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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语外研(2019)版必修二Unit 5 On the road单元自测卷


When I decided to quit my job as a wedding photographer, I was in my late twenties, fresh from my divorce from Bob who had left me empty and confused. I decided to leave the US and travel. I had no savings, plus more than $5,000 in debt. What I did have were two sponsored tasks as a travel photographer—and with that along, I thought, it would be easy.

My first experience was a road trip from Toronto to Las Vegas, paid for by a car delivery service. Other trips followed and then I started a travel blog (博客). It was intended to be my calling card for assignment travel photography. Yet even with my blog and past experience, email after email I sent to publications, trying to get work, went unanswered. When they did get in touch, editors told me that I had no chance of making a career with travel photography. While I struggled to get on the path that I wanted, and as I expanded my blog to help get me there, I found myself wearing the hat of a full­time blogger.

Luckily, I got in at the right time. It was 2010, and the travel industry was just starting to turn its attention to bloggers. As I never could have predicted, my blogging—not my photography—did take me around the world successfully. At first, I thought it was for personal reasons, but I realized later that it was for free marketing for my blogging.

Within two years, I was being asked to speak at travel blogging conferences, which helped me to raise a network of friends around the world. Even more meaningful, however, was when I saw that my travels were also helping other people. My blog and social media followers saw that I chased my dreams and told me over and over again how they needed that kind of example, which was absent in their lives elsewhere.

(1)、After the author quit her job, she decided to ________.
A、divorce her husband B、be a wedding photographer C、pay off all her debts D、go travelling abroad
(2)、What can we learn about the author from the 2nd paragraph?
A、She paid money to a car delivery agency for a road trip. B、She realised his dream of becoming a travel photographer. C、She got a job as an editor in a publishing house. D、She finally became a professional blogger unintentionally.
(3)、The author believed her success mainly resulted from ________.
A、her personal reasons B、her photographing skills C、free marketing for blogging D、booming of travel industry
(4)、What did the author think of her two years' work?
A、Inspiring. B、Appealing. C、Interesting. D、Challenging.

    My roommate Lily was well organized, while I was not. Each of her objects had its place, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签) everything. I always looked for everything. Over time, Lily got neater and I got messier. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got tired of each other.

    War broke out one evening. Lily came into the room. Soon, I heard her screaming. “Take your shoes away! Why under my bed!” Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I jumped to my feet and started yelling. She yelled back louder.

    The room was filled with anger. We could not have stayed together for a single minute but for a phone call. Lily answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could tell right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she hung up, she quickly crawled (爬) under her covers, sobbing. Obviously, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden, a warm feeling of sympathy rose up in my heart.

    Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, made my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, even on her side. I got so into my work that I even didn't notice Lily had sat up. She was watching, her tears dried and her expression one of disbelief. Then, she reached out her hands to grasp mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me, “Thanks.”

    Lily and I stayed roommates for the rest of the year. We didn't always agree, but we learned 高一阅读理解My roommate Lily was well organized while I was the key to living together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.


    In an effort to avoid a coming storm, Ronnie Stewart and Krystal Stewart were running to their car in the parking lot of Refuge Church when they noticed two young homeless boys with their parents on the sidewalk. The Stewarts approached the boys' parents asking to take them home for a night for a bath and warm bed. They didn't know what their response would be, but as it turned out, they were thrilled.

    The Stewarts took the two boys, who are 1 and 2 years old, home, where they slept for over a straight 10 hours.,

    “I don't think they've ever slept in a bed before,” Krystal said.

    The next day, the Stewarts gave the parents their phone numbers and told them to call if they ever wanted the boys to have a warm bed.

    It wasn't long before the Stewarts headed to pick the boys up after receiving a call from their parents at midnight.

    They brought them back the next morning and a few hours later, they were greeted by the Department of Social Services and police officers, who had been discussing living arrangements for the boys with their parents.

    “They asked if we could take them, in. Next, thing I knew, the boys were in my backseat with my kids on their way home with us. They may not have known at that time, but our three kids were already calling the two young boys their brothers,” Krystal said.

    A few days later, the Stewarts sat down with two social workers and the boys' parents. They had many choices to choose from, but felt strongly about wanting the boys to join the Stewarts' family.

    The agreement has been signed and adoption procedure(程序)should be finished before long.


    Are you a social media addict? Are you always checking your smart phone to see how many "likes" you've received for your latest post? Maybe you feel comforted by the sound that someone has sent you a message?

    Don't worry, you're not alone. We check our phones an average of 150 times a day, and around 30% of the total time spent online is devoted to social media. Some experts now fear this habit could be damaging our mental health.

    This is something particularly bothering young adults, according to a study from the University of Pittsburgh. It found the more they used social media, the more likely they were to be depressed. In tests, those people who checked social media frequently were 2.7 times more likely to be depressed compared to those who spent most of their time generally surfing the Internet, who had just 1.7 times the risk.

    Some of us certainly feel sad when we're ignored on social media sites, or when we see someone else having a better time than us. But depression is a more serious condition and clinical psychologist, Abigael San, recently told the BBC that ,"It's a real issue, and it's been getting significantly worse over the last 5﹣6 years. You can get so hooked that it takes you away from your real relationships. "However, Abigael does admit that social media is more likely to worsen pre﹣existing issues than directly cause them.

    Other research by the University of Glasgow found that teenagers are affected by the 24﹣hour demands of their social media accounts. It found that those with higher levels of emotional investment in social media, and who use it at night, were more likely to feel depressed and anxious.

    Despite these warning signs, why do some of us continue to keep clicking? Well, I suppose we all want to be liked and we don't want to miss out on a conversation that's taking place online. But we need to know when to switch off our virtual online world and connect with the real world instead.


    Every festival has its own meaning. Labor Day, for example, celebrates the value of hard work. Thanksgiving is about showing thanks to people around you. And Valentines' Day is a time when you express love to your loved ones, But somehow it now seems that all festivals we just about one thing-shopping. And that can be a big problem.

    "In a way, over -consumption(过度消费) is the mother of all our environmental problems" Kalle Lasn once told CNN. Lasn is the organizer of Buy Nothing Day, a day set up in Canada in 1992 to fight against unhealthy spending habits, and has now become an international event. It's hel on the day, which is known as Black Fridny -a famous shopping day in the US and Canada. You can see the irony(讽刺)here.

    Even though the idea of Buy Nothing Day was brought up 26 years ago, we seem to need it now more than ever, It's just as Lasn said, all the different kinds of pollution in our lives today bad air quality, the reduction of forest area, endangered animal species, and plastic bags found in the ocean-seem to be the same cause: over-consumption.

     The latest example is the Singles' Day shopping craze of Nov 11, which saw a new sales record, But as Nie Li, a campaigner at Greenpeace, told Reuters. "Record-setting over-consumption means record-setting waste." And it was reported that last year the Singles' Day packages left more than 160,000 tons of waste, including plastic and cardboard. The Collins dictionary has also just named "single-use" its Word of the Year, pointing out the problem that there're too many things we tow out after only using them once.

    So, Buy Nothing Day might only be here for one day a year, but it's not just to remind us to the a break from shopping on that day, but to change our lifestyle completely, focusing on fun "with people we care about" rather than wasting money on useless things.

