
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:困难



    Living in the age of “Internet+”, more and more electronic productd and Apps have changed people's lifestyles in many ways, such as reading habits and sports events.

● Electronic Reading

    Instead of reading paper books, more people like to use electronic devices (设备) to read in China now. The reading time spend on them is getting longer. Chart I shows different reading time from a survey. However, even though people spend much time on e-books, the traditional paper books are still popular among readers. Research has shown that readers remember more information from paper books than e-books. To oour great joy, the number of books that each person read in 2016 in China reached 7.86, which increased a lot more than before.


● Electronic Sports

    Just like soccer, basketball and baseball, e-sports has become very popular around the worlde. E-sports is short for electronic sports. It is more than just children playing games in their bedrooms. In e-sports, teams of gameers play electronic games in front of many people and compert. And they need to put in a lot of hard work and training. Chart II shows the top three most fllowed e-sports among Chinese college students from a survey last yeat.

    Actually, e-products play an important role in our daily life. They have not only changed our life but also made the world colorful. One coin has its two sides. As teenagers. If we put the e-products into good use, they can add more fun to our life and become good helpers to our study.

(1)、According to the passage, why are the paper books still popular among readers?


(2)、Chart I shows the reading time on WeChat is more than that on newspaper. How much more time?


(3)、Do you like reading paper books or electronic books? Why?


(4)、We can draw a conclusion that many young people want to be a hero in their mind from Chart II. How can you know it?


(5)、In the age of “Internet +”, what influence do you think the e-products have on us?




    To make our digestive (消化的) system work well, we should avoid doing some things after having a meal, for example, drinking water. It is true that a person should drink 8 glasses of water every day to stay healthy. However, drinking water right after eating or even during a meal may disrupt (扰乱) digestion. It might influence the natural levels of acid and bile (酸和胆汁) that are necessary for proper digestion. What's more, drinking cold water after eating might slow down (减慢)digestion. So try to avoid drinking water at least an hour after a meal, and avoid drinking it while eating.

    Though walking after eating is healthy, doing it at once after a meal is not. Doing so will make it difficult for the digestive system to take in nutrients (营养) from the food. Besides, the blood will flow towards other parts of the body, like legs, hands, etc. That will make the digestive tract(消化道) not have enough blood flow for proper digestion. So we should wait for at least 2 hours after eating, and then begin exercising.

    Sleeping should also be avoided right after eating. This is because going to bed right after a meal will lead to improper digestion. What's more, such a habit will also make you put on a lot of weight. Therefore, wait for an hour or two, and then go to sleep.

    Many of us have the habit of drinking tea just after lunch or dinner, which is really unhealthy. The tea leaves are rich in acid which prevents the protein(蛋白质)in the food from digesting. The best time to drink tea is at least one hour after eating.

    Eating fruits right after a meal may fill the stomach with air and we'll feel uncomfortable. They will also take time to reach the digestive tract, disturbing the whole process of digestion. To protect your stomach from digestive problems, eat fruits before or after 1-2 hours of a meal.

    In a word, if you avoid doing all the above things after eating, you will surely make your digestion easy, and you will be less likely to have digestive problems.

Things to avoid at once after eating



● Drinking water at once after eating or during a meal may disrupt digestion by {#blank#}1{#/blank#} the natural levels of acid and bile.

● Drinking cold water after eating probably reduces the {#blank#}2{#/blank#} of digestion.

● Don't drink water until at least an hour has passed after a meal.

Going for

a walk

● If we walk right after a meal, our digestive system will have{#blank#}3{#/blank#} taking in nutrients from the food.

● Walking right after a meal can lead to not having enough{#blank#}4{#/blank#} flow for proper digestion in the digestive tract.

● Don't start{#blank#}5{#/blank#} until waiting for two hours after eating.


● Going to bed right after eating can cause{#blank#}7{#/blank#} digestion.

● Going to bed right after eating can cause one to put on much {#blank#}8{#/blank#}.



● The tea leaves are {#blank#}9{#/blank#} in acid, which prevents the protein in the food from digesting.

● Drink tea at least one hour after eating.

Eating fruits

● Eating fruits right after a meal may fill the stomach with air and make you {#blank#}10{#/blank#}.

● Fruits should be eaten before or after 1-2 hours of a meal.


    Sometimes it may seem difficult to improve our health. If so, the following health habits may help you.

    Eat breakfast every morning

    Research(研究) shows that if you eat a meal in the morning, you may not become too fat or eat too much during lunch. Eating breakfast can help people feel better through the day.

    Get enough sleep

    Poor sleep can influence(影响) our memory and learning. It can also cause traffic accidents! Studies show that people who don't get enough sleep seem to get into more accidents. So stay safe and get enough sleep!

    Take a walk every day

    Walking is an easy way of exercising. You'd better meet friends for a walk, not for a meal. As you walk, you will see the beautiful world around you. Once you try, you'll find that adding a walk into your daily life is very easy.

    Join social groups

    Social groups can provide support. They might include sport teams, art or music groups. The people in the group can offer advice and can help each other in difficult times. Also, being in a group keeps your mind busy. And active mind is a healthy mind.

    Have a hobby

    A hobby could be running, reading or making something with your hands. Hobbies help people to relax and rest. Hobbies bring us joy, too.

Title:  Ways to {#blank#}1{#/blank#} our health

Eat breakfast every


◆Breakfast stops you from eating too much during lunch.

◆It can help you feel better {#blank#}2{#/blank#} the day.

Get {#blank#}3{#/blank#} sleep

◆Poor sleep influences your memory and learning.

◆It may {#blank#}4{#/blank#} traffic accidents

Take a walk every day

◆Walking is an easy way of {#blank#}5{#/blank#}. You'd better meet friends for a walk {#blank#}6{#/blank#} of a meal.

◆Enjoy the {#blank#}7{#/blank#} world around you while walking.

Join social groups

◆You can get much support, {#blank#}8{#/blank#} and help from social groups.

◆Being in a group keeps your{#blank#}9{#/blank#} busy.

Have a hobby

◆Different hobbies can help you relax and rest.

◆Hobbies bring us joy {#blank#}10{#/blank#} well.


{#blank#}1{#/blank#}My name is Alice Smith. I come from the USA. I'm now a student in Grade Seven. I can play chess. I want to join a chess club.

{#blank#}2{#/blank#} My little brother is a student in Grade Eight. He is not good at English. He thinks it's too boring. He wants to improve(提高)it on summer holidays.

{#blank#}3{#/blank#}Cherry is a good girl at school. She is very good at drawing pictures. She often draws on Saturday morning.

{#blank#}4{#/blank#}I can sing and I can dance, too. But I can't swim. I want to learn it. But I don't know who can teach me.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#}My son likes to play the piano, but he doesn't have a piano. It is his birthday next Monday. I want to buy one for him. But I don't know where to buy it.

A. I am a college(大学)student. I want to find a job in the summer holidays. I can help some students with their study. Please call Bob at 516-0321.

B. Please take your children to the Sports Center this summer. Children can learn to swim and have fun here. Many good P. E. teachers will teach them.

C. Good news for you. The chess club opens on Sunday afternoon. It is open from 2: 30 to 4: 30. Welcome to the club.

D. Can you sing or dance?Here is a music club for you. You can sing a lot of songs here and you can dance with others. And you can learn something about music.

Welcome to join the club.

E. Miss Wang is a geography teacher. She is not busy on Saturdays because she doesn't have any classes. Maybe she can help you with your geography.

F. Can you draw pictures? Here is a good art club for you. Its name is Happy Art Club. You can make lots of good friends here and you can draw pictures with them. It's open on Saturday morning.

G. Welcome to my new music shop. There are many things on sale here, like violins, guitars, drums and pianos. They are all at good prices.


    There are many people helping to take care of others in every country. For example, some high school and college students in the United States often spend many hours as volunteers in hospitals, orphanages (孤儿院) or the old people's homes.

    They read books to the old people. {#blank#}1{#/blank#}Other young volunteers go and work in the homes of people who are sick. {#blank#}2{#/blank#}For boys who don't have fathers, there is an organization called Big Brothers. College students take these boys to baseball games or take them to go on trips. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}.

    There are a number of clubs in some cities. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Some of these clubs show movies or organize short trips to the mountains, the beaches, the museums or other places of interest. Most of these clubs have a lot of high school and college students as volunteers because they're young enough to remember the problems of younger boys and girls.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#}And they always do volunteer work happily.

A. Volunteers believe that some of the happiest people in the world are those who help bring happiness to others.

B. They also tell jokes to them and listen to their problems.

C. They paint, clean up or repair the sick people's houses or do some shopping for them.

D. People can play games or learn crafts (手工)in these clubs.

E. They help these boys get to know things that boys usually learn from their fathers.

