
试题 试卷


题型:短文续写 题类:常考题 难易度:困难

译林版(2019)高中英语 必修第二册 模块综合检测1


"Are you crazy? You finally retired! Why would you want to work in the hospital again?" My friends couldn't understand why, after forty years of nursing and four of retirement, I would return to nursing. Actually, I didn't understand either. Tired of the pressure of the job, I had eagerly and joyfully retired with no plans to practice nursing again.

Then one day a friend who was also a retired nurse told me how much she loved being a part of the Volunteer Registered Nurse program. "You help nurses care for patients at the bedside, "she said, "and the best part is that you do so at your own speed."

She directed me to the program at our local hospital, and after completing lots of paperwork and a few classes, I was excited about getting back to the bedside. On my first day, after basic training, I stepped onto the surgical(外科的) floor to be welcomed with smiles and hellos from the staff. I checked with the charge nurse to see who needed my help the most or if there was a particular patient requiring some extra care.

She smiled, "I am so glad to see you. I can't believe you are here to help me. "Taking a deep breath, she added, "Mr. Jones needs a bath and some extra attention. He is so disappointed he's not going home today."

I proceeded(前往) to the patient's room to see a sad man staring out of the window.

I gave him my biggest smile. "Hi, I'm Mary, a volunteer RN and I'm here to take special care of you this morning."

I asked if he would like to take a shower and he shook his head.

"Taking a shower and putting on clean pajamas(睡衣) may make you feel better, "I encouraged.

Paragraph 1

He agreed and walked to the shower.

Paragraph 2

I felt I had made a small difference.


The eight­year­old Carol lived with her father David, mother May and elder brother Rob. The little family happily lived in a beautiful village surrounded with beautiful_nature. The village was at the foot of a mountain, with beautiful views of the snowy mountain. The family survived on growing seasonal plants and trees. Their life is totally surrounded by nature and beauty.

While they lived a very happy life, Carol did not love the beautiful atmosphere of the village.

She really wanted to move into the city and enjoy the city life. She wanted to shop, move around the city, watch movies, _and eat in fantastic restaurants and cafes, etc.

However, there was hardly any chance that Carol's family moved to the city as they had everything in the village.

One day, Carol fell asleep during the early noon and she had a sound sleep. Of course, she had a strange dream. She saw her grandmother in her dream as a fairy and her deceased grandmother granted her a wish. Carol requested her that she should love to enjoy the city life as she always desired.

Grandmother understood the desire of Carol, but still wanted to convince her that the peaceful village life is better than the city life.

She told Carol, "Baby, you cannot have access to fresh fruits and vegetables from plants as you have at your home. You cannot breathe fresh air. You cannot play with animals. You can hardly find any trees. You will not find peace as you see here! Do you still want to go to the city?"

Without hearing the concerns, Carol asked her grandmother to grant the wish. Grandmother granted her wish, but with a condition. Carol was told that she would only have 6 hours to spend in the city. Later, she would return to the village. Carol agreed.






Paragraph 1:

Carol then found herself in the city with her friends.

Paragraph 2:

Carol's brother Rob was calling her for lunch and Carol woke up.

