
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    What if you arrived home to find it delicious hot meal waiting for you, prepared by your very own kitchen robot? It might sound like science fiction. but professors at the university of Tokyo  have  taken  the first steps toward making that  scenario a reality. The team recently introduced a humanoid kitchen robot that can pour and other drinks into cups and serve the m to guests. When teating is over, the robot can also wash the dishes and put them away.

    In California, another interesting kitchen robot has been developed, called Readybot. It can pick up objects and either store them in  cabinets (橱柜)or put them in the trash. It also carries a separate floor-cleaning robot that can operate by itself. Unlike the Japanese robot, Readybot just looks more like a large box with arms and wheels.

    Readybot was created by engineers and designers who established a club called the Readybot  Challlenge. They believe that in the future millions of robots will be needed in homes to perform ordinary household tasks. Readybot is just the first step in their plan to create a robot that can do jobs not  only  in  kitchens but  in other rooms of homes and in offices as well.

    Clearly there are technological difficulties to solve before robots can cook a Complete dinner, and there arc also many safety concerns (忧虑) .Not everyone (especially parents) would be comfortable with the idea of robots in their house, manipulating hot pans and sharp knives. The European Commission recently funded(资助) a project to study these concerns. According to lead researcher Professor Chris Melhuish,“ Enabling  robots to work  safely with humans is a key need for the future development of robotics.”

(1)、Compared with Readybot, which of the following is true  about the Japanese robot?

A、It is more popular. B、It performs more jobs, C、It moves inore quickly. D、It looks more like a person.
(2)、What can Readybot be used to do?

A、drive you around B、clean your kitchen C、prepare food for you D、work for office workers
(3)、what's the meaning of Ac underlined word “manipulating ” in the last paragrsph?

A、Inventing B、Avoiding. C、Controlling. D、Making.

    My writing career began ten years ago with my articles published locally and nationally. As a beginning writer, I was happy to be on my way, writing and learning as much as I could . With two little kids underfoot, as well as working full-time, it was really difficult to make time for writing, but I managed.

    Readers told me they laughed, cried or were inspired by my articles. But they didn't know what was really going on behind the typewriter. I was not a happy mommy, and found it difficult to enjoy the everyday little things in life. In short, I was not a happy person.

    I realized I had to make some changes. I started walking every morning. It cleared my head, allowed me time to think, gave me fresh air, and made me feel invigorated (精神焕发) and healthy. I was eating wisely, and the weight started to go. I started a new job, joined a monthly writing chapter,and was determined to keep up my walking. Finding the balance was sometimes difficult. But I was determined to fit in writing time because it made me happy. Sure I loved to watch the news and have my tea, but that wasn't what made me truly happy.

    My own happiness has shown through my family, my job performance and my attitude towards challenging situations. I again have readers telling me the effect my writing has had on them, with some able to get on with their own writing because of my articles.

    It was up to me to make it happen—my own happiness. One step at a time-one word at a time. And I did it.


    Frigatebirds seagoing fliers with a 6-foot wingspan, can stay aloft(up in the air) for weeks at a time, a new study has found.

Since the frigatebird spends most of its life at sea, its habits outside of when it reproduces on land aren't well-known-until researchers started tracking them around the Indian Ocean. What the researchers discovered is that the bird's flying ability is unbelievable.

    Ornithologist(鸟类学家) Henri Weimerskirch put satellite tage(标签) on a couple of dozen frigatebirds. When the data started to come in, he could hardly believe how high the birds flew.

    "First, we found, 'Whoa, 1,500 meters. Excellent,' " says Weimerskirch, "And after 2,000, after 3,000, after 4,000 meters-OK, at this altitude they are in freezing conditions, especially surprising for a tropical bird."

"There is no other bird flying so high relative to the sea surface," he says. "It's the only bird that is known to intentionally enter into a cloud," Weimerskirch says. And not just any cloud—a soft, white cumulus cloud(积云). Over the ocean, these clouds tend to form in places where warm air rises from the sea surface. The birds take a ride on the current of rising air, all the way up to the top of the cloud.

    Frigatebirds have to find ways to stay aloft because they can't land on the water. Since their feathers aren't waterproof, the birds would drown in short order. They feed by harassing other birds in flight until they bring whatever fish they've swallowed back into their mouth and the frigatebird takes it.

So in between meals, frigatebirds fly higher... and higher.

    In one case, for two months-continuously aloft.

    One of the tagged birds flew 40 miles without a wing-flap. Several covered more than 300 miles a day on average, and flew continuously for weeks. They are blessed with an unusual body. No bird has a larger wing surface area compared with body weight.


    People say that one man can't make a difference, but Abdul Samad Sheikh, a 60-year-old rickshaw(人力车)driver from Bangladesh, has proved that doing a small thing over a long period of time can mean very much. He has planted at least one tree every day since he was 12 years old, which means that he has so far planted a small forest of over 17,500 trees. Imagine if everyone followed his example.

    Abdul has worked as a rickshaw driver for most of his life. He makes a little money from his job, which is only enough to put food on the table for his family, but he somehow tries to also buy at least one tree everyday. He considers it his duty to the world. Mostly he plants them on government land so nobody can cut them down later. He also them, and if he sees anyone cutting a tree, he blames them.

    Abdul, this wife Jorna, and four of their children live in two old houses, on a piece of land that is owned by the Faridpur deputy commissioner's office. They have no land of their own.

    Sometimes, she commands him not to plant trees but he doesn't listen. Abdul's 30-year-old son, Kutub Uddin, has never told his father not to plant trees, because he thinks his father does a good thing for society.

     Abdul's neighbors all know about his daily habit, and praise his work. Whoever can ask of him anything, he will do his best to help. Therefore, Abdul is loved by neighbors.

    For his efforts, Abdul Samad Sheikh was recently honored by The Daily Star, and given $1, 253 to help him build a better home for his family. The Daily Star hoped everyone to follow his example, and protect the environment.

“I can't do it alone. I need the help of you all,” Abdul said in his speech.


    Have you heard of the following people? Maybe yes, maybe no. But they may be an inspiration for you.

    The Tree Lady

    Kate Sessions was an American botanist and landscape architect closely associated with San Diego, California. After becoming the first woman to graduate from the University of California, Berkeley, she took a job as a teacher far south in the dry desert town of San Diego. Kate decided that San Diego needed trees more than anything else. Therefore, this young woman single-handedly started a movement transforming the town into the leafy, garden-filled place as it is today.

    The Snowflake(雪花) Man

    Wilson Bentley is one of the first known photographers of snowflakes. His enthusiasm for taking photos began from his boyhood and was often misunderstood in his time, but his determination revealed two important truths: no two snowflakes are alike; and each is surprisingly beautiful. In 1931, he worked with William J. Humphreys of the U.S. Weather Bureau to publish Snow Crystals, a book containing 2500 photographs.

    The Father of His Country

    By the late 1760s, George Washington had experienced firsthand the effects of rising taxes imposed (征收) on American colonists by the British, and came to believe that it was in the best interests of the colonists to declare independence from England. During the American War of Independence, he led the colonial forces to victory. In 1878, he was elected president of the Convention that wrote the U.S. Constitution. Two years later, Washington became American's first president. His retirement from office after two terms established a tradition that lasted until 1940, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt won a third term. The 22nd Amendment (1951) now limits the president to two elected terms.


    From roller coasters to adventure tours performances to experiments, there are plenty of exciting attractions in the UK. Here is our pick of the best attractions that children can visit.

    The Natural History Museum

Why go: This really is the grandfather of all London museums—the beauty of the building and the amazing exhibits. Look out for the whale skeleton(骨架) occupying the entry hall, but don't miss the largest piece of gold (or a model of it) in the minerals gallery. You can easily spend a day here—tasty steaks, sandwiches and pizzas. Try to avoid weekends, because the crowds are larger

    Best for: Children aged 5 and over. If time is limited, families should go quickly and directly towards the dinosaur gallery, because it's really wonderful.

    Details: Entry is free, although there is a charge for some temporary exhibitions


    Why go: Some 80 million Lego bricks have gone into the creation of this colourful park. There are thrilling rides and countless ways to spend money in shops. Yes, the queues can be long (unless you pay extra for the queue-jumping equipment, which is useful though it does not cover all rides)

    Best for: Legoland is aimed at children under10s, with pre-schoolers particularly well catered for in Duplo Valley

    Details: £32 per person; under 3s go free. 25 per cent discount for booking online more than seven days in advance.

Warner Bros. Studio Tour London —The Making of Harry Potter

    Why go: You've read the books, you've watched the films, but no Harry Potter fan will want to miss the chance to go behind the scenes at the film studios where all eight of the movies were made. Sharing the secrets behind the most successful film series of all time and yet still managing to keep the sense of magic alive, this studio tour gives visitors access to two locations filled with original sets and costumes

    Best for: Children aged 7 and over, and anyone with an interest in filmmaking

    Details: £39 adults; £31 children; under 4s go free

