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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are making waves nowadays, and although it's too soon to determine their final influence on the universities across the country and the world, they are sparking off a lively debate among educators and students.

The first MOOC arrived on the scene back in 2011 when two Stanford teachers offered their artificial intelligence class online for free. Enrollment topped 160,000, and the unexpected success of the experiment encouraged other schools.

Supporters believe making quality educational instruction available to the public will provide higher quality and lower cost for many, and might easily be the best instructional model for the future. MOOCs can be attended by thousands or even hundreds of thousands of students at a time. In fact, Sebastian Thrun, one of the Stanford teachers who started it all, sees a day in which as few as 10 universities meet the world's higher education needs.

Where MOOCs may provide quality instruction for many, detractors often see that very fact as its biggest failing. MOOCs don't offer any individualized training, and some educators feel using it as a for-credit standard in the future will leave some students behind. A common argument is that individualized, face-to-face teaching works best in many cases. The lively exchange of ideas can activate a classroom.

Some find other aspects of MOOCs troubling. In the first MOOCs, plagiarism (剽窃) was a problem and completion rates on the whole were low. This may have been because some students were curious about the format rather than focused on the study.

How will MOOCs progress in the future? No one knows for sure, but the modem classroom may turn out to be a combination of the old and the new, with on-campus activities like labs, debates and online activities working with massive online offerings to provide a special learning experience that's cost-effective and convenient.

(1)、Which can best replace the underlined part in Paragraph 1?
A、Witnessing falling. B、Gaining wealth. C、Getting recognition. D、Causing arguments.
(2)、What's the advantage of MOOCs according to supporters?
A、Students can get unique training. B、The atmosphere can easily activate students. C、It offers an effective way to evaluate students. D、Students can get high-quality education at a low cost.
(3)、How will MOOCs advance in the author's view?
A、By increasing its enrollment rates. B、By encouraging students' participation. C、By involving more experimental activities. D、By combining on-campus and online activities.
(4)、What can be the best title for the text?
A、When is MOOCs Get Noticed? B、How can MOOCs Develop so Fast? C、Is MOOCs the Best Educational Model? D、Do the Advantages Outweigh the Disadvantages?

    While sweet treats can be hard to resist, the World Health Organization(WHO) has set new guidelines for people around the world. The guidelines, released on Wednesday, advise that both adults and children cut back on their sugar intake(摄取量) to stay healthy.

    In a statement, Francesco Branca, director of the WHO's nutrition department, said there is evidence that reducing daily sugar intake reduces the risk of being overweight and tooth decay(腐烂).

    The guidelines do not apply to the sugars in fresh fruit and vegetables or those that are naturally present in milk. According to the WHO, there is no reported evidence of negative effects of consuming those sugars. Instead, the new guidelines focus on “added” or “free” sugars. These include sugars that are added to processed foods and drinks such as candy and soft drinks.

    Added sugars are sometimes described as “ hidden” sugars because they exist in foods we might not think of as sweets, such as honey and ketchup(番茄酱). Health experts advise that consumers look at ingredients on food packages to help make better-informed decisions.

    The WHO recommends that people in the United States, Europe and other Western societies should cut their average sugar intake by about two-thirds, or down to just 10% of their overall calories. For developing countries, where dental care is less advanced, the WHO recommends that sugar intake be reduced to 5%.

    Scientist Kieran Clarke, of the University of Oxford, notes that for those people who can't shake their love for sweets, getting more exercise is a good solution. “If you get enough exercise, you can eat almost anything,” she said “But it's very hard to avoid large amounts of sugar unless all you're eating is fruit and vegetables.”


I have had just about enough of being treated like a second-class citizen, simply because I happen to be that put-upon(被欺骗的) member of society — a customer. The more I go into shops and hotels, banks and post offices, railway stations, airports and the like, the more I am convinced that things are being run merely to suit the firm, the system, or the union. There seems to be an deceptive(欺骗的) new motto for so-called “service” organizations — Staff Before Service.

    How often, for example, have you queued for what seems like hours at the Post Office or the supermarket because there were not enough staff on duty to equip all the service grilles(窗口) or checkout counters? Surely in these days of high unemployment it must be possible to hire cashiers and counter staff. Yet supermarkets claim that bringing all their cash registers into operation at any time would increase expenses. And the Post Office says we cannot expect all their service counters to be occupied “at times when demand is low”.

    It is the same with hotels. Because waiters and kitchen staff must finish when it suits them, dining rooms close earlier or menu choice is cut short. As for us guests, we just have to put up with it. There is also the nonsense of so many friendly hotel night porters having been thrown out of their jobs in the interests of “efficiency” and replaced by coin-eating machines which offer everything from beer to medicine. Not to mention the creeping threat of the tea-making set in your room: a kettle with a mixed collection of tea bags, plastic milk cartons and lump sugar. Who wants to wake up to a raw teabag? I do not, especially when I am paying for “service”.

    Can it be stopped, this worsening service, this growing attitude that the customer is always a nuisance(令人讨厌的事物)? I angrily hope so because it is happening, sadly, in all walks of life.

Our only hope is to hammer home(尽力让人理解) our anger whenever and wherever we can and, if all else fails, bring back into practice the other, older slogan — Take Our Custom(买卖) Elsewhere.


    The human face is a remarkable piece of work. The astonishing variety of facial features helps people recognize each other and is vital to the formation of complex societies. So is the face's ability to send emotional signals, whether through an unconscious red face or the artifice of a false smile. People spend much of their waking lives reading faces, for signs of attraction, hatred, trust and fraud. They also spend plenty of time trying to hide true feelings or intentions.

    Technology is rapidly catching up with the human ability to read faces. In America facial recognition is used by churches to track worshippers' attendance; in Britain, by retailers to spot past shoplifters. In China, it confirms the identities of ride-hailing drivers, permits tourists to enter attractions and lets people pay for things with a smile. Apple's new iPhone is expected to use it to unlock the home screen.

    Set against human skills, such applications might seem incremental(增值的). Some breakthroughs, such as flight or the Internet, obviously transform human abilities; facial recognition seems merely to encode(编码)them. Although faces are unique to individuals, they are also public, so technology does not, at first sight, interfere with something that is private. And yet the ability to record, store and analyze images of faces cheaply, quickly and on a vast scale promises one day to bring about fundamental changes to opinions of privacy, fairness and trust.

    Start with privacy. One big difference between faces and other biometric data, such as fingerprints, is that they work at a distance. Anyone with a phone can take a picture for facial-recognition programs to use. Facebook's bank of facial images cannot be used by others, but the Silicon Valley giant could obtain pictures of visitors to a car showroom, say, and later use facial recognition to serve them ads for cars. Law-enforcement agencies now have a powerful weapon in their ability to track criminals, but at enormous potential cost to citizens' privacy.

    The face is not just a name-tag. It displays a lot of other information—and machines can read that, too. Again, that promises benefits. Some firms are analyzing faces to provide automated diagnoses of rare genetic conditions, far earlier than would otherwise be possible. Systems that measure emotion may give autistic(孤独症的)people a grasp of social signals they find difficult.


    I was disheartened recently when I turned on the news to hear a story about a family who is petitioning (请愿) the Hampton School Board to receive out-of-district compensation to place their daughter in an out-of-district school due to racial bullying. I was disheartened because I know that even if this family wins their petition, the root of the problem will still continue.

    While there are many contributing factors to the rapid increase of the bullying, I believe that the root of this problem lies within the restrictions of schools, or rather the teachers and administrators who allow bullying to happen while feeding the line "We have a no-tolerance policy" to students and parents.

    This family can move their daughter to a new school where she will feel safe to learn and grow, but they will leave behind the problem of the educators at this school who let the racial bullying happen.

    My son went to a private school in Concord. He was bullied on the play yard. The administration gave us the "No tolerance" line, but did nothing to stop the bullying or change the climate of the school.

    We pulled our son out of this school and placed him in another school. This school truly understands how to guide students' acceptance of differences and embrace teachable moments so that bullying is a non-issue.

    I truly hope that this family gets the out-of-district placement for their daughter. However, I am doubtful that the school district will address the root of the problem.


    Do's and Don'ts in Whale(鲸)Watching The Department of Fisheries and Oceans has developed guidelines for whale watching in Johnstone Strait, where killer whales are found on a daily basis each summer. It is strongly recommended that vessel (船只) operators follow these guidelines for all kinds of whales.

    Approach whales from the side, not from the front or the back.

    Approach no closer than 100 metres, then stop the boat but keep the engine on.

    Keep noise levels down-no horns. whistles or racing of engines.

    Start your boat only after the whales are more than 100 metres from your vessel.

    Leave the area slowly, gradually moving faster when you are more than 300 metres from the whales.

    Approach and leave slowly, avoiding sudden changes in speed or direction.

    Avoid disturbing groups of resting whales.

    Keep at low speeds and remain in the same direction if travelling side by side with whales.

    When whales are travelling close to shore, avoid crowding them near the shore or coming between the whales and the shore.

    Limit the time spent with any group of whales to less than 30 minutes at a time when within 100 to 200 metres of whales.

    lf there is more than one vessel at the same observation spot, be sure to avoid any boat position that would result in surrounding the whales.

    Work together by communicating with other vessels, and make sure that all operators are aware of the whale watching guidelines.

