
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



As is often the case, childhood was the happiest time of our lives. But, that was not1for me, at least between the ages of 10 to 12. I was practically2by my parents, who seemed only interested in their never-ending money making. I was3, a loner at school too, disliked by my classmates for getting good grades.

Longing for4, I fell into despair and started thinking about death. While on the school field trip, I lost my footing and slipped into a marsh(沼泽)and got my5muddy. As luck would have it, out of nowhere, an angel, in the6of a native woman, lent me a helping hand. She7me to her small cottage and helped me change my wet trousers. She made me eat from8little food she had, and told me funny stories,9to cheer me up.

That lady saved me. She saved my belief in the10of people. I came to realize that whatever happens, there are good things in the world, which you can11for existence. Another thing I noticed was that the lady, though she lived in12surroundings, seemed delighted. I realized that life is beautiful if we love it. Only those who are13their life can really understand what happiness really is.

I dropped the idea of ending my14.

I must thank that kind lady for what I had never experienced till then.15someone's life with kindness is worth all the treasure in the world.

A、rational B、acceptable C、true D、abnormal
A、discriminated B、ignored C、abused D、missed
A、helpless B、friendless C、invisible D、transparent
A、freedom B、schooling C、company D、affection
A、backpack B、coat C、glasses D、trousers
A、form B、absence C、direction D、face
A、fetched B、followed C、pointed D、took
A、what B、so C、how D、such
A、demanding B、offering C、attempting D、pursuing
A、honesty B、kindness C、ability D、wisdom
A、rely on B、contribute to C、devote to D、weigh up
A、luxurious B、unpleasant C、unfamiliar D、natural
A、serious about B、proud of C、content with D、accustomed to
A、trip B、ambition C、exploration D、life
A、Changing B、Rekindling C、Creating D、Interfering

    One morning last December, Bill McDonald read in the newspaper that a local man, Joe Day, was sick with lung cancer. That meant Day couldn't offer the splendidly lit, handmade Christmas displays which had1as many as 95,000 people to his house to admire them every2.

    It wouldn't be Christmas3Day's lights, thought McDonald. We must try to4him, McDonald decided.

    33 years ago when Day came home one afternoon from work, he found his five-year-old son Nicholas5for him, asking him to build a reindeer(驯鹿). Then they made it on the lawn together and 6up its cherry-red nose for the holidays.

    Each year, Day7 to his handmade works, placing the reindeer above his

    8and hanging so many lights9they were electric vines(藤) around his windows and doors. Finally thousands of lights, figures and models10his yard and extended to next door.

    Then11December 2009 when Day's cancer had spread to his liver(肝). After 19 rounds of chemotherapy(化疗) and 43 radiation treatments, he was12tired and depressed to celebrate Christmas.

    13McDonald called. “You don't know me,” McDonald said, “but I want to help you get your lights14.” McDonald gathered many people,15strangers, to set up Day's displays. For two days, more than 100 volunteers16in.

    On the evening of December 12, with crowds of volunteers cheering him on, Day17the switch(开关) and lit up the spectacle(壮观景象).

    Day's cancer is under18, and he looks forward to this year's Christmas. “In their hearts,” Day says, “people love to give.” He is19that his brilliant displays will continue to light up the darkness for many years to come20Bill McDonald has promise that he'll get the job done.


    My mother has always been involved in early­childhood education. She often set the scene for children to 1  the joy of physical activity, getting them excited and 2 to learn.

    Mum was so proud of me after I 3 the triathlon(三项全能运动)at the 2000 Olympics, but before the dust4, she grabbed me, saying: “Now this is your 5. Use it.” She wasn't speaking from an economic point of view but talking about the 6 of my being a role model, encouraging kids to 7 their dreams.

    Since the Olympics, I have 8more than 100 schools. I talk to the kids 9“living a life less ordinary ”, a concept passed on to me by my parents—the idea of 10 being average. I tell them that what you believe, you will 11.

    As I was a kid, my mother came to every 12—not to pressure me but to 13 me. One of my favorite sports­related memories was when I was 14 in the Canadian Triathlon Championships. As I ran by a big truck, I saw my mother 15 on top of one of its huge wheels, cheering for me. I find it sad when people say their parents have never seen them 16.

    When I was at the University, I completed only one semester and then decided to17 so I could race professionally full­time. Mum was the first person I called. It was a 18  moment. I wasn't sure how she would react.

    “Mum, I have this opportunity, and I think I'm going to take it. What do you think?”

    She was as 19 as ever. It turned out to be a good20. Supporting your children, trusting their decisions, giving well­thought­out advice—those are definitely important qualities.


    Before I came to China, I had been somewhat unlucky in love. Days before my 1for Shanghai in 2016, my cousin made a 2without the slightest bit of irony(讽刺),“You'll fall in love in China.”

    I met my husband at a Chinese 3. It was an embarrassing place to meet him approaching me 4I attempted to lift free weights. He spoke English poorly, trying to correct my form. I more or less 5him, figuring such a relationship was 6as we had little means to communicate. But I was very much 7. He ran after me for the next couple weeks and his persistence(坚持不懈)8won me over, and I was head over heels in love with him.

    The challenges we faced were 9—deciding where to live, 10over visas, dealing with my parents' doubts. In time, these problems got settled without too much work on our part. When others would 11on how tough it must be to marry someone from a foreign country, I quickly made my 12, trying to convince my questioner that marrying cross-culturally is really no different from 13within one's own circle.

    Our son was born in the spring of 2018. He was a very easy baby to care for—he cried little and slept well at night. My struggles in caring for a newborn were unimportant 14the other pressures I faced. By Chinese tradition, I was 15from taking the baby outside until he was 100 days old, for reasons I still don't fully understand.

    Since giving birth, I've learned that compromise(妥协)is more 16than it seems. If you give up too much of yourself, you may 17resentful(怨恨的). If you compromise too little, you may be 18in a frequent battle. In a relationship, our values or beliefs often 19with our partner's, but with patience, most difficulties can be overcome. For that reason, I keep on working to better understand his background and beliefs while 20forgetting my own.

