
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    One morning last December, Bill McDonald read in the newspaper that a local man, Joe Day, was sick with lung cancer. That meant Day couldn't offer the splendidly lit, handmade Christmas displays which had1as many as 95,000 people to his house to admire them every2.

    It wouldn't be Christmas3Day's lights, thought McDonald. We must try to4him, McDonald decided.

    33 years ago when Day came home one afternoon from work, he found his five-year-old son Nicholas5for him, asking him to build a reindeer(驯鹿). Then they made it on the lawn together and 6up its cherry-red nose for the holidays.

    Each year, Day7 to his handmade works, placing the reindeer above his

    8and hanging so many lights9they were electric vines(藤) around his windows and doors. Finally thousands of lights, figures and models10his yard and extended to next door.

    Then11December 2009 when Day's cancer had spread to his liver(肝). After 19 rounds of chemotherapy(化疗) and 43 radiation treatments, he was12tired and depressed to celebrate Christmas.

    13McDonald called. “You don't know me,” McDonald said, “but I want to help you get your lights14.” McDonald gathered many people,15strangers, to set up Day's displays. For two days, more than 100 volunteers16in.

    On the evening of December 12, with crowds of volunteers cheering him on, Day17the switch(开关) and lit up the spectacle(壮观景象).

    Day's cancer is under18, and he looks forward to this year's Christmas. “In their hearts,” Day says, “people love to give.” He is19that his brilliant displays will continue to light up the darkness for many years to come20Bill McDonald has promise that he'll get the job done.

A、invited B、attracted C、held D、sent
A、day B、chance C、time D、holiday
A、with B、for C、without D、despite
A、help B、ask C、visit D、meet
A、calling B、waiting C、caring D、looking
A、cheered B、looked C、lit D、put
A、added B、contributed C、turned D、stuck
A、back B、table C、head D、roof
A、so that B、as if C、even if D、in case
A、stopped B、changed C、made D、filled
A、came B、returned C、saw D、searched
A、so B、too C、very D、rather
A、Unless B、When C、Before D、Until
A、off B、on C、up D、out
A、including B、except C、like D、for
A、went B、worked C、turned D、joined
A、found B、bought C、fixed D、pressed
A、control B、way C、discussion D、repair
A、afraid B、reliable C、confident D、doubtful
A、though B、because C、but D、if

    Life is a series of choices and we can't always foresee the consequences.

    Harry Saleen, an obese man with too much money and power, faced a(n)1 Outside his office waited his personal2, bringing him the important news about the3medicine that could save his life. On the other side of the world, one of his engineers waited for his decision on an important4of business.

    His secretary asked him5she could bring the doctor in. The billionaire businessman made his6 “No. let the fool wait,” answered Saleen, “business comes first.”7the health problem caused by his huge weight, he was still8about making money. He raised a9finger, and one of his staffs10to switch on a large television set.

    On the screen appeared his engineer. They talked by satellite directly to each other although they were thousands of miles11 “It's all ready to explode, Mr. Saleen”, he said, “Just one12” His engineer was standing above Pakan Valley in South America. A few months ago, it had been a rainforest. Then Saleen's men came, cutting down all the valuable trees and13the villagers to move out.14the valley, a dam had been built. This would provide power for the factories that Saleen planned to build in that area. The factories would bring him great15. He saw no reason to delay. He ordered the engineer to press the button. There, in the valley, a cloud of dust rose, followed by a dull explosion. A large river changed its16and water flooded into the valley.

    “Good, that's that. Now, get that doctor in here” he17

The doctor came in with a worried look and started to examine his18patient. “You are doing very well, Mr. Saleen. The only medicine is saving your life. But the difficulty is getting more of it.”

    “Can you get more? Money is no problem.” Saleen said. “Tell me what you need and we'll get it.”

    The medicine was made of a plant, which is19. There is only one place in the world where the plant grows.”

    “Where?” asked the businessman,20.

    The doctor smiled. “Well, luckily, the plant comes from one of the lands you own, sir. It comes from a place in South America, known as Pakan Valley.”


    Being a sports reporter for more than a decade, I see “Olympic” as a1word to me. I found the word is also a(an)2for everyone to shine. This feeling3me when I was holding the Olympic torch for the4time on Monday in Seoul, the capital city of South Korea.

    I felt such a great5to be invited by the International Olympic Committee to be a torchbearer for the 2018 Pyeongchang Winter Games 6Chinese sports reporters. Ten years ago, I was invited by IOC to be a7for the 2008 Beijing Summer Games. I have now carried the torch in two different countries. I have 8how the Olympic flame 9everybody around it.

    When I arrived at the 10point for the torchbearers, all the staff and even passers-by cheered because they knew I would be joining the11. I could feel their heartfelt12 toward the Olympics. When a group of torchbearers left to join in the relay, all the people13 shouting “Fighting!” While I14my turn, many people came to take photos with me and the torch. In 101 days, the route15nine provinces and eight major cities across the country. With less than a month to go before the Games1 opening ceremonies in Pyeongchang, Seoul had been16 into an Olympic city as well.

    “Let everyone shine' is not just a slogan for the torch relay but 17the fact that ordinary people from every walk of life—students, bakers, teachers, farmer —are18.The Olympic spirit is a lot more than the19 of 'swifter, higher, and stronger.' 'Olympic, has the magic to bring everyone together to20their dreams.


    A small dog's loyalty recently melted the hearts of millions of Japanese people. It was reported that it had been waiting for his owner to 1 for three years, not knowing that she 2 would.

    A few years ago, an old lady from Osaka, Japan, 3 a cute little lost dog that she named Fu Shi. The two lived 4 for a while, but tragedy came three years ago, when the old lady 5 a brain disease which eventually led to dementia (痴呆). She had to be taken to a nursing home to be under constant special 6, and the small dog found itself all alone again. But he had no 7 that the old lady was never coming back, so he 8 the last three years waiting for her.

    9 told news reporters that, every day, Fu Shi could be seen waiting for his 10 at the corner of the alley-to her house. He would sit there all day, until nightfall, and would then return to the now-abandoned house that they had 11 Touched by the animal's loyalty, one of the neighbors contacted an animal 12, and told them his touching story. Apparently, Fu Shi 13 on the food that the neighbors left for him ever since his owner 14, but they couldn't do anything about his 15.

    After giving Fu Shi a check up, a vet 16 that he was 8-years-old, and suffering from intestinal worms. He was given a 17 and made a full recovery.

    Fortunately, this heartbreaking story has a 18 ending. After full media 19 in Japan and other Asian countries, Fu Shi has been adopted by a loving family. He also has a new 20 now, Sky.


    A woman professor walked around in a classroom while she was teaching stress management to her students. 1 she raised a glass of water, 2 expected they would be asked the "half-empty or half-full" question.

    Instead, with a 3 on her face, she asked, “What's the 4 of this glass of water?”5 called out ranged from eight to twenty ounces (盎司).

    She 6 the students down and then replied, "The absolute weight doesn't matter .It all 7 how long I hold it. If I hold it for a minute, it's not a problem. If I hold it for an hour, I'll have a 8 in my arm. If I hold it for a day, my arm will feel numb (麻木) and paralyzed (麻痹). In each 9, the weight of the glass of water doesn't change, but the longer I hold it, the 10 it becomes. Do you know why?"

    All the students kept silent and listened carefully, lost in thought.

    She 11, "Our stresses and 12 in life are like that glass of water. Think about them for a while and nothing 13. Think about them a bit longer and they begin to hurt. And if you think about them all day long, you will feel 14—unable to do anything."

    It's important to 15 to let go of your stresses. As early in the evening as possible, put all your burdens down. Don't 16 them through the evening and into the night Remember to put the glass down!

    More often than not life gets 17 when we think too much. And the moment you 18 your burden, you'll find yourself feeling so much more relaxed.

    So 19 wondering around and feeling sorry for yourself, start doing something about it. After all, life is too short to devote yourself to anything that makes you 20.

