
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Ways to Stop Worrying

    A little worrying now and then can be self-protective. But too much worrying can lead to many problems, such as reduced concentration, poor sleeping habits and the inability to handle everyday difficulties. What's more, it may also cause physical health problems, such as high blood pressure.

    Here are some tips to help you lighten up and enjoy life more.

1). Note down your worries

    Writing in a worry journal helps create some distance between you and your concerns. Write down your thoughts briefly every day, perhaps the first thing in the morning, before you start your regular routine.

2). Pack away your worries

     Imagine tucking (塞) away your anxieties in a small box and closing the lid (盖子). Set aside some time each day to open the box and examine your worries, but otherwise, keep it closed.

3). Share your worries with a friend

    Don't be embarrassed. Then, he or she may give you some practical suggestions. Telling someone your fears helps lift the burden of worry and gives your friends a chance to offer comforting thoughts.


    Select a quiet spot in your home where you can focus on your worries without being interrupted (打扰). Stay there every day for 10 to 20 minutes. Make sure you maintain a strict time limit and try to avoid worrying except when you're in your designated (指定的) “worry space”.

A. Create a personal worry space.

B. See worries from a different perspective.

C. Talk to your friend about your worries.

D. If journal writing isn't for you, create a “worry box” in your mind.

E. Spend about 15 minutes just writing and reflecting on what is bothering you.

F. Check with your local health centre about programs to stop worrying in your area.

G. Without anxiety you probably wouldn't lock your door at night or schedule your regular check-up.


    Science has a lot of uses. It can uncover laws of nature, cure diseases, make bombs, and help bridges to stand up. Indeed science is so good at what it does that there's always a temptation(诱惑) to drag it into problems where it may not be helpful. David Brooks, author of The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character, and Achievement, appears to be the latest in a long line of writers who have failed to resist the temptation.

    Brooks gained fame for several books. His latest book The Social Animal, however, is more ambitious and serious than his earlier books. It is an attempt to deal with a set of weighty topics. The book focuses on big questions: What has science revealed about human nature? What are the sources of character? And why are some people happy and successful while others aren't?

    To answer these questions, Brooks surveys a wide range of disciplines(学科).Considering this, you might expect the book to be a dry recitation of facts. But Brooks has structured his book in an unorthodox(非常规的), and perhaps unfortunate, way. Instead of introducing scientific theories, he tells a story, within which he tries to make his points, perhaps in order to keep the reader's attention. So as Harold and Erica, the hero and heroine in his story, live through childhood, we hear about the science of child development and as they begin to date we hear about the theory of sexual attraction. Brooks carries this through to the death of one of his characters.

    On the whole, Brooks's story is acceptable if uninspired. As one would expect, his writing is mostly clear and, to be fair, some chapters stand out above the rest. I enjoyed, for instance, the chapter in which Harold discovers how to think on his own. While Harold and Erica are certainly not strong or memorable characters, the more serious problems with The Social Animal lie elsewhere. These problems partly involve Brooks's attempt to translate his tale into science.


    Winter is a really fun time of the year—it's great to have snowball fights and build snowmen.{#blank#}1{#/blank#}When it's cold outside and you're not prepared, you can feel uncomfortable. Lucky for you, learning how to stay safe is not difficult.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Wearing thick clothes is the best way to stay warm in the cold. Depending on where you live and how cold it is, some kids may need more clothes, some less.

    Take that hat. You maybe wear a large overcoat and ready to go, but are you forgetting something?{#blank#}3{#/blank#}You'll stay much warmer with a hat than without one—tons of body heat escapes right from your head.

    Drink up. Sounds like advice for hot weather, not cold weather, right?{#blank#}4{#/blank#}When you're outside in the cold and breathing hard, your body loses a lot of water through your breath. And the best way to get that water back is to drink up!

    Take it easy. Sometimes if you're out having fun, it's easy to forget to pay attention to your body. But if your body temperature drops even 4 or 5 degrees while you're outside, it can make you feel terrible.{#blank#}5{#/blank#}And if you ever feel weak, those are signs that you have to take it easy indoors for a while.

A. Love those clothes.

B. Have a snowball fight.

C. Pull a hat onto your head.

D. That's why you need to be careful with your body's signals.

E. Well, the truth is that it's good advice for both kinds of weather.

F. But you have to know how to be safe while you're out having fun.

G. You can stay outside as long as possible to fully enjoy your snow days.


    Worry problems are everywhere in our daily life. How to solve them? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to handle different kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis. The three steps are:

Get the facts

    Why is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts, you can't possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently. Without the facts, all you can do is wondering around in confusion{#blank#}1{#/blank#}When you are worried, your emotions are riding high. But here are two ideas that can help you see the facts in a clear and objective way.

    When trying to get the facts, you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person. This will help you to take a cold and fair view of the evidence. You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree{#blank#}2{#/blank#}You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between.

Analyze the facts

    {#blank#}3{#/blank#}And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences(后果) of each step. For example, what am I worrying about? What can I do about it? Here is what I'm going to do about it. After carefully weighing all the facts, you can calmly come to a decision.


Unless you take your action, all you face—finding and analyzing—is a waste of energy. How can you break the worry habit before it breaks you? Crowd worry out of your mind by keeping busy.{#blank#}5{#/blank#} Accept what can't be avoided. If you know a situation is beyond your power, say to yourself: “ It is so; it can't be otherwise.” Don't permit little things to ruin your happiness. Try to develop a mental attitude that will bring you peace and happiness.

A. Act on that decision

B. It is not an easy job to get facts.

C. Decide how much anxiety a thing may be worth

D. Plenty of action is one of the best ways to cure worry.

E. There comes a time when you must decide and never look back

F. Try to get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case

G. Whenever you are worried, write down the questions that make you worry.

    Much information can be clearly conveyed, purely through our eyes, so the expression “eyes also talk” is often heard.
    Can you recall any experience that further proves this statement? On a bus you may quickly glance at a stranger, but not make eye contact. If he senses that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.
    It is the same in daily life. If you are looked at for more than necessary, you will look at yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you. If nothing goes wrong, you will feel angry toward other's stare at you that way. Eyes do speak, right?
    Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive. But things are different when it comes to staring at the opposite sex. If a man glances at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to turn away his gaze(注视), his intentions are obvious. That is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is showing affection for her.
    However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, in order to make sure that the listener does pay attention to what the former is speaking, to tell him that he is attentive.
    If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he tries to control you, you will feel uneasy. A poor liar(说谎者)usually exposes himself by looking too long at the victim, since he believes the false ideas that to look straight in the eye is a sign of honest communication.
    In fact, continuous eye contact happens between lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show love that words cannot express.
    Clearly, eye contact should be done according to the relationship between two people and specific situation.

    If you are hungry, what do you do? Grab a piece of your favorite meal and stay quiet after that?{#blank#}1{#/blank#}But it never lets you know, because you keep it busy thinking about your dream lover or favorite star. So it silently serves your needs and never lets itself grow. When mind loses its freedom to grow, creativity gets a full stop.

    {#blank#}2{#/blank#}Now why reading and not watching TV? Because reading has been the most educative tool used by us right from the childhood. Just like that to develop other aspects of our life, we have to get help from reading.

    Once you read a book, you just don't run your eyes through the lines, but even your mind decodes it and explains it to you. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Now this is unknowingly used by you in your future to develop new ideas. The same seed if used many times, can help you link and relate a lot of things, of which you would have never thought in your wildest dreams!

    This is nothing but creativity. As the number of books you read is increasing, your mind will open up like never before. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}Within no time you start speaking English or any language fluently with your friends or other people and you never seem to run out of the right words at the right time.

    {#blank#}5{#/blank#} Now what are you waiting for? Go, grab a book, and let me know!

A. Your stomach needs food. Similarly, your mind can feel hungry too.

B. Why not do some reading while you are hungry?

C. A picture is formed in your brain and left there as a seed.

D. So guys do join me and give food for your thoughts by reading, reading and more reading

E. Also this is beneficial to you if you want to enlarge your vocabulary.

F. Reading can help you make more friends, too.

G. It is commonly thought that reading can actually make your hungry mind satisfied.


    Tiredness, coughing, a runny nose and a sore throat—among all sicknesses there is probably none more common than the flu (流感), which we all get now and then. However, bird flu is a completely different story.

    In 2003, the H5N1 bird flu swept across 15 countries, including China, with sufferers reporting chest pain, difficulty breathing, fever and severe coughing. More than 600 people were infected, and about 60 percent died. Now, another type of bird flu hit Shanghai and three neighboring provinces, and this time the virus is called H7N9. By the afternoon of April 11, the new virus had taken nine lives out of 35 infected, according to Xinhua News Agency.

    The "H" and "N" in the virus' name refer to two kinds of proteins (蛋白质) on the surface of the virus. Any change of the numbers of the two proteins indicates a new mutation(变异). Most of the mutations only affect birds, such as chickens and pigeons, and don't normally spread to humans. But once they do, the results can be disastrous.

    "Any time an animal influenza virus crosses to humans, it is a cause for concern, " Malik Peiris, virologist (病毒学家) at the University of Hong Kong, told Nature magazine. Take the SARS epidemic (传染病) in 2003 as an example. The virus behind the disease is thought to have jumped to humans from animals. The virus was a complete "stranger" to human bodies, which hadn't developed an immunity (免疫力) against it.

    But there is something more about the new H7N9 bird flu. Unlike the H5N1 bird flu, which causes severe sickness in birds, the H7N9 has been evolving under the radar(悄悄地) since it travels between birds without causing noticeable illness. That makes it difficult to keep track of the disease.

    The good news is that there's so far no sign that the virus is spreading from person to person. But since there is no vaccine (疫苗) for the disease yet, the World Health Organization recommends that you wash your hands after meeting with sick people and before and after you eat or prepare food, and they also suggest avoiding contact with birds or their eggs.

