
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:困难



When I was a kid, I used to spend hours listening to Adam Carolla and Dr. Drew Pinsky on their Sunday night radio show Loveline. I listened so often that I began to use one of their well-known phrases—"good times"—in my daily conversations. Scientists have a name for this phenomenon: behavioral mimicry.

    You've probably experienced this before: after spending enough time with another person, you might start to pick up on his or her behavior or speech habits. You might even start to develop your friend's habits without realizing it. There is a large body of literature concerning this sort of phenomenon, and it regularly happens for everything from body gesture to accents to drink patterns (模式). For example, one study found that young adults were more likely to drink their drink directly after their same-sex drinking partners, than for the two individuals to drink at their own paces.

And the effect isn't limited to real-life face-to-face activities. Another study found that the same you-drink-then-I-drink pattern held even when watching a movie! In other words, people were more likely to take a drink of their drinks in a theater after watching the actors on the screen enjoy a drink. At least I don't feel so strange anymore, having picked up on Adam Carolla's "good times".

    New research published today in the journal PLOS ONE indicates that the same sort of behavioral mimicry is responsible for social eating, at least among university-age women of normal weight. That's right: the young women were more likely to adjust their eating according to the eating pace of their same-sex dining companion.

As with most experiments, these results raise a whole new set of questions. However, the finding that behavioral mimicry may at least partly explain eating behavior is important, and has real effects on health. The researchers note that "as long as people don't fully recognize such important influences on intake (eating), it will be difficult to make healthy food choices and keep a healthy diet, especially when people are exposed to the eating behavior of others".

(1)、The author takes his own example of using "good times" to _______.

A、express his love for radio shows B、prove the popularity of the show C、show the influence of the hosts' words D、introduce the topic of the passage
(2)、Which of the following is NOT an example of behavioral mimicry?

A、A boy eats his popcorn after watching the actor eat. B、A boy buys a Nike shirt when he finds his desk-mate has one. C、A girl unconsciously sits straight just as others do. D、A girl takes on the Yorkshire accent after a month's stay.
(3)、It can be inferred from the last paragraph that _______.

A、behavioral mimicry is beneficial to our health B、behavioral mimicry decides our eating behavior C、people have realized the effect of behavioral mimicry on our health D、it's impossible to keep a healthy diet without knowing behavioral mimicry
(4)、What is probably the author's purpose of writing this passage?

A、To draw readers' attention to popular radio shows. B、To introduce behavioral mimicry and its influence. C、To appeal to readers not to fall into others' habits. D、To advocate healthy food choices among readers.

    You may think, salt is just a simple cooking element we shake on our food for a little extra taste. But salt is much more than that. Without salt our muscles would not move. Our nervous systems would not operate. Our hearts would not beat.

    But do not think rubbing salt into a wound will help. Doing that would be painful and not heal the wound. “To rub salt into a wound” is an idiom that means to purposefully make a bad situation worse.

    Early humans got the salt they needed to stay alive from the animals they killed. But advances in agriculture led to a diet low in salt. So, humans needed to find other sources. Those who lived near the ocean or other natural sources for salt were lucky. Those who did not had to trade for salt. In fact, people used salt as a method of payment in many parts of the ancient world. The word “salary” comes from the word “salt”.

    Salt also played an important part in population movement and world exploration. Explorers understood that if they could keep food fresh, they could travel longer distances. So they used salt to preserve food and explore the world.

    Salt was so important that, according to food historians, it was traded pound-for-pound for gold. Today, people still use the expressions “worth one's salt” or “worth one's weight in salt”. The expressions describe a person of value.

    A person might also be called “salt of the earth”. That description means he or she is dependable and trustworthy. However, when you say “I think we should take what he said with a grain of salt”you mean you accept it but maintain a degree of doubt about its truth.


    Luciano Baietti, a retired school headmaster from Italy, holds the Guinness record for the most university degrees. The 70­year­old currently has 15 bachelors(学士) or masters degrees from various universities across Italy, and is getting ready to get his 16th.

    Getting more than one college degree is not exactly unheard­of, but 15 is apparently quite impressive, since it's only been done by one man. Although he spends his days working around his house and garden, like most people his age, at night, Baietti turns into a student again. Every morning, at 3 a. m., he wakes up and studies by the light of his desk lamp.

    “Thanks to books, I feel free. After all, the words share the same root,” he says, referring to the Italian words libro(book) and libero(free). He is inspired by the 19th century French essayist Louis­Francois Berlin, whose portrait(肖像)is also on display in his study, alongside his many framed university degrees, and whom he describes as “a man of culture and knowledge”.

    Baietti first made it into the Guinness Book of Records in 2002, after his eighth degree. Then he spent the next 15 years adding seven more bachelors and masters degrees to his collection.

    “Each time I set myself a new challenge to see how far my body and my brain can go.” At 70 years old, Baietti thinks he has enough energy for at least one more degree, this time in food science.

    Probably the most important thing about Baietti's achievement is that he managed to get most of his university degrees while working as headmaster of a secondary school, and volunteering with Italy's Red Cross. The secret was always getting up at 3 in the morning to make sure that his thirst for knowledge didn't affect his professional activity and his family life. He spent 3 hours studying every day, and that was apparently all he needed to pass his exams and write his theses (论文).


    Forests are always losers at the Olympics, and that's unlikely to change anytime soon.

    For the winter games in PyeongChang, South Korea, virgin forest was destroyed on Mount Gariwang to accommodate ski runs. For the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing, a ski run is set to wipe out part of the Songshan National Nature Reserve. And let's not forget the 240 acres of Atlantic Forest that were leveled for the 2016 games in Rio de Janeiro to make way for a golf course.

    For the upcoming Tokyo games, environmental and human rights advocates have been raising alarms about the use of tropical (热带的) wood to build the New National stadium. Activists have fought against such environmental destruction. The damage is often permanent, threatens endangered plants and animals and in some cases, causes conflicts with native people. But frequently the country's organizing committee, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) have found ways to make it reasonable — despite a paragraph in the Olympic Charter (宪章) that states that the IOC's role is to "encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issues".

    "As it stands now, the IOC has little authority over a city's local organizing committee, which finally plans the event, " Chappelet, professor of public management at the University of Lausanne, told Earther. "Even if the IOC is dissatisfied with the way host cities have prepared for the games, they have no built-in systems to watch them so that they strictly follow the Olympic Charter." The only thing they can do if they're not happy is to withdraw (= take back) the right to organize the game. "But the IOC could include more enforcement (执行) systems into the contract they make with the host city," he added. That contract must be signed and obeyed by everyone and those who break it must be fined.

    Boykoff, the author of several books on the Olympics, suggested a similar solution. "The IOC could insist that host cities take their ecological (生态的) promises into account first, but instead they look the other way, time and time again," he said.


    My senior year of high school was a very hectic one, to say the least. If I wasn't studying or worrying about my grades, I was working on after-class activities. It seemed as if my life had turned into one crazy cloud of confusion and I hoped to find some sort of direction.

    Finally, I got a part-time job at the local coffee shop. I had thought it would be easy and, for the most part, stress-free. I pictured myself pouring coffee and becoming close friends with my customers.

    What I hadn't expected was the people with so many orders. There were moments when I was very angry simply because I couldn't seem to please anyone. There was always too much sugar, too little ice, or not enough skim milk. However, I kept at it.

    One day, one of my customers came in, depressed. Before he left, I handed him a bag along with his iced coffee. He looked at me questioningly because he hadn't ordered anything but the coffee. He opened the bag and saw his favorite doughnut (甜甜圈) I had given him. He smiled and thanked me before heading out into the rain.

    The next evening, he came. Instead of ordering something, he handed me a single pink rose and a note.

    “Thanks for being so sweet and thoughtful yesterday. It is so nice to meet someone who's warm and unselfish. Please don't change your ways because I truly believe that you will do better. Have a great day!

    As time went on, I did come across some customers really particular. But anytime I felt depressed, I thought of that man and his kindness. Then I would smile, hold my head up high, clear my throat and ask politely, “How can I help you?”


    Several years ago, Masaru Ibuka, chairman of Sony, was at a company planning a meeting. Suddenly he had a brilliant idea. He stopped the meeting and asked everyone present what would happen if Sony removed the recording function and speaker and sold headphones with a tape player instead. Almost everyone thought he was crazy. Still, Ibuka kept thinking about his idea and worked at improving it. The result, of course, turned out to be the wildly successful Sony Walkman.

    Good ideas often start with a seemingly silly question. Bill Bowerman was making breakfast one day. As he stood there making waffles (华夫饼干)for his son, he wondered what would happen if he poured rubber into his waffle iron. Later, he tried it and the result looked something like the bottom of most sports shoes we see today. Still, when he took this idea to several existing shoe companies, he was laughed at. In fact, every single company turned him down. Though rather discouraged, Bowerman insisted and went on to form his own company, making NIKE athletic shoes.

    Sometimes good ideas grow out of frustration .When Fred Smith was a student at Yale University, he had some paperwork that he needed to have delivered across the country the next day. Smith was amazed to find out that overnight delivery was impossible. He sat for a long while, lost in thought. Why couldn't there be a reliable overnight mail delivery service? He decided to design one. Smith did just that and turned his design into a class project.  His business professor gave him only a C for his efforts. However, Smith was not through. He improved the idea in that class project and finally turned it into one of the first and most successful overnight mail service in the world — FedEx.

    We know that each of these ideas led to a very successful product or service that has changed the way many of us live. The best questions are usually open-ended and are often silly, Children aren't afraid to ask such questions, but adults frequently are. Think how different the world might be if people never asked "silly" questions!


    I'll never forget the day when Mary came into my office and said, I am too old to learn how to use a computer. I shook my head. Here was a woman who had raised 6 children and who had made great progress in her career telling me that she was too old to learn something new. I told her that I always believed people were never too old to learn.

    Mary followed my advice and did learn how to use the computer. Now, she is retired and leading a very active life volunteering in her community(社区), using her computer skills and helping anyone that needs help.

    When she was in her sixties, one day she called me and said she had played the piano for others all her life, and now she was going to plan to make a CD of her own. My mind flashed back to the day when she told me she was too old to learn. You can imagine my surprise and delight.

    To produce the CD, she had a lot of things to learn. It was not just sitting at the piano and playing. She had to research the songs, learn about copyright(版权), and learn about marketing. It was pretty amazing for someone who once said she was too old to learn. And finally she made it. Now she has her own CD-Mixed Blessings.

    Most of you probably have heard about some people who have gone back to university in their seventies and have also graduated. They are on their way again to charging themselves with a new skill and a new attitude towards life. The point is you are unable to learn anything at any age if you believe you are too old. On the contrary, you can achieve anything at any age if you believe you can.

