
试题 试卷


题型:阅读判断 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

上海本地版(五四制)七年级下册初中英语Module3 Unit 10同步练习

True or False.

    Is it good to be in a middle school? Most American children think so. In America, middle schools often have sixth, seventh, and eighth grades. It is different in different places.

    For children, going to a middle school is a big change. Most middle schools in America have a special day for new middle school students. On that day, they are showed around the school by their new teachers. And they could know a lot about the history of the school. They also would make friends with the old schoolmates (校友).

    They will grow up and learn some different and difficult things in a middle school. A new middle school student will learn foreign languages, computer, music and art, health, and other skills, such as cooking.

    A middle school will have sports teams, clubs and have activities for children. They can choose what they like and join them. If they are good at singing, playing basketball or something else, or if they want to learn, they can join them. Most American children think it's good to be in a middle school.

(1)、In America, middle schools often have grades from six to eight.
(2)、On the special day, new middle school students visit the school with their parents.
(3)、Students know a lot about the history of the school before they enter it.
(4)、Students will learn both some subjects and other skills in a middle school.
(5)、There are many sports teams, clubs and activities in a middle school in America.

    Before the day I stepped into junior high school, I had always thought that as long as I could read, speak, and listen well, English will be a "no problem" 1 for me, and that English grammar was a piece of cake. My father 2 to tell me the importance of grammar but I just wouldn't listen. I didn't understand what's so important about the whole "grammar" thing.

    This misunderstanding didn't last long. Something unexpected happened. It was only 3that day, and I would never forget that day. I was just a young and seventh grader when our English teacher 4 to give us a quiz on English grammar. We had to fill in blanks. After I read the sentence in question number one, different kinds of answers which I thought were possible came into my mind. All of them seemed right and made sense to me, but there was only one 5 answer to it, but I didn't know which one exactly. I was shocked, but I said to myself "never mind", and went on to question number two. Unexpectedly, the same trouble that just happened, appeared right in front of me again, and it just kept happening again and again until I heard our teacher say 6"Time's up." I had to turn in my answer sheet 7 so many unsure answers on it.

    I was really sad about the whole thing. And since then, I've 8 that in English, writing grammar is quite different from spoken grammar. My father had been trying to tell me the important role grammar plays in learning English. Well, it's 9 too late to learn anything, including ENGLISH! So, I started to work on my grammar skills, and thanks to that bad 10, I really learned a lot from it! Now, I'm still on my journey of learning grammar, and I am enjoying it.


    What makes you who you are as a person? You probably have some ideas of your own personality. Are you similar to Martin Luther King or Albert Einstein? Read about these types and find out.

The Dreamer

A dreamer thinks there is a "right" way to do things. This person wants to live in the "perfect world". A dreamer is often hard-working and organized. Many are good listeners and like to help others. Many dreamers work as teachers, lawyers, and in leadership roles.

Famous dreamers: Mohandas Gandhi, Martin King Jr.

The Partners

A partner wants to be in a group. For this person, group harmony is important. And rules can help us live in harmony because they can keep everything in good order and help the members avoid arguing. Partners are often serious, careful people. Many do well as teachers, managers, police officers, and politicians.

Famous partners: Mother Teresa, Queen Elizabeth II

The thinker

For thinkers, understanding things is very important. They like to solve problems and make new things. Thinkers can also be competitive. They like to win. They are independent and often have very strong opinions. Many thinkers work as scientists, inventors, politicians, and engineers.

Famous thinkers: Bill Gates

The Artist

Artists want to be free. They don't want to follow the rules all the time. Artists like action and are often impulsive (冲动的). They also like trying new things. Like thinkers, many artists have strong opinions. Many artists are creative and do well as musicians, actors, fashion designers, and athletes. The motto of artists might be "Variety is the spice of life."

Famous artists :Russell Crowe, Madomma

