
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Once upon a time, 10 suns rose in the sky, drying many crops and people to death. A brave man called Hou Yi came to rescue them. He excelled at archery and shot down nine of the suns. Only one sun was left in the sky to give people light and warmth.

On hearing of his amazing achievement, people came from far and wide to admire Yi. Among his admirers was Peng Meng, whom Yi accepted as his student. Even the Immortals noticed Hou Yi.

One day, the Queen of Heaven came down to Earth. She told Yi that as a reward for his bravery, the gods would give him a medicine of immortality so that he could drink it and join them in heaven.

But Yi was married to a beautiful and kind woman, Chang'e, who he loved dearly. He wanted to be immortal, but he wanted to spend his life with her more. So he gave the medicine to his wife and asked her to hide it away.

But Peng Meng broke into Yi's house while he was away and demanded the medicine. Chang'e couldn't fight him, but she wouldn't allow such a man to have the medicine. She drank it herself and immediately flew into the skies.

When Hou Yi didn't find his wife at home, he went looking for her. The night was bright with the full moon rising high above him. Yi looked up and was amazed to see a figure which looked like his wife appear in the moon.

Chang'e's love for Hou Yi drew her towards the moon, which was the nearest place to Earth in the heavens. Upon realizing what had happened, Hou Yi brought her favorite foods, cakes, and fruit out in the moonlight to share with his wife.

On hearing this story, many people participated in bringing their offerings to the moon. This is one of the origin myths of the Moon Festival.

(1)、For what reason was Hou Yi admired by people?
A、Good at shooting. B、He is powerful. C、Shooting down nine suns. D、The immortals noticed him.
(2)、What did Yi get as a reward for his bravery?
A、A medicine to treat his diseases. B、A deathless drug. C、A beautiful and kind woman. D、A student.
(3)、Why did Hou Yi bring his favorite foods in the moonlight?
A、To enjoy the moonlight. B、Moon is the nearest to earth. C、To share foods with the figure in the moon. D、Many other people do like this.
(4)、What is the text mainly about?
A、A legend B、A scientific study C、A historical event. D、A novel.

"Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid."—Albert Einstein

If you have a kid with special needs in the school system, chances are you have come across that saying hanging on a classroom wall. My five-year-old daughter Syona has cerebral palsy (a medical condition affecting someone's control over their movement ) and it means, combined with her communication challenges and sight problems, that standard assessments (and by "standard", I mean the ones used to assess kids with special needs ) aren't always an accurate measure of her abilities.

By now you have probably heard about Chris Ulmer, the 26-year-old teacher in Jacksonville, Florida, who starts his special education class by calling up each student individually to give them much admiration and a high-five (a gesture of greeting or congratulation). I couldn't help but be reminded of Syona's teacher and how she supports each kid in a very similar way. Ulmer recently shared a video of his teaching experience. "I have seen their confidence and self-worth increase rapidly, " he said. All I could think was: How lucky these students are to have such inspirational teachers.

    Syona's teacher has an attitude that can best be summarized in one word: awesome. Her teacher doesn't focus on what can't be done—she focuses on what can be done. Over the past several months, my husband Dilip and I have seen Syona's confidence increase tenfold. She uses words she wouldn't have thought of using before. She recently told me about her classmate's trip to Ecuador and was very proud when I understood her on the first try.

    I actually wonder what the influence would be if we did something similar to what Ulmer does with his students in our home. We've recently started our day by reminding each other of the good qualities we all possess. If we are reminded of our strengths on a regular basis, we will become increasingly confident about progress and success.

    Ulmer's reach as a teacher goes far beyond the walls of his classroom. In fact, he teaches all of us to take a moment and truly appreciate the strengths of an important person in our lives.


    Some unwelcome visitors from North America have been turning up in the waters off the coast of Great Britain.

    North American lobsters (龙虾) have been found in the North Sea (between Great Britain and Northwest Europe), far from their own habitat. The lobsters usually live along the eastern coast of Canada and the United States.

    It is impossible that the lobsters could have made the 5,600-kilometre journey on their own. They were probably brought to Britain and then got away from containers. Some of the lobsters that were caught had elastic bands (松紧带) holding their legs shut, like lobsters that are kept in containers in stores or restaurants.

    Many may have been “set free” from some ships passing through the area. Sometimes passengers order a live lobster from a tank in the dining room and then ask the waiter to throw it overboard instead of cooking it.

    According to official records, 26 North American lobsters have been caught in waters off Great Britain since 1988. However, it is believed many more have been found but not reported.

    It is against the law to let North American lobsters come into British waters. If they settle down in European waters, it would be bad for the local lobsters. The two live in the same place and eat the same food. But North American lobsters are larger, stronger and more aggressive (好斗的) than European lobsters, and they produce young more quickly.

    As a result, they could take food and space away from the local lobsters, and from other types of shellfish that live in the same area. These lobsters may also carry diseases that could harm the local lobsters.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


    About three hours after Hurricane Harvey made landfall in Texas as a Category ( 级 别 ) 4 storm, it was downgraded to a Category 3 storm after winds decreased to 125 mph from maximum winds of 130 mph.

    Harvey also made a second landfall on the northeastern shore of Copano Bay around the time it was downgraded.

    The storm is the strongest to hit the state in decades, with serious flooding expected. The last Category 4 storm to hit the U.S. was Charley in 2004 in Florida, while the last Category 4 storm to hit Texas was Carla in 1961.

    Residents staying in the area madly stocked up on(备足) food, water and gas, while others heading out of the storm's path boarded up windows and doors of their homes and businesses.

    Airlines canceled flights, schools were closed while concerts and other planned events in Houston and coastal cities were postponed.

    The hurricane's effects are expected to last for days, with heavy rainfall through next week estimated to be as high as 40 inches in some areas.

    The National Weather Service warned Harvey could bring a potentially destroying storm surges( 风 暴 潮 ), heavy rainfall and wind hazards( 危 害 ) to the Lone Star State's coast. A tornado watch is in effect for areas of southeastern Texas and southwest Louisiana.

    Life-threatening storm surge waters could reach 9 to 13 feet above ground level. Destroying flooding is expected across parts of the area. And rainfall will be heavy, with an estimated 15 to 30 inches of rain falling in many areas and as high as 40 inches in some from today through Wednesday, the National Weather Service said.


    Some people seem to have extraordinary memories. Zheng Aiqiang, a "memory athlete" on TV show Super Brain, can remember 2,660 numbers in just one hour!

    You would think people like this have special brains. But according to a recent study by researchers from the US and the Netherlands, the brain structures of ordinary people and 23 of the world's leading memory athletes show no difference.

    That's because good memories can be trained. New research in the journal Neuron(神经元期刊) suggests that you can become a super memorizer with just six weeks of hard training.

    Researchers found that technique(技巧) called loci, invented by ancient Greeks, can greatly help improve memory. By using loci, you are using your imagination to improve the brain's memory networks. You can link(关联) something you need to remember with a place that you know very well. For example, to remember a list of numbers, imagine yourself walking through your house. Each thing is linked to a number. For example, zero could be handle(把手) on the door and five could be the painting on the wall.

    In one study, some ordinary people were given 20 minutes to remember 72 words. First they could only remember 26 of them. But when they were taught loci, they could remember 62 words.

    "Not everyone can become a memory champion. But everyone using the technique can improve a lot from the level they're at," said Boris Konrad, one of the researchers in the study.


    My two- and four-year-old boys love to win, whether they're racing their bikes down the sidewalk or just finishing their snacks. It's true that those with high status, from world leaders and prize winners to athletes and movie stars, are people we like and respect. A recent study published in Nature Human Behaviour showed that we seem to have an innate (天生的) preference for high-ranking peoples—but only if those people aren't hurtful toward others.

    Researchers showed toddlers (aged 21 to 31 months) a scene where two puppets (木偶) approached one another from opposite sides of a stage and one bowed to let the other pass first. Asked which puppet they liked better, 18 of the 21 toddlers in the experiment reached for the puppet who had been allowed to pass. Because respect from others is a marker of status, this suggests that children have a preference for those with a higher status—even before age three.

    However, the results were quite different when two puppets approached one another and one used force to knock the other down before continuing to the other side. In this case, 18 of the 21 toddlers reached for the one who was knocked down. As the researchers concluded, "When approaching others, very young children care not only who wins, but also how." The previous experiment has shown that toddlers know about social status, but this experiment went one step further by proving they have an obvious preference for high status. Since the participants were so young, this might even be an innate human preference.

    In a word, this new research suggests that young children appreciate people who do well while at the same time doing good to others. So, when my four-year-old thinks that he has to get his shoes on first, I'll keep reminding him that helping his brother so they both finish faster is what winning is all about.

