
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



    Men have always wondered about the earth they live on and about the ①_____ above them.

    When early men looked at the night sky, they asked themselves a lot of questions. They looked at the moon, and wondered what this strange bright object in the sky was. They did not understand why it changed its shape from night to night. They looked at the stars and planets. They also wondered why some of them changed their positions, while others did not.

    ②他们也思考地球的形状。 Most early people believed the earth was flat.

    ③In different parts of the world, there were different ideas about the universe. The ancient Greeks were the first people to study the universe(宇宙) more scientifically. In the sixth century BC Pythagoras put forward the idea that the world was round. However, he could not explain why people at the bottom of the world did not fall off.

    It was not until the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries that scientists found the answers to some important questions. ④With the help of Galileo's telescope, people could see the sky more clearly, and find the positions of the stars and planets. Finally in 1665, Isaac Newton explained to the world what gravity (重力) was and people at last understood why they did not fall off the earth.

(1)、在文中①处填写一个单词, 使得句意完整、上下文通顺。


(4)、写出文中④句的同义句, 每空限填一词。

Galileo's telescope made for people to see the sky more clearly, and to find the positions of the stars and planets.


    Sometimes, people are not clear about what kind of food is healthy and what kind of food may do harm to our health. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}The food guide describes six main food groups: meat, dairy, grains, fruit and vegetables. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} The USDA also suggests how much of each food group is proper to eat daily. Though this guide was prepared by the US government, it is very useful for people all over the world.

    Doctors everywhere suggest people eat more grains, fruit and vegetables and less meat and dairy food. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} When parents have poor eating habits, their children usually do, too. After all, children eat the same way as their parents. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Then they will develop good eating habits. Doctors suggest parents give their children healthier food such as fruit, vegetables and juice.

    Everyone wants to live a long, healthy life. We know that food we eat affects us in different ways. For example, doctors believe that fruit and vegetables can really protect people from many different diseases. On the other hand, animal fat can easily cause diseases.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. The USDA has prepared a food guide to help people learn about which kind of food is the healthiest to eat.

B. When parents eat healthy food, their children will learn to enjoy it, too.

C. Change our eating habits now and we will enjoy many years of healthy living.

D. Eating healthily is important for children as well as for their parents

E. The last group is fats and sweets.

Answer the questions.

    Ms LaRosa is a great teacher. She can answer almost any question that you have about any history topic and if she cannot, she will try her best to help you find the answer. Although she has a hearing aid(助听器),she does not let that prevent her from being a great teacher. She told the class about it on the first day and told us not to let it get in the way of our learning and not to treat her differently.

    We all like her class, especially an activity which is called the station. Stations are when our tables of four or five become our groups and we go through four various activities, such as Ancient China, in which we need to put together a sentence and write it using ancient symbols. Each station needs about 40 minutes to complete.

    Ms LaRosa has a policy that not many teachers give a second thought to. That is writing in cursive( 草书的) letters. She will provide you with various resources so that your cursive handwriting is the best that it can be. Ms LaRosa always says that she has a reason for everything that she does. Recently we just understood her reason for supporting cursive handwriting. Cursive writing can force you to think in words but not in letters. Also it has been proven that people who write in cursive letters do better on tests.

    Ms LaRosa's class gets to do various fun and exciting things. She also uses real examples from her own life, such as things that her daughter has done. Ms LaRosa also has absolute trust in her students. She always leaves her purse on her desk.

    Ms LaRosa is a great person and a great teacher who is always there for you, and I feel like I can tell her anything.

