
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


阅读下面短文, 从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    William Franklin came to my class half a year ago.But from his first day here,he 1 himself in his own world and he never spoke to others.As his teacher,I tried to start a talk with him but 2.It seemed as if he just didn't want to break his 3.

    After the Thanksgiving holiday,we received the news of the4Christmas collection of money for the 5 in our school."Christmas is a season of 6,"I told my students."Some poor students in our school might not have a 7 holiday.By giving a little money,you will help 8 some toys,food and clothing for these needy students.We will 9 the collection tomorrow." 

    The next morning, 10 ,I found out almost everyone had 11 this matter except Willard Franklin.He came up to my desk with his head down. 12 ,he dropped two coins into the small box."I don't need milk for lunch,"he said in a 13 voice.

    After school I couldn't help sharing what had 14 in the morning with our headmaster."I may be wrong,but I 15 Willard might be ready to become part of our class. "I am 16 to hear that," he nodded."And I just received a list of the poor families in our school who most need 17 .Here,take a look at it."

    As I sat down to 18 ,I found Willard Franklin was at the top of the list.At that moment,I felt I really 19 Willard for the first time:a cold face with a warm heart.From this 20 ,I also learnt that whether rich or poor,every child has a kind heart.

A、seated    B、shut C、tied  D、taught
A、failed  B、stopped C、misunderstood D、left
A、imagination  B、pleasure C、sadness  D、silence
A、weekly   B、daily C、monthly D、yearly
A、young    B、sick C、poor D、honest
A、giving   B、enjoying   C、receiving D、saving
A、true    B、happy    C、usual D、long
A、find   B、make C、buy D、collect
A、prepare  B、finish  C、start D、continue
A、so   B、however  C、then D、moreover
A、discussed  B、forgotten C、learnt    D、remembered
A、Quickly   B、Suddenly C、Certainly   D、Carefully
A、soft    B、loud C、low    D、deep
A、appeared    B、happened C、arrived   D、remained
A、hope   B、wish C、wonder  D、believe
A、glad    B、sorry    C、shocked D、lucky
A、message    B、report  C、research D、help
A、rest   B、read C、work D、study
A、liked   B、knew C、met  D、accepted
A、result  B、success  C、talk D、experience

       As I rushed among the tables, suddenly, a  1  asked if I could mind a child. I was quite   2 but I could tell the man was quite desperate. So I had to make a  3  with him that if he wanted his son to stay and wait for him, he had to 4  something in the shop.

       This was quite  5  for the man to do; I could  6  he was quite poor by the  7  he was dressed. It looked as if he had tried to come in his 8 clothes. But they still looked a bit old and worn out 9 he had often worn them, just to make himself look best. Looking down I could see his 10  were also a bit torn and the heels were in a terrible state. I thought he was going for a job interview. In the end he bought a small box of 11 for his little son and seated him down in the corner. I could tell the boy was feeling down and only could   12  with a bit of cheering up.

       Seeing that the kid sat there for quite a while, I was a bit  13  as the poor little kid was sitting  14  his own. People watched him and some kids even came over to pick on him. I was15  to see one of them even knocked his cookies off the table.He quickly went and got them back without saying a word.I was hoping his father would 16  up and come back for his son's 17  .

        At closing time, the only person left was the little boy.After a while, the father finally came in with a tiresome look. I  18 he didn't get any job.As they were leaving, I offered the kid a little cake, but the man rejected it. I19  he felt as if I had just abused him.Of course I didn't mean to.But I could understand why he felt like that.I only wished them good  20  whatever happened.

The man opened the door to leave-father and son hand in hand.


    It was a bright sunny day, and the terrible experience happened when I was studying in Bangalore. One day, I got a call from my mom that my brother's 1 was fixed and they were arranging the wedding ceremony in the next few days. My 2 was pretty far. So the next thing I was 3 to do was to book my 4 ticket as there was no direct flight to my hometown. The 5 was done by an agent in my neighborhood. I paid the whole amount 6But when the day approached the 7 disappeared,leaving me without the train ticket, and thus 8 all my travel plan.

    But as it is said, once you face such 9 situations, you realize your inner strength. I 10 decided I would complete my whole journey by bus. Without further 11, I took a bus to the first city stop. The next bus was again not 12 —it was 8 hours to a city near my hometown, where my aunt lived. They were also going to 13 my brother's wedding ceremony. So I called them and 14 them to accommodate me. They15. Half the battle was won.

    Then next day, I was just a few hours from my hometown. When my aunts family and I were boarding our car, my 16 asked me to switch places with her.

    The journey continued. We were trying to overtake(超越) another car when 17 a truck appeared in front of us and we went directly head on in front of it. We 18with the truck. In this accident, almost everyone in our car was 19. Fortunately, I didn't have any injury, 20 my cousin who switched places with me was seriously injured!


    “I just think a year ago, at 54 years of age, I couldn't swim. I was terrified at the thought of going into the water. Now, I have just1my 200 meters. It feels like a2 and it is all thanks to Everyday Swim.”

    It's never too late to learn swimming. Angela King, 55, is a perfect3of it .For years, she had to4sting on the side of a pool watching her family splash(拍水)around. Then in August 2016, the family went to an attraction they hadn't5for 15 years. Angela thought, “All this time, I still can't6When I get back home tomorrow, I'm going to find out more about swimming7

    In the cold light of day, she felt a little8but her husband David searched the Inter-net for swimming classes. He found Everyday Swim at the local Hadleigh pool and9Angela to sign up. When she turned up for her first training, she says, “I felt a bit sick and10but this soon passed. The instructor11put me at ease, as did the other people in the class. They were all shapes and sizes12they were all feeling like me.”

    As the lessons13she learned to become more14in the water. At first, it was a simple15of learning she wasn't going to sink. Then during the third lesson, the Olympic gold medal winner Duncan Goodhew turned up to offer16“I couldn't believe it. He held my hand and we all held hands in a circle and splashed under the water. What he did made me believe that I could17it.

    When the 10 lessons for £100 offer finished at the pool, she18to sign up for lessons. In fact, from initially(开始) being19of the water, Angela was now becoming a regular swimmer and20some certificates along the way.


    I was correcting students' homework in my office when I came across a piece of work which was quite similar to what I had read on line. At that moment, a 1 picture was called to my mind.

    It was in a Chinese class that my teacher praised me for my 2 composition. After giving some positive 3 on it, he asked me to read my composition 4 as a model to the whole class. I stood in front of the class 5 and proudly, reading it in my best voice. "The mountain stands there like a…"the mountain stands there like a…" I 6the first part of the sentence, but could not move on. What was worse, I heard some murmured voices which made me more7.

    "Did she write it?"

    "Hey, you must have8 it from others!"

    I stood there, staring at the notebook, mind totally9.

    10, at that moment, a low and gentle voice from my teacher saved me. I looked up at him and saw a friendly smile 11 his face. I realized that I was 12to continue. So, again, I raised my voice and 13 on my composition successfully.

    I did copy those words from a famous work. When I 14my composition I found a few beautiful lines in a book. "They will 15 color to my composition if I use them as mine." I thought 16 . Finally, those sentences became an important part of my homework.

    After class, I looked at my teacher 17 and waited for his criticism. But to my 18, he said, "You did quite well, but you can do better next time." Then he left, without any critical words.

    From then on I never copied others' work; 19, I wrote authentic compositions.

    Coming back from my memory, I 20 to correct my students' homework. I carefully underlined the part copied and just put down a question mark. Everyone makes mistakes. To error is human, to forgive, divine.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    I sat and waited for Kathleen to speak. “Annie,” she said, “A food bank that serves the elderly is asking for 1. I'd like you to organize the event.” “Well, errr…sure.” As I stuttered(结巴地说) through my 2 , all I could think was, “What? Why me?”

    I walked back to my office wondering where to 3. This was a time 4 the economy was fading. The rise in unemployment forced many of my coworkers to 5 to survive. How could I ask them for more?

    That evening I drove home, depressed. Then I remembered once my father was out of work. Mom wrote a note to Jim, the milkman, asking him not to 6 any more milk. Two days later Jim picked up the 7 and left four liters of milk. He left a message, 8, “Kids need milk.” The milk delivery 9 as usual and Jim never collected a cent 10 us.

    The memory of Jim's 11 fired my enthusiasm. Perhaps I'd be in for a pleasant surprise.

    The next morning I 12 signs about our food drive all over the cafeteria and on every notice board I could find. Each sign said, “Food drive to support the poor elderly! 13 of non-perishable(不易腐的) foods are greatly needed.”

    Within a few days I had to locate empty office space to 14 a large number of contributions we had 15. One of my coworkers, Maggie, made the rounds with me every day from one department to another to pick up the canned goods and other 16. Though over sixty, she 17 manage to push our food trolley(手 推车) around like a woman half her age.

    I asked her where she got all the enthusiasm. She said, “With the unemployment rate touching 10 percent, I can't think of a better way to be 18 for keeping our jobs 19 so many have lost theirs. Sure money is tight. But when isn't it? People need food.”

    As I listened to Maggie, the milkman's words 20 in my ears, “Kids need milk.”

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    The family had had a cat for years. Then one day, the children finally1 to persuade their parents to get them a dog as well. So a little Labrador(拉布拉多犬)2.

    The dog was so3that everyone wanted to hold him and he charmed everyone by just loving them. The cat made it very clear that she did not welcome another4 in the house, but the dog just5the cat anyway. The little dog6her everywhere, trying to make friends with the angry cat. No amount of7 behavior from the cat could persuade the dog not to love the cat.

    The family thought the cat would8 like the dog.

    Then one day the family heard horrible9 from their back yard. They ran to the10 to see what was happening. They lived in the suburbs and so they saw a real lynx( 猞猁) was just planning on11 their cat for lunch. The poor cat had nowhere to run or hide. It would only be a matter of seconds and their cat would be12 .

    And then suddenly a black lightning ran to the cat. The little dog13 the big lynx with all its strength. It did not be14or stop to think. It saw its15in trouble and did what had to be done. The family opened the window and started yelling and the father ran to the yard. The lynx soon disappeared into the16 .

    And ever since that day the cat's behavior toward the dog17 totally. Now it was the cat that followed the hero dog everywhere. They18in the same basket. The cat even let the dog eat from her bowl.

    So we can 19: if ever anyone is20 towards you, don't turn your back on them. They may not rescue your life—but their kindness can certainly rescue your day!

