
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

外研版(2019)高中英语必修1 Unit 1 A new start Word单元测试题


The other day I was travelling to San Antonio by train to visit my sister. The train was a little crowded and there was a young man sitting next to the window. Since it was a hot day, I wanted that window seat more than anything else at that time. As a young lady, I thought the young man would give me the seat if I asked him. So I smiled at him and asked whether he could give up his seat and take another one. To my surprise, he said that he needed that seat and refused my request. I had no choice but to take the seat next to him.

The train was crossing station after station. The weather was so hot that the scenery (风景) outside the window could not attract my interest. I had nothing to do, so I started to focus my attention on the young man and stare at him up and down. He wore a blue shirt and there was a shawl (披巾) on his legs. He did not even rise from his seat once, which made me feel a little bit strange. Moreover, only a madman would use a shawl in such hot weather, I thought.

After the five-hour long journey, the train arrived at the final stop. I picked up my bag and stood up, waiting for the door to open. I gave a neglectful (不经意的) look at the young man and asked, "The train has arrived at the final station. Are you not getting off?" Hearing my words, he began to smile at me and said in a calm voice, "Someone has to come for me and take me off the train because I can't do it by myself." I gave my foil attention to his legs, only to find there was nothing under that shawl!

Paragraph 1:

The man was a disabled person.

Paragraph 2:

After hearing his story, I could not meet his eyes anymore!


    As he lay awake that night, Tony could hear his parents discussing his sister Alice's birthday. It was just two days away. Birthdays were always a lot of fun, even though there was no money for store-bought gifts. Nearly all of toys he and his sister had were homemade. There was nothing wrong with that, he knew. Like many families in this part, they were poor.

    This birthday would be different, though. Alice was older now, and he'd seen how her eyes lit up when she saw the new doll at Honey House, a neighborhood store just down the road from their house.

    How he longed for her to have it! An idea finally came to him just before he went to bed. After a quick breakfast the following morning, he placed a tin can and a piece of string in a large bag. Then he tied the bag to the handlebars of his bike and headed toward a village hill.

    After a long journey, he reached his destination, the mango forest. There were already two other boys there. Tony grabbed his bag and set to work immediately. The smaller trees had already been picked over pretty well, but he was able to find a half-dozen mangoes before noon.

    When the sun was high overhead, the hard work began. Nearly all of the taller trees held ripe mangoes but they were well beyond reach. The other boys took their fruit and went away. Tony used his pocket knife to cut a long piece of bamboo. Then he took the tin can from the bag, tied it to one end of the bamboo stick, and walked over to the base of mango tree.

    He stayed there, holding the tin can high up into the tree. His efforts were occasionally rewarded when a mango dropped into the can. After a while his neck ached from looking upward, and his arms grew sore. He kept at it, though, and by late afternoon his bag was nearly full.






Paragraph 1:

    On the way back to town, Tony began to worry that the other boys might already have sold or traded their mangoes with Honey House.

Paragraph 2:

    The following morning, Alice walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the breakfast table.

