
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    For a long time, the traditional method of identifying liars was to watch their body language, including facial expressions.

    What if the person appears to be nervous? Is the person unable to look me in the eye? Is he or she look around the room? What about other nervous movements, such as fidgeting(坐立不安)or shifting from side to side? Many people—from parents to police officers and airport security personnel—depend on this method. But does a person's body and face reveal the truth? Not according to a new study.

    Talking, it seems, is the best way to smoke out a liar. That is what researchers in the United Kingdom found out recently. Their investigation took place at one place where lying can get you into big trouble—an airport.

    The researchers asked volunteers to pretend they were real passengers and then lie to airport security agents. Some of the agents used spoke conversation-based methods to question these make-believe passengers. Others depended instead on the person's body language, like lack of eye contact and showing signs of nervousness. The agents talking with the passengers were 20 times more likely to catch the liars. The study found that these conversation-based techniques can help you recognize when a person is lying to you. Like many methods, this conversation method has a name. It is called Controlled Cognitive Engagement or CCE, for short.

    The British government partly financed this study. The American Psychological (APA) published the findings. Body language cannot be trusted. Using body language and facial expressions to catch someone in a lie is really hard. And it only works, seemingly, by chance.

    Thomas Ormerod is the head of the School of Psychology at the University of Sussex in England. On the APA website, he reported that the “suspicious-signs method”—or using body language—“almost completely fails” in finding lies.

(1)、What are the questions in Paragraph 2 intended to do?

A、Show traditional ways to recognize a liar. B、Launch a survey among readers. C、Show the writer's puzzlement. D、Invite the readers to think twice.
(2)、What should volunteers in the investigation do?

A、Answer questions only using words. B、Pretend to be airport security agents. C、Act as passengers as researchers required. D、Communicate with researchers by talking.
(3)、Which would be the best way to find out a liar according to the study?

A、Looking him in the eye. B、Asking open-ended questions. C、Making use of body language. D、Observing his facial expression.
(4)、What will the author continue to talk about based on the passage?

A、Misunderstandings of catching a liar. B、The “suspicious-signs” method. C、How the CCE method works. D、The new concept of CCE.


    A wonderful Cornish self catering holiday cottage Cider Cottage is the perfect place to escape and unwind.

    It is ideally located to explore and enjoy all that Cornwall has to offer.


    Cider Cottage sleeps five in a lovely countryside setting, with all home comforts. Recently fully renovated to a high standard, the Cottage was awarded a 4 Star rating by Visit England.

    It is a detached property full of character, with exposed feature stone walls and ceiling beams.

    In the past the building was used to store and crush apples to produce local Cornish cider.

    One step inside the door and you will know you have found somewhere special to spend your holiday.


    Cider Cottage has three comfortable bedrooms, of which the Master bedroom has a king size bed and an en-suite bathroom.


    A spacious fully equipped Kitchen and Dining room fitted with a ceramic hob and oven, microwave, washing machine, dishwasher and tumble dryer. We also supply all those kitchen essentials that you won't want to pack.


    Down a flight of steps is the large cosy Lounge, with exposed feature stone walling and beams that date back hundreds of years.


    Set between the south Cornwall coast and enigmatic Bodmin Moor, in lovely countryside, Cider Cottage is just 1 mile from the historic town of Liskeard and a short drive from the lovely fishing village of Looe with its wonderful sandy beach.

    The cottage is ideal for families and couples alike, whether you just want to relax or enjoy the wide variety of activities and attractions or nearby outdoor pursuits such as cycling and horseriding.

    The ancient market town of Liskeard has a choice of cafes, restaurants, takeaways, pubs & supermarkets. A main line Railway Station also serves the town, giving the opportunity for car free days out.


    When it comes to benefits of volunteering, a lot of people think it's all about the warm feelings after helping someone. {#blank#}1{#/blank#} For example, volunteering...

1)Teaches you new skills

    From helping make websites to teaching kids languages, to arranging events for charity, volunteering can really be almost anything.{#blank#}2{#/blank#} And through overcoming these you learn and start to master completely new skills.

2)Can be relevant work experience

    Something that seems to stop many is that experience often seems to be a prerequisite (必备条件) for some jobs.{#blank#}3{#/blank#} There's many a journalist that gets his or her start through volunteering for a college or university paper, and that's not at all the only profession this applies to.

3)Can be therapeutic (治疗的)

    One of my close friends has completely transformed since she started working for disabled kids.{#blank#}4{#/blank#} It allows you to see the world and other people from a whole different point of view, which in turn can make you grateful for what you already have and see your own personal value.

4)Helps you expand your network

    One of the great things for volunteering is that you meet a wide variety of people.  {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Sometimes it's very convenient to have a broad network.

A. Volunteering helps you grow as a person.

B. As it turns out, that's far from the only benefit.

C. Volunteering can actually help you get the experience you need.

D. Volunteering helps you look outside yourself and your problems.

E. It's a way to prove that you've not just been sitting and doing nothing.

F. That means when you get involved in voluntary work, you will face many challenges.

G. You're getting to know people involved in many different walks in life that you wouldn't have had the opportunity to meet otherwise.


    Soaping up your hands may do more than just get rid of germs. It may wash away the inner confusion you feel right after being forced to make a choice between two appealing choices, according to a new study. The study builds on past research into a phenomenon known as “the Macbeth effect”.

    It turns out that Shakespeare was really onto something when he imagined lady Macbeth trying to clean her conscience(良心)by rubbing invisible bloodstains from her hands. A few years ago, scientists asked people to describe a past wrong act. If people were then given a chance to clean their hands, they later expressed less guilt than people who hadn't cleaned.

    This finding fascinated W. S. Lee, a researcher. “Anything from the past, any kind of negative emotional experiences, might be washed away,” says Lee.

He decided to test hand washing's effect on one kind of bad feeling: the tension we feel after being forced to choose between two attractive choices, because picking one choice makes us feel that we've lose the other. People usually try to calm this inner conflict by later exaggerating(夸大)the positive aspects of their choice.

    He had students rank 10 different music CDs. Then be offered students one CD as a gift. Some students then use liquid soap. Others only looked at the soap or sniffed(噢)it. “Actually, you do not need water and soap,” says Lee.

    Later, the students again had to rank all the music. People who didn't wash their hands had the normal response — they scored their take-home CD higher. Suggesting that they now saw it as even more attractive than before. But this wasn't true for the hand washers. They ranked the music about the same. “they feel no need at all to justify the choice,” say Lee.

    But the implications of it just aren't clear. Schwarz says it's too soon to know whether people should head for a sink after making a tough choice. He says washing may help decision-makers by cleaning away mental disorder, but perhaps if they don't go through the usual post-decision process of justifying their choice, they might feel more sorrow in the long run.


    Off-Peak fares are cheaper tickets for traveling on trains that are less busy, offering good value for money. The tickets may require you to travel at specific times of day, days of the week or on a specific route. Where there is more than one Off-Peak fare for a journey, the cheaper fare is called Super Off-Peak.

    You can buy Off-Peak tickets any time before you travel, either online or at a local station. The travel restrictions for your Off-Peak ticket will depend on the journey you are making. The tickets must be used on the date shown on the ticket. For Off-Peak return tickets, related journeys must be made on the date shown on your ticket as well.

    Children aged five to fifteen get a 50% discount for all Off-Peak fares. Up to 2 children under 5years can travel free with each fare paying adult. Railcard holders get 1/3 off all Standard Class Off-Peak fares. Senior, and disabled Railcard holders also get I/3 off all First Class Off Peak fares. Please note that minimum fares and time restrictions may apply to tickets bought with a Railcard.

    If you plan on a train trip with friends or your family, you may get group travel discounts. Three or four can travel for the price of just two adults—leaving everyone more money to spend on the day out! If you are traveling in a group of ten or more at Off-Peak times, you may be able to obtain a further discount through the train company you are traveling with. Contact the train company directly and be aware that you may need to book tickets in advance.

    For more information, please visit www. nationalrail. co. uk



    Toastmasters is an international organization, designed to develop effective speaking and listening skills. It was set up in 1924 by Ralph Smedley and it's headquartered in California. It has a double purpose: the personal growth and strong effective communication skills.

    Who is Toastmasters open to?

    Many people think Toastmasters is open only to those who wish to be professional speakers, but that is not true. Toastmasters is open to the public at large. Any person who wishes to improve his public speaking is welcome. And also, those who just want to increase their overall self-confidence are encouraged to attend.

How can Toastmasters help you?

    Joining Toastmasters, a person will learn different methods of communicating what he really wants to say, and equally important, he will learn what the audience expects so he can send that message to them in an organized way. Some people are comfortable around friends, but when they appear before a group they don't know, they get nervous. The organization helps its members to get calm and organize thoughts, and express them in an effective way.

    Most often, people assume that when one is listening, he is also paying attention. This is not always true. Many times people are waiting for their turn to speak and are not really listening at all. Toastmasters can develop a person overall in organizing their thoughts, getting information from others and receiving effective feedback(反馈).

    How does Toastmasters train people?

    Toastmasters has a way of learning by doing. The Toastmasters International Organization provides a menu called the basic menu because it gives a guideline for the development of speeches. These speeches can meet different purposes. For example, one might need voice training; another might be to organize his thoughts or develop use of humor in speeches. There is an eight-week program for young people and also an eight-week speech course offered for adults. As a person continues to give speeches and improve, he progresses from the point of being fearful to stand before a group to the point where he can speak to any group of people with confidence.


    The movie theater is a fantasy land that takes the dreams of anyone. It attracts groups of different tastes. There are certain characteristics that distinguish these people from one another. And the characteristics also help guide directors towards what is going to be the next big cinematic presentation.

    The Regulars

    They are basically amateur movie critics themselves due to the amount of movies they watch. They do not decide more between movies and can generally see two or even three in one sitting. So older people are the regulars due to their plenty of free time they have.

    The Young Parents

    Children's movies are their entertainment of choice, and they tend to choose light-hearted humor over everything. Usually friendly, this group are great at socializing. As for the movie category for children, directors trust this group as they know what is wanted and expected in the types of movies.

    The Couple

    They are quick to get into the cinema and usually buy what is required by the female partner. What is usually a similar theme in their movies is at least a hinting at a love story of some sort. These groups are excellent test subjects for the production of Nicholas Sparks type movies as they feel like their love story is the next big production and thus directors are drawn towards them.

    The Noisy Teens

    These types can interrupt a movie countless times. Though they may buy tons of food, they seem somehow not to send the food into their mouths and employees find much food is left on the floor as if a food fight went on during the film. Action and adventure movies come out usually for this crowd because the plot and fast-paced nature of the film usually keep the teens at bay for that time period.

