
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:普通



According to Jessica Hagy, author of How to Be Interesting, it's not difficult to make yourself interesting at a dinner party.

 , if you're out of your comfort zone or if you're wandering into somebody's house for the first time. So the main thing is just to show up and be adventurous, trying different foods and talking to strangers.

People love to talk about themselves. If you can start the conversation with a question other than “What do you do for a living?", you'll be able to get a lot more interesting conversation out of whomever it is you're talking to. . it can bring in "I have this old, broken-down vehicle" or "I rode the bus with these crazy people who were laughing at silly jokes in the back." It just opens up conversation.

 ? If you can't take their wine away, you should certainly try to take away their soapbox (讲台).If you're the host, you can ask them to help you in the kitchen with something and just remove them from the situation.

And what about that other dinner-party killer: awkward silence? If you're faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party, the only thing that always gets everyone talking again is to give the host a compliment (赞扬).. Just quickly tun around and say, "This cake is extremely delicious and you have to tell me all about it.”

So being interesting at a dinner party isn't that hard.

A. How do you know the host

B. The first step is to go exploring

C. If you ask the question "How did you get here?',

D. Be prepared to have awkward conversations with strangers

E. Or turn the conversation into a topic where they have little to say

F. What about that person who has had too much to drink or won't stop talking

G. He or she is the person who is feeling the weight of that awkwardness the most


    How many ways are there to reach the state of being happy?

    1)  Happiness is not an aim, but a journey. If you seek for pleasure in the course of the journey, the course will become a destination, and what's more, it will be a prolonged, boundlessly beneficial destination for all your life.

    2)  {#blank#}1{#/blank#} Remain standing here, seize the present moment, and you will be happy.

    3)  Happiness is mental before it is physical. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It is better to eat without meat than to have a load on your mind.

    4)  Happiness is the opposite of unhappiness.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Release yourself from the unhappy mood and you will be happy.

    5)  Happiness is a matter of giving; the more you give out, the more you will get back. Share your happiness with others and you will enjoy it more.

    6)  Happiness is a very strange thing. It will not turn up when you beckon it, call it, and solicit it. But when you pretend complete indifference, it will pay too much attention to you, learn close to you and live with you.{#blank#}4{#/blank#}

    7) {#blank#}5{#/blank#} It is unwise as well as useless to try to keep it. You have got to keep on making new happiness, so that one happiness follows in the wake of another.

    8) The greatest happiness you can gain is realizing that you are not necessarily in need of it.

A. In dealing with happiness, you should adopt the strategy of leaving it at large to understand it better.

B. The decline of one means the growth of the other.

C. When you meet everyone, try smiling to them.

D. The happy place is this place, and the happy moment is this moment.

E. Happiness is drifting from place to place.

F. Smiling is a gift that God gives us.

G. In order to be physically happy to the full, you must first feel at ease and be free of worry.


    If you think your vocabulary is weak, a little effort every day over six to nine months can go a long way in improving it. Here are some tips for increasing your vocabulary.

    {#blank#}1{#/blank#}. You may be comfortable reading a particular part of the newspaper but make an effort to read different articles on every page. The editorial (社论的) page is highly recommended not only for vocabulary but also for structuring and presenting thoughts.

    Make it a habit to read a new book every week. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}. You can consider becoming a member of the local library. Make a list of new words and look up their meanings in the dictionary.

    Watch English movies and television shows. It's an interesting way to enrich your vocabulary. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    Use vocabulary cards. Vocabulary cards are used by students who are trying to learn many words in a short time. You can make your own cards by writing the word on one side and the meaning on the other side of a piece of paper. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}.

    Use the Internet. The Internet is an unlimited resource for reading material.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. You will come across plenty of material to read. The Internet will also introduce you to new words. Be sure to look them up in a dictionary.

A. Read the newspaper every day.

B. Everyone has his own way of choosing books.

C. Vocabulary is important for you to learn English well.

D. Pick up a topic you like and search for articles about it.

E. Besides, by doing this you can learn the correct pronunciation as well.

F. Flash cards are a convenient tool to use to learn new words in your free time.

G. It is not surprising that those who read a lot of books develop good vocabulary.


    Mondays are kind of annoying.{#blank#}1{#/blank#} A recent survey says that most people get the pre-work “Sunday blues”. Starting your Monday feeling sad, anxious and unorganized is hardly the way to kick off a healthy week.

    The solution? Set aside a little time on Sunday to purposefully prepare yourself for the five days ahead, suggests women's health expert Marsha Hudnall.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Do some meal preparations.

    Figuring out what to have for dinner on weeknights can be surprisingly stressful. Stretching out a menu plan on Sunday and swinging by the grocery store for ingredients will help you eat well. Go a step further by chopping and cooking vegetables and a protein (like a roast chicken or scrambled eggs).{#blank#}3{#/blank#} Or finally attempt a different diet you've been meaning to try. For easy dinner planning, just order, and you'll have a week's worth of raw materials for delicious and healthy meals.

    Start a Sunday stress-relief habit.

    “To be healthy, we have to take care of body and mind,” says Hudnall. Stress has a major impact on health and our ability to concentrate.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} Four ideas to try: a guided meditation with the help of an app; forest bathing-a practice known as shinrin-yoku in Japan, which basically means taking a long walk or hike in a wooded area; gentle exercise like yoga; or time cuddling and playing with your pet.


    Why not prepare your favorite clothes for Monday? Studies show that what you wear can have a significant effect on your mood. So make Monday the day you wear your favorite clothes or show the latest addition to your wardrobe (衣橱). It's also a good idea to get some nice coffee or music ready, which will give you something to look forward to on your Monday commute.

A. Give yourself something to look forward on Monday.

B. Even Sunday afternoons turn sour as we think of the workweek ahead.

C. Then all you have to do is heat and plate when you come home from work.

D. Therefore, starting a Sunday stress-relieving habit can begin a week feeling strong and focused.

E. Try creating a relaxing and winding down Sunday night so that you can recharge and get ready for Monday.

F. Taking on just a few of these simple lips every Sunday will help you launch a productive, less stressful week.

G. Wailing until the last moment to do weekend chores like paying bills or doing laundry can leave you anxious and stressed on Sunday.

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多于选项。

    Eyesight plays a very important role in our daily life. Every waking moment, the eyes are working to see the world around us. Over forty percent of Americans worry about losing eyesight, but it's easy to include steps into our daily life to ensure healthy eyes. Here are five suggestions for a lifetime of healthy eyesight:

    Schedule yearly exams. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Experts advise parents to bring babies 6 to 12 months of age to the doctor for a careful check. The good news is that millions of children now can have yearly eye exams and following treatment, including eyeglasses.

    Protect against UV rays(紫外线).Long-term stay in the sun creates risk to your eyes. No matter what the season is, it's extremely important to wear sunglasses.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    Give your eyes a break. Two-thirds of Americans spend up to seven hours a day using computers or other digital products. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Experts recommend that people practice the 20/20/20 rule: every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and look at something 20 feet away.

    {#blank#}4{#/blank#}As part of a healthy diet, eat more fruits and vegetables each day. Vitamins(维生素)C and E help protect eyesight and promote eye health.

    Practice safe wear and care of contact lenses(隐形眼镜).Many Americans use contact lenses to improve their eyesight. While some follow the medical guidance for wearing contact lenses, many are breaking the rules and putting their eyesight at risk. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}Otherwise, you may have problems such as red eyes, pain in the eyes, or a more serious condition.

A. Eat your greens.

B. Eye care should begin early in life.

C. They can properly protect your eyes.

D. Stay in good shape by taking more vitamins.

E. Parents usually don't care about their own eyesight.

F. Always follow the doctor's advice for appropriate wear.

G. This frequent eye activity increases the risk for eye tiredness.


Zoo animals VS animals in the wild

    Zoo animals usually live longer than their wild counterparts. This is because they have access to medical care and better nutrition in zoos. Moreover, there is a lack of predators(捕食者).{#blank#}1{#/blank#} Elderly wild animals lose their strength, ability to find and digest food and often lose their social standing in their species social structure. Zoos are learning how to care for old animals.

    Boredom is a big problem for animals in zoos and something animals in the wild do not have to face. Animal experts believe that a small place produces boredom.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} They also provide companions and hide pieces of food so the animals have to search for it as in the wild.

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#} A case in point is the Asiatic wild horse. The species was hunted to extinction in the wild by 1969. The entire world population now lives in zoos and nature preserves. The largest population is kept at the National Zoo in Washington. D.C. All of those animals were zoo-born.

    Animals living in the wild may come into contact with people. The animals may hunt livestock(家畜)or eat farmers' crops.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} In good zoos, people can see that these animals are not just able to make trouble, but lead complex lives. This can help people save the animal and the habitat needed to keep the animal alive in the wild.

    Animals often reproduce better when they are in the wild.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} One of the remarkable examples is the female giant panda. Using artificial(人工的) means has helped raise the worldwide panda population. Also, by trying to recreate the animal's natural living conditions as much as possible, zoo animals will breed.

A. The goals of zoos have changed.

B. However, some animals are an exception

C. If they live in the wild, they have to battle against them.

D. As a result, they are considered harmful and are hunted.

E. Even so, it often leaves one to wonder if the animals live well.

F. For some species, living in zoos is the only way the species can survive.

G. So good zoos have replaced all metal cages for those animals that used to live in large areas.


    Self-esteem means feeling good about yourself. You can do things to feel better about yourself. Here are some tips to raise your self-esteem.

    Be with people who treat you well. Some people act in ways that tear you down. Others lift you up by what they say and do. Learn to tell the difference. Choose friends who help you feel OK about yourself. Find people you can be yourself with. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}.

    Accept what's not perfect. It's always good to do the best you can. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}, you can't feel good about anything less. Accept your best. Let yourself feel good about that. Ask for help if you can't get past a need to be perfect.

    Focus on what goes well. Are you so used to talking about problems that they've all you see? It's easy to get caught up in what's wrong.{#blank#}3{#/blank#}, it just makes you feel bad. Next time, catch yourself when you complain about yourself or your day. Find something that goes well instead.

    Give and help. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} . Tutor a classmate, help clean up your neighborhood, or walk for a good cause. Help out at home or at school. Make it a habit to be kind and fair. Do things that make you proud of the kind of person you are. When you do things that make a difference your self-esteem will grow.

    Set goals and work toward them. If you want to feel good about yourself, do things that are good for you. Maybe you want to eat a healthier diet, get more fit, or study better.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. Then make a plan for how to do it. Stick with your plan. Track your progress.

A. Make a goal

B. Say helpful things to yourself

C. Be that type of friend for others

D. But when you think you need to be perfect

E. But unless you balance it with what's good

F. When you focus on what's good about yourself

G. Giving is one of the best ways to build self-esteem

