reach. Most of them are extremely delicate and can be 

damaged by a simple touch. Sonke  Johnsen, a scientist in biology, says, “These animals live through their life alone. They never

touch anything unless they're eating it, or unless something is eating them.”

And they are as clear as glass. How does an animal become see-through? It's trickier than you might think.

      The objects around you are visible because they interact with light. Light typically travels in a straight line. But some materials slow and

 scatter(散射) light, bouncing it away from its original path. Others absorb light, stopping it dead in its tracks. Both scattering and absorption

 make an object look different from other objects around it, so you can see it easily.

But a transparent object doesn't absorb or scatter light, at least not very much, Light can pass through it without bending or stopping.

That means a transparent object doesn't look very different from the surrounding air or water. You don't see it —you see the things

behind it.

   To become transparent, an animal needs to keep its body from absorbing or scattering light. Living materials can stop light because they

contain pigments(色素) that absorb specific colors of light. But a transparent animal doesn't have pigments, so its tissues won't absorb

 light. According to  Johnsen, avoiding absorption is actually easy. The real challenge is preventing light from scattering.

Animals are built of many different materials—skin, fat, and more—and light moves through each at a different speed. Every time light

moves into a material with a new speed, it bends and scatters.Transparent animals use different tricks to fight scattering. Some animals are

simply very small or extremely flat. Without much tissue to scatter light, it is easier to be see--through. Others build a large, clear mass of

 non-living jelly-lie(果冻状的)material and spread themselves over it .

    Larger transparent animals have the biggest challenge, because they have to make all the different tissues in their bodies slow down light 

exactly as much as water does. They need to look uniform. But how they're doing it is still unknown. One thing is clear for these larger animals, staying transparent is an active process. When they die, they turn a non-transparent milky white.


    While it may seem like everyone surfs the web these days, there is fine line between casually checking your social media pages and having a full blown Internet addiction. If you fear that you may lose interest in other aspects of your life because you prefer to be on the Internet, you may be on your way to an Internet addiction. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}

Admit you are at risk of an addiction.

    More and more people in the world are becoming addicted to the Internet. You are not the only one with this problem; it is becoming more and more common and more and more well known. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}.

Set aside limited time for computer use.

    Make sure not to turn it on too many times a week. If you have a laptop, make sure to put it somewhere that you can remember but not somewhere that you see every day. Try keeping the lid closed when you are not using it; {#blank#}3{#/blank#} If you have a desktop PC, try not to go near it or put something over it like a sheet.

Call people instead of sending instant messages or texts.

    If you are free on weekends, call friends and ask them to go outside. This will distract you from the computer. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}

Use an alarm clock or timer.

    Before using your computer, decide on a time limit such as 30 minutes. Set the clock or timer and make sure that you get off the computer when the time is up. Alternatively create a shutdown timer on your desktop. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}.

A. Make a small list of what you want to do within that time.

B. When the computer is not looking at you, you are less likely to use it.

C. This can be programmed to shutdown your computer after the set time

D. Luckily, there are ways to avoid living your life in front of the computer.

E. This will stop you from using the Internet so often or going on to another page.

F. If you have a problem on weekdays, phone your friends or ask for help in person.

G. Do not be embarrassed; find others with the same problem and help each other beat it.


    This could be Micah Fitz, first spring without football practices. The 14-year-old has been playing since he was 3, but because he's home-schooled, he can't try out for the local team at Patriot High School in Prince William County, Virginia.

    “I can't play this half of the year and my friends are going to be playing five or six times a week,” he said. “They're going to be getting better and stronger playing with kids that are good.”

Micah and his family—along with many other home-schooling families across Virginia—are hoping the Virginia General Assemble will approve a bill this year that would allow kids like him to try out for sports on public school athletic teams. The bill, called the “Tebow bill”, is named after football player Tim Tebow, who was home-schooled but was allowed to play on a high school team before going to the University of Florida, where he led his team to two national championships.

    Many major statewide education organizations said the bill wouldn't be fair to public school students. Ken Tilley, the executive director of the Virginia High School League, said the bill would violate two of the league's most long-standing standards for qualification: enrollment (注册入学) and academic standing.

    Home-school advocates argue that they are required by the law to document academic progress. But many opponents say students always have the option of attending public high school. That might be what Sydney Bowman, a 12-year-old from Luchetts, will do to keep wrestling, although she would prefer to continue to be taught at home. In her case, girls' wrestling teams are rare enough that there aren't many options other than public school.

    But Micah' mom, Terri Fits, a former public school teacher, said that although they support the local schools and love to cheer on the teams, they like the flexibility of home-schooling.


    I look around and can't recognize where I am. It seems familiar but distant. I see my friends gather by a stage where music is playing and I run over. As I begin running towards them, they become further and further away. I keep calling them, but no one hears me. I start hearing a distant alarm-like sound and I am transported away. I woke up in a daze sitting in my bed.

    “Oh, it was only a dream,” I said to myself. I have always had vivid and intense dreams. It feels like I haven't even slept because I have been living out my dreams during my sleep.

    Today, dreaming is being studied even more than ever. Some say that dreams are how your receptors make sense of random thoughts while you sleep. Some say that you can't dream of a face you have never seen before, so everyone you see in your dreams you have at least laid eyes on at one time or another.

    Other people think dreams are ways of expressing stress or internal feelings you may be experiencing. A lot of people say that they have dreams about being chased.

    A common interpretation of the “being chased” dream is that you are feeling threatened. Some dream interpretation websites say you should try to reflect on what or who is chasing you to get a better idea of what is making you feel this way.

    Another dream that is often experienced is flying. This dream has a much more positive interpretation, which is that you are feeling free or have broken out of a bad situation such as a relationship turned sour or a job you hate.

Unfortunately, you may forget half of your dream within five minutes of waking up and within 10 minutes, you usually forget 90 percent of it.

    Dreamologists, people who devote time to the study and interpretation of dreams, suggest if you want to try to remember and study your dreams you should keep a journal beside your bed and write down what you dreamt as soon as you wake up so you can reflect on it later.


    Twenty-five years ago, most young Britons wanted a career in law, to be a doctor, or, if they were creative enough, to take up singing. But today, things stand differently.

    According to a survey by Tesco Mobile, a UK company, the “dream job” of young people aged between 16 and 25 in the UK is a video blogger, or “vlogger”. The survey, carried out among 1,002 people, found that as much as 40 percent of them put vlogger as their number one choice on a list of ideal careers.

    This change is undoubtedly as a result of the Internet and social media. They have made it so much easier to reach audience of the world, without having to enter a career in show business in the traditional way.

    In the past, the biggest stars were trained by the Hollywood studios; now, anyone with a computer camera can become a star. Vloggers are the big stars of today because they are normal people interacting with their fans about everyday life.”

    However, what people see is only the bright side of being a vlogger and they fail to notice the fact that only those who are successful earn fame(名声) and fortune. For every success there are hundreds of others who never get off the starting line. There are the dreams that come true and the dreams that remain dreams forever.

    Although being vloggers is popular, some young people choose to follow careers that don't necessarily earn them fame, but allow them to make good use of the Internet to share their hobbies. Young Israeli David Leshaw, for example, runs a business called the Finishers Club. It's an online platform for runners to keep a record of their races. His job allows him to express his enthusiasm, and is always a learning experience. And that's enough for him.


    Daylight-powered germ-killing equipment(杀菌设备)may someday help protect health workers from deadly virus like Ebola virus. That is a finding from a study published in the journal Science Advances.

    Study organizers say they've developed membranes(薄膜)that produce very small amounts of hydrogen peroxide(过氧化氢)when left in daylight. Membranes are thin plastic, structures that can serve as barriers. They let some things pass through, but other things art blocked. Hydrogen peroxide, a liquid sold in drug stores, works as a disinfectant(杀菌剂).

    Nearly 500 health workers were infected and died in 2014 when Ebola spread through parts of West Africa. Caregivers wear full-body protective suits when they come into contact with patients with infectious diseases. But the process of removing the suits is a time when infection can spread if the surface is covered with virus. “If there's any live bacteria or virus on the surface, it's still transmissible and could cause infection,” said Gang Sun of the University of California. He is one of the researchers that worked to develop membranes that could cover the outside of protective equipment.

    When the chemical molecules(分子)on the surface of these membranes are put in sunlight, they react with oxygen in the air to produce small amounts of hydrogen peroxide. Gang Sun explains that the process creates less hydrogen peroxide than what you would use to remove dirt on clothing, for example. But it is still enough to kill organisms.

    Rohan Tikekar is a food scientist with the University of Maryland. He described the development as “quite novel,” or new and different, Tikekar was not involved with the recent study. He said others have developed materials that produce disinfecting chemicals. But most only work under high-energy ultraviolet(U V)light, and not usual daylight. The new membrane also works in the dark for at least an hour or two because of chemical properties that can recharge its germ-killing powers. Tikekar called that an important improvement.

    Gang Sun said the new membranes, though still Far from perfect could be used for things other than protective equipment for health workers. They could also be added to packaging for fruits and vegetables to keep foods fresher and reduce the risk of being polluted. Some versions of the material use natural chemicals' Sun says that one of the next steps is to make it safe to sat

