
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    “I don't feel right about this,” I said to one of my cousins in a low voice. She nodded in 1 . Not wanting to be the first to touch the food, I waited for one of the older adults to start.

    Thanksgiving usually meant 2  and full stomachs, however, this year was 3. My family sat around the dinner table 4 at our feast. Everyone had a full plate, everyone except for Grandma. The treatment for throat cancer would 5  one of her great pleasures, eating. This was the first 6of many food-focused 7  to come. I could not imagine what it would be like to never taste food again. My cousin Molly broke the 8 with a raise of her glass, “To Nat.” We all followed her lead. “Your 9 and strength encourage us all,” she continued. Grandma smiled, holding back her tears with great 10 . “Thank you. Please, please eat.” And with that, we all began to eat. Conversation broke 11around the room while Grandma laughed and talked with us all. Cancer would take away her ability to eat, but not the gift of being the best hostess. The evening went on as 12 Thanksgivings do. By the time the night was over, I felt 13 to my family than ever before. I learned that we gather together on holidays not to eat rich feast, but to 14 and share with one another. We 15 my Grandmother's courage, but we all learned a lesson in grace. In the years following, my Grandma 16 to create meals for family events. She told me once with a laugh, “I may not be able to eat, but I can 17 taste things.” With a 18 heart, Grandma prepared what she could not have for the only purpose of making us 19 . She inspired me to learn to cook and helped me find the 20 to make everything come together: love.

A、disappointment   B、surprise C、satisfaction D、agreement
A、songs   B、laughter  C、thoughts D、understanding
A、popular      B、different C、familiar D、similar
A、aiming     B、staring C、joking D、nodding
A、take away   B、take in C、take up D、take down
A、 plans B、dinners C、holidays D、activities
A、cheap B、beautiful C、delicious D、terrible
A、record     B、rule C、dark D、silence
A、wish B、concern C、courage D、confidence
A、efforts    B、effects C、relief D、patience
A、 into B、up C、down D、out
A、necessary   B、basic C、normal D、certain
A、farther      B、closer C、happier D、stranger
A、apologize    B、promise C、forgive D、support
A、remembered   B、mentioned  C、followed D、celebrated
A、continued     B、decided C、hated D、started
A、still B、ever C、just D、even
A、careless     B、frightening C、pitiful D、selfless
A、sad B、happy C、surprised D、lovely
A、sign B、skill C、attitude D、secret
    One day I sat down in front of my office computer. “Your password is 1 ,” a server message emerged on my screen, with 2 for changing it. Coming up with a new code doesn't seem like a big 3, unless you work at my company, where we have to change it 4 . And I can't use any of the 5 passwords before.
    At that time I was deeply 6 after my recent divorce. Disbelief over what she had done to me was all I thought about every day.7 I realized I couldn't focus on getting things done in my 8 mood. I need to 9 control of my life, so I made my password Forgive@ her.
    I had to 10 this statement several times a day, each time my computer 11. I wrote Forgive @her every day.
    The simple action changed the way I looked at my 12 . That constant reminder led me to accept the way things had happened at the end of my marriage and 13 a new way of dealing with depression. 14 the month went on, I felt a slow healing begin to take place. By the time my server prompted (提示)me to reset my 15 the following 16 , I felt free. So I thought about the next thing that I had to get done.
    My password became Quit @srnoking4ever.
    I 17 smoking finally.
    One month later, my password became Save4trip@thailand.
    Guess where I went three months later: 18 .
    Seeing how these 19 helped to achieve my goals and kept me motivated and excited, you'll not 20 to choose a positive one for yourself.

    When Dave was eighteen, he bought a second-hand car for £200 so that he could travel to and from work more 1 than by bus. It worked quite well for a few years, but then it got so old, and it was costing him2 much in repairs that he decided that he had better3 it.

    He asked among his friends to see if anyone was particularly4 to buy a cheap car, but they all knew that it was falling to pieces, so 5_of them had any desire to buy it.

    Dave's friend Sam saw that he was 6 when they met one evening, and said, “What's 7, Dave?” Dave told him and Sam answered, “Well, what about advertising it in the paper? You may8 more for it that way than the cost of the advertisement!” Thinking that Sam's 9was sensible, he put an advertisement in an evening paper, which read: “For sale: small car,10very little petrol, only two owners. Bargain at £50.”

    For two days after the advertisement first appeared, there was no 11. But then on Saturday evening a man rang up and said he would like to 12 him about the car. “All right,” Dave said, feeling happy. He asked the man whether ten o'clock the next morning would be 13or not. “Fine,” the man said. “And I'll 14 my wife. We intend to go for a ride in it to 15 it.”

    The next morning, at ten quarter, Dave parked the car in the square outside his front door,16 to wait there for the person who had 17 his advertisement. Even Dave had to 18 that the car really looked like a wreck (残骸). Then soon after he had got the car as 19 as it could be, a police car stopped just behind him and a policeman got out. He looked at Dave's car and then said, “Have you reported this 20 to us yet, sir?”


    A little boy was visiting his grandparents on their farm. He was given a slingshot (弹弓) to play with out in the woods. He 1 in the woods, but he could never hit anything. Getting a little2, he headed back for dinner. As he was 3 back he saw Grandma's pet 4. Just out of impulse (冲动), he let the slingshot 5, hit the duck right in the head and killed it. He was shocked and 6.

    In a panic, he hid the7duck in the wood pile, only to see his sister watching! Sally had seen it all, but she said 8.After lunch the next day Grandma said, "Sally, let's wash the 9." But Sally said, "Grandma, Johnny told me he10to help in the kitchen." Then she11to him, "Remember the duck?" So Johnny washed the dishes. Later that day, Grandpa asked if the children wanted to go fishing. Before they left, Grandma said, "I'm sorry but I12Sally to help me make supper," Sally just smiled and said, "Well, you needn't worry about it13Johnny told me he wanted to help." She whispered again, "Remember the duck?" So Sally went 14 and Johnny stayed to help. After several days of doing both his15and Sally's, he finally couldn't 16 it any longer. He came to Grandma and admitted that he had 17 the duck.

    Grandma squatted down(蹲下), gave him a 18 , and said, "Sweetheart, I know. You see, I was standing at the window and I saw the 19 thing, but because I love you. I forgave you. I was just wondering how long you would let Sally make a 20 of you. If you make a mistake, just be brave to admit to it and promise not to make it again. In that way, everyone will forgive you."


    The first time Mercado thought seriously about becoming a professional model, she surfed the Internet for someone with a physical disability in the modeling world. That was six years ago, when disabled models were 1. Thus, her search came up empty.

    “I didn't think there was a 2.” she talks of the career she'd imagined "Not because I wasn't worthy of it, but because I didn't see anyone else like me out there. It was just not a thing.” However, Mercado has helped 3 that reality because of her not giving up. Last year, Mercado signed with IMG Models, the powerhouse agency which 4 top supermodels.

    During a shoot, there are certain movements and 5 that are simply not an option for her. But her team has always found a way to work around these 6, and she's never been cut from a campaign because of concerns about her disability.

    "There's 7 been a problem with the team not getting what they need to get from me as a model. There's never been an excuse where it's like—'she has a disability, this is not going to work because the 8 won't look nice.' "She says, "If I'm a model, a clothing company wants to showcase their 9 on me, that's great, "she says. "That's all it should be."

    Her small body has more than a dozen surgical 10 and she fell both nervous and excited when she decided last year to 11 them for a shoot for a lingerie(女式贴身内衣) company. "12 I'm very outspoken with what I believe in, I'm very much of a 13 person still at heart. But I wanted to 14 a challenge. "Mercado liked 15 people that everyone can and should feel attractive in their own skin: "You shouldn't be ashamed of your own 16.”

    In the meantime, she's focused on her work and using her blog to encourage those who want to follow her 17. When the next generation of disabled models searches the Web for 18, they'll find her.

    Mercado 19 her success to confidence, faith and never 20,"I'm an example that you can do what you want, because… "she pauses. "Just because! That's it. You just can. "


    Kids who live a happy childhood dream about what they will be when they grow up. But less 1 kids, who live in poverty, sometimes wonder why they were born in the first place.

    Children like these 2 Lebanese director Nadine Labaki's new film Capernau (《何以为家》), which arrived in Chinese mainland 3 on April 29 , 2019.

    In the slums (贫民窟) of Beirut, Lebanon's capital, Labaki saw kids selling gum or flowers or 4 carrying heavy gas tanks. Some of them were alone on the street, unfed and 5.

    One of these kids told her, "I don't know 6 I was born if no one is going to love me, if no one is going to 7 me before I go to sleep, or if I'm going to be beaten up every day."

    This is how Capernaum begins: A 12-year-old boy named Zain who lives in one of Beirut's slums, charges his parents for giving 8 to him, even though, he says, they knew they couldn't 9 him.

    Capernaum is fictional but ifs as 10 as it gets. There are no 11 actors in this film. Zain, for example, is 12 by a boy with the same name, a Syrian refugee (难民) called Zain Al Rafeea. He had never slept in a 13 before the film, or gone to school. He didn't even have papers to 14 he was a human being—just like his character in the film.

    By making the film, Labaki wanted to "become the voice of these kids", according to The Guardian. The voice is being heard. It ran first at Cannes Film Festival in May, 2018, and 15 the Jury Prize. Soon after the festival, under the 16 of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Zain and his family got the chance to resettle in Norway. They now live in a house by the sea, and Zain is going to school.

    When Labaki told The New York Times that she wanted the film "to go beyond the borders of just being a film" and be "a 17 for help", she wasn't 18 how big an impact it would have. "I might never get anywhere, but 19 I want to try," she said.

    But she has certainly gone somewhere indeed—to say the least, the real-life Zain is now able to 20 his future.

