
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    People who have lost the ability to understand or use words due to brain damage are called aphasics(失语症患者).Such patients can be extremely good at something else.From the changing expressions on speakers' faces and the tones of their voices,they can tell lies from truths.

    Doctors studying the human brain have given a number of examples of this amazing power of aphasics.Some have even compared this power to that of a dog with an ability to find out the drugs hidden in the baggage.

    Recently,scientists carried out tests to see if all that was said about aphasics was true.They studied a mixed group of people.Some were normal;others were aphasics.It was proved that the aphasics were far ahead of the normal people in recognizing false speeches—in most cases,the normal people were fooled by words,but the aphasics were not.

    Some years ago,Dr.Oliver Sacks wrote in his book about his experiences with aphasics.He mentioned a particular case in a hospital.Some aphasics were watching the president giving a speech on TV.Since the president had been an actor earlier,making a good speech was no problem for him.He was trying to put his feelings into every word of his speech.

    But his way of speaking had the opposite effect on the patients.They didn't seem to believe him.Instead,they burst into laughter.The aphasics knew that the president did not mean a word of what he was saying.He was lying!

    Many doctors see aphasics as people who are not completely normal because they lack the ability to understand words.However,according to Dr.Sacks,they are more gifted than normal people.Normal people may get carried away by words.Aphasics seem to understand human expressions better,though they cannot understand words.

(1)、What is so surprising about aphasics?

A、They can fool other people. B、They can tell whether people are lying. C、They can understand language better. D、They can find out the hidden drugs.
(2)、How did the scientists study aphasics?

A、By asking them to watch TV together. B、By organizing them into acting groups. C、By comparing them with normal people. D、By giving them chances to speak on TV.
(3)、What do we learn from this text?

A、What ones says reflects how one feels. B、Aphasics have richer feelings than others. C、Normal people often tell lies in their speeches. D、People poor at one thing can be good at another.

    We live in a culture that sends out very mixed messages about mistakes: We're told we learn by making them, but we work hard to avoid them. So the result is that most of us know that we are going to make mistakes, but deep down, we feel we shouldn't.

    Experiments with schoolchildren who did well on a given test show that those who were praised for being smart and then offered a more challenging or less challenging task afterward usually chose the easier one. On the other hand, children praised for trying hard— rather than being smart—far more often selected the more difficult task.

    If we try hard to avoid mistakes, we aren't open to getting the information we need in order to do better. In a writing study, experiments showed that those who are so scared to make mistakes perform worse in writing tasks than those who aren't as worried about being perfect. They fear receiving any kind of negative feedback, so they don't learn where they went wrong and how to get better.

    We don't just learn more when we're open to mistakes, we learn deeper. Research tells us that if we're only concerned about getting the right answer, we don't always learn the underlying concepts that help us truly understand whatever we're trying to figure out. Mistakes need to be seen not as a failure to learn, but as a guide to what still needs to be learned. As Thomas Edison said, “I am not discouraged, because every abandoned wrong attempt is another step forward."

    Furthermore, we often make mistakes because we try new things—we wander away from accepted paths. Teflon, penicillin—these are examples of great discoveries made by mistake. Take a page from Albert Einstein, who said, "Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new. "


    There are so many things we do in our daily lives that have become a “habit”, {#blank#}1{#/blank#} How you answer the phone is a habit. The way you sit in the car when you drive is a habit. Have you ever tried to change the way you do something, after you've done it in a certain way for so long? It's easy to do as long as you think about it. The minute your mind drifts to something else, you go right back to the old way of doing things. {#blank#}2{#/blank#} It's a way of doing things that has become routine or commonplace. To change an existing habit or form a new one can be a tedious(单调乏味的) task.

    Let's pick something fairly easy to start with, like spending 15 minutes in the morning reading the  Bible. If you want to turn something into a habit that you do every day, you have to WANT to do it. {#blank#}3{#/blank#} Make a firm decision to do this on a daily basis.

    Imprint(铭刻) it in your mind. Write several notes to yourself and put them in places where you will see them. By the alarm clock, on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator door, in your briefcase, and under your car keys are good places to start.

    After the newness wears off, then you will have to remind yourself, “Hey, I forgot to. . . ”. Keep using the notes if you have to. {#blank#}4{#/blank#} Some people say it will take over a month to solidify(变得稳固) it and make it something you will do without having to think about it. I tend to agree with the last statement. Two to three weeks will help you to remember, but thirty days or more will make it a part of your everyday routine. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. What is a “habit” anyway?

B. Is doing things in an old way good?

C. Brushing your teeth is a habit.

D. Forming a bad habit is easy.

E. It takes 16 to 21 times of repeating a task to make it a habit.

F. If you don't, you will find a way to do everything but that.

G. That's something you won't necessarily have to think about before you do it — habit.


    Amy Maplethorpe, a first-year speech-language teacher at Raymond Ellis Primary School, used tennis balls, a hot glue gun, Mod Podge and a bit of paint to create two chairs that help students with sensory (感官的) problems.

    According to the school's Facebook page, which became very popular, the chairs provide a “different texture (质地) to improve sensory regulation (调控).”

    Maplethorpe told ABC News that the chairs will service about 15 to 20 students. Children with sensory problems often have a hard time “dealing with sensory information”. Things, such as coats, blankets and Maplethorpe's chairs, often comfort a student.

    Maplethorpe was excited to create the chair after seeing something similar on a website, and she made some changes to the idea.

    “I wanted to continue to help students with sensory problems at Ellis and provide a different kind of seat for the students,” she continued. “I was excited that this chair could help my students.''

    The two chairs are now in the school's sensory room, which was created recently, according to headmaster, Beth Kiewicz.

    “When a child's sensory needs are met, we then can move on to their needs in study,” Kiewicz, who has led the school for six years, told ABC News.

    Maplethorpe said the chairs have already made a difference for some of her students.

    “Students have become more patient, and have followed directions, while waiting for activities,” she said.


    Every mobile phone user worries about the battery life… Finally it's here! The amazing mobile phone solar charger will make sure your phone never runs out of battery again.

    Our solar chargers are suitable for most phones: iPhone, Blackberry, Samsung, HTC, OPPO and LG. Our solar chargers can also charge your iPad, MP3 / MP4 player, iPOD, camera,GPS and so on. They are supplied with a wide range of adaptors(转换插头), which are suitable for different kinds of devices.

    Our chargers are light and small. They fit very easily into a pocket. You can use the power of the sun to charge your solar charger on sunny days, and if your charger needs power on dull days, it can be charged by your PC via its USB connection.

    Our chargers store many hours of battery life depending on which model you choose. The higher the mAh (电池的容量单位) is, the more powerful the charger is. The solar charger is great for: heavy phone users, travelling, backpacking, camping trips, boating, long plane flights and saving energy (clean and environmentally friendly). It is perfect for charging in foreign countries — you may arrive at your overseas hotel destination and not be able to find a local adaptor.

    Keep one for emergencies — it could save your life. What if you break down in the middle of nowhere and you have no battery to call for emergency help? Or when there is no power available?

    If you won't leave home without your phone, then don't leave home without one of our solar charger.

iPhone Solar Charger — 1,900 mAh

    Price: US$37

    Weight: 69g

    Colour: Black

    It stores the power until you use it.

    Leather iPad Charger — 4,400 mAh

    Price: US$121

    Weight: 400g

    Colour: Red, black, white &pink

    Hard Plastic Solar Charger — 1,600 mAh

    Price: US$51

    Weight: 60g

    Colour: Black


    Some materials are obtained from natural resources that are changed by chemical processes in a laboratory. The resulting artificial materials are synthetic, or human-made.

    Plastic is a synthetic substance, obtained from petroleum, a fossil fuel. The molecules(分子)in petroleum are split and then linked into chains. Plastic is an example of a polymer, a material made of repeating patterns of atoms linked together. Most polymers are synthetic. They are made by polymerization, the process of chemically linking many smaller molecules to form a larger molecule that has different physical features. Some polymers, such as proteins, occur naturally.

    Plastic is a key component of many products. When heated into an almost-liquid form, plastic can be made into fibers, sheets, or molds(模具). It can be mixed with other elements to remain flexible, or it can harden into a solid. Plastic fibers can be made into clothing or carpeting. Sheets of plastic can be made into plates. Molded plastic can be sued for protective helmets or car bumpers.

    Most plastics can be reheated and remolded repeatedly. This feature makes plastic very easy to use. Polymers can be pulled into fine strings or molded into almost any kind of shape. For example, tubes of plastic can be shaped into bottles by different processes. One such process is extrusion blow-molding. Most plastics are also resistant to many chemicals that might harm other materials. This quality is the reason that so many cleaning liquids are packaged in plastic bottles.

    Plastics are good insulators that can stop electricity or heat to pass through. Look around your kitchen, and observe where plastics are used. Pot handles are sometimes made of plastic, as are cooking tools, toaster controls, and microwave cookware. Food-storage wraps and containers may be made of plastic. Take a walk outdoors, and note all the plastic items you see. Gardening tools, such as watering cans and sprayers, are often made of plastic. Swings and slides made of plastic do not become as hot as metal, so they are safer for play. Because plastics can be heated, remolded, and made into something else, they can be recycled and reused.

