
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



I was raised in a house where my sisters and I weren't trusted by our mother to manage our own appearance. As a result, many 1were made, and fashion trends were always ignored.

A few years ago, I was home for a visit2my mom, now in her 70s, called me into her bedroom. "I don't know what to wear," she complained. "You girls always look so3." I4in the doorway, wondering if I'd misheard. "What do you mean?" I asked her. "You know what to wear." "No," she answered. "Can you5something for me?"

I was so 6 . This was the same woman who told my sister she wasn't 7  to wear a pair of ripped (有破洞的) jeans; the same woman who, in high school,8 me while I was out at a party to ask if  my hair was 9 . "You look better with it down," she  told me, before I could answer.

I suddenly10 that my mother—always so strong—not only wanted my 11 , but needed it. I opened her drawer and12 a pair of blue jeans and a light blue sweater.

"Wear these, and you'll look good, too." I13.

My mother certainly doesn't need anyone to take care of her. In fact, she still14 my grandmother who lives with her. But with that 15, my mother and I exchanged the 16 , from caregiver to receiver.

Now, if we're together, it's 17  for her to wear anything without checking with me first. I'm still a bit surprised that she admitted her 18. Sometimes, 19, it seems like she asks me just to disagree with my answer. And I just tell her what I think of the way she  20.

A、rules B、records C、discoveries D、introductions
A、because B、though C、when D、after
A、glad B、curious C、funny D、good
A、hid B、stopped C、lay D、waited
A、design B、bring C、pick D、leave
A、anxious B、surprised C、annoyed D、upset
A、asked B、invited C、allowed D、reminded
A、hugged B、punished C、recognized D、called
A、clean B、dirty C、straight D、up
A、realized B、regretted C、remembered D、worried
A、award B、explanation C、progress D、opinion
A、packed B、pulled C、examined D、admired
A、argued B、promised C、begged D、admitted
A、depends on B、quarrels with C、looks after D、turns to
A、question B、goal C、wish D、order
A、seats B、decisions C、roles D、ideas
A、suitable B、rare C、rude D、simple
A、uncertainty B、responsibility C、carelessness D、dishonesty
A、however B、therefore C、instead D、besides
A、talks B、lives C、acts D、looks


With the completion of the Human Genome(基因组)Project more than 20 years ago, and the discovery of the double helix structure of DNA enjoying its 70th birthday last year, you might assume that we know how life works. Think again!

Evolution has a 4bn-year head start on us. However, several aspects of the standard picture of how life works-the idea of the genome as a blueprint, of genes as instructions for building an organism, of proteins as precisely tailored molecular(分子)machines and more-have wildly reduced the complexity of life. 

In the excellent book How Life Works, Philip Ball explorers the new biology, revealing life to be a far richer, more delicate affair than we have understood. Ball explains that life is a system of many levels-genes, proteins, cells, tissues, and body modules-each with its own rules and principles, so there is no unique place to look for an answer to it. 

Also, How Life Works is a much more appealing title than the overused question of "What is life?". We should be less concerned with what a thing is, and rather more focused on what a thing does. Defining a living thing implies an unchangeable ideal type, but this will run counter to the Darwinian principle that living things are four-dimensional, ever changing in time as well as space.

But it's an idea that is deeply rooted within our culture. Ball points out that we rely on metaphors(比喻)to explain and explore the complexities of life, but none suffice. We are taught that cells are machines, though no machine we have invented behaves like the simplest cell; that DNA is a code or a blueprint, though it is neither; that the brain is a computer, though no computer behaves like a brain at all.

Ball is a terrific writer, pumping out books on incredibly diverse subjects. There's a wealth of well-researched information in here, and some details that are a bit chewy for the lay reader. But the book serves as an essential introduction on our never-ending quest to understand life.


Adults check their phones, on average,360 times a day, and spend almost three hours a day on their devices in total. The problem for many of us is that one quick phone-related task leads to a quick check of our emails or social media feeds, and suddenly we've been sucked into endless scrolling.

It's an awful circle. The more useful our phones become, the more we use them. The more we use them, the more we lay neural(神经的) pathways in our brains that lead to pick up our phones for whatever task is at hand-and the more we feel an urge to check our phones even when we don't have to.

What we do know is that the simple distraction of checking a phone or seeing a notification(通知)can have negative consequences. This isn't very surprising; we know that, in general, multitasking does harm to memory and performance. One of the most dangerous examples is phone use while driving. One study found that merely speaking on the phone, not texting, was enough to make drivers slower to react on the road. It's true for everyday tasks that are less high-risk, too. Simply hearing a notification "ding" made participants of another study perform far worse on a task-almost as badly as participants who were speaking or texting on the phone during the task.

It isn't just the use of a phone that has consequences-its me re presence can affect the way we think.

In one recent study, for example, researchers asked participants to either put their phones next to them so they were visible(like on a desk), nearby and out of sight(like in a bag or pocket), or in another room. They were found to perform far better when their phones were in another room instead of nearby-whether visible, powered on or not.


One teacher had two students. One of them had a positive vision while the other had the 1 one.

One day, the teacher 2 for a park with both the students and while wandering in the garden, they 3 a mango tree from which some ripe and juicy mangoes were 4 . On seeing this, the teacher thought to 5 both of his students. Then, he asked the first one, "My dear child, what do you think of this mango tree?"

The student answered instantly, "Teacher, in spite of people 6 this tree with stones, it gives us sweet and juicy mangoes. It does 7 but still it gives us fruits. I wish all human beings learn this important 8 from the mango tree-to share their 9 even if they have to suffer for this."

After that, the teacher asked the other student the same question. The student 10 answered, "Teacher, this mango tree is no good and will not give mangoes by itself but only when we hit it with stones and 11 . Therefore, we should hit it hard to get sweet mangoes from it. That is the only way to 12 these mangoes. It is also clear from this tree that in order to get good 13 from others, we need to be violent and only when we become violent, then and only then will we get 14 ."

The teacher was delighted with the answer given by the first student because he had an admirable vision and 15 the tree with positive vision.


It was a typical weekend for Mitch White and his friends. They were out celebrating a bachelor party, sailing the peaceful waters of the Minnesota River. They never expected that this single party would transform from a relaxed canoe trip into a painful rescue mission. With the sun setting, an unexpected bark changed everything.

Led by Mitch White, the soon-to-be-married man, they searched for the source of the sound along the banks of the river. Suddenly, a weak cry for help came from the mud. They were surprised to find that the head of a 13-year-old St. Bernard named Ed was barely visible in the thick mud. Mitch said, "The dog wasn't moving on its own, so we should feed it and give it water. " The dog looked like i had used all its strength.

The men took up their oars(桨) and began digging, their festive mood giving way to a focused rescue mission. It took them more than half an hour to free the trapped dog as it was already breathing very feebly after possibly being trapped for 24 hours. When they got the poor fellow out of the mud, he couldn't walk, so they carried him back to the house. Back home with his owner, George Niskanen, Ed began his slow restoration-a happy ending to a dangerous adventure. George was thankful to the bachelor party heroes.

Now, the people of Carver, Minnesota, have new heroes to cheer for. Indeed, this incredible act of bravery and compassion redefined the meaning of a bachelor party. It became a heroic tale of humanity, friendship, and the instinct(本能)to do what's right.


Rebecka Peterson, a high school math teacher, is the nation's 2023 Teacher of the Year. Her first year of teaching wasn't without its 1 ,but she remembered why she was there and wanted to bear those2 thoughts in mind. So she 3 the One Good Thing blog.

It was 4 and fun, really. Every evening, she would write on her blog, 5 "one good thing she experienced that day. She gave her blog the tagline; "Every day may not be good, but there is on good thing in every day."

She encouraged her 6 to do the same in their handwritten journals. Just a few minutes a day to7 something good that happened—that would be enough, she 8 . She believes that it will make them happier and more 9 to learn.

During her eleven years in teaching, Peterson has10 that some students find math difficult. But her efforts to make it 11 made her the 2023 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year. From there, she made the 12 to win the nation's 2023 Teacher of the Year.

Peterson has travelled around the country, talking to teaches about binging 13 back to Classrooms. Her goals include emphasizing the positive experiences students have not only with math but with learning 14 . She hopes her stories will attract new teachers to the profession and give 15 to current ones.


Here are two athletes who are masters in their sports and also set{#blank#}1{#/blank#} good example for others.

Lang Ping, as a player, brought honour and glory to her country. As a coach, she led the China women's volleyball team to {#blank#}2{#/blank#} (medal) at world championships and the Olympics. When the Chinese team was preparing for the 2015 World Cup, her {#blank#}3{#/blank#} (determine) was tested. The team she had built was falling apart. Two of her players had to leave.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} (face) the challenge, Lang Ping didn't lose heart. She knew that her young players could win{#blank#}5{#/blank#} they worked together as a team. Two weeks later, they were world champions.

Michael Jordan, who became known as "Air Jordan", changed basketball with his graceful moves and jumps. His skills were{#blank#}6{#/blank#} (impress), but the mental strength he showed made him unique. In the final seconds of a game, Jordan always seemed to find a way {#blank#}7{#/blank#} (win). Jordan says that the secret {#blank#}8{#/blank#} his success is learning from his failures. Losing games taught him to practise {#blank#}9{#/blank#} (hard) than before and never give up. In life, Jordan has learnt to share his success with others. The Boys and Girls Club he started in Chicago {#blank#}10{#/blank#} (help) young people since 1996.

