
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



Bullying (欺凌) can happen to anyone. A great many children around the world are bullied every year, but there are things that can be done to help.

What is bullying?

Bullying is when someone makes you feel bad or hurts you again and again. Bullying can happen at school, out of school and online. Bullying includes:

●calling people mean (恶意的) names

●laughing at people

●telling lies about people

●taking someone's things without permission (允许)

●not letting someone play in a group

●hitting people

What is cyberbullying (网络欺凌)?

Cyberbullying includes:

●sending bad messages online

●sharing photos online without permission

●not letting someone be part of an online group

●telling lies online

What can you do?

If someone is not kind to you, tell an adult that you know and like. For example, talk to a parent or a teacher.

If you get bad messages, don't reply. You should save them and give them to your teacher, your family, or the police. Ask an adult for help. Don't share anything before you make sure it is true. That will help stop the cyberbullying.

Talk to your parents or teacher or an adult if you see bullying or if you are worried about a friend.

Say sorry if you are not kind to someone. You can write a message or talk to the person. And always remember: think about how to be kind in the future.

For more information, visit our home page at www.kidsworld.com.

(1)、According to the passage, the followings are bullying EXCEPT____________.
A、calling people mean names B、hitting people C、telling lies about people D、laughing with people
(2)、Cyberbullying means bullying ___________.
A、on the street B、on the Internet C、at home D、at school
(3)、When you get bad messages online, you should ____________.
A、share them with friends B、reply to them at once C、give them to your teacher D、keep them as your secrets
(4)、If you are not kind to someone, you should ____________.
A、say sorry to him B、talk about it in public C、ask your parents to say sorry D、feel sad and keep quiet
(5)、This passage is mainly written for ____________.
A、teachers B、parents C、children D、doctors

Have you ever had lucid (清醒的) dreams? Recent studies suggest that the number of people having them is on the rise. Someone having a lucid dream realizes they are dreaming and may from then on" direct" the action, or they may simply " watch" the dream unfold. The sense of awareness (知道) makes it different from a dream that is simply very lively and true to life. And although the description may seem strange, the process is far from alien to many of us.

Studies suggest that the number of people in the Western world experiencing lucid dreams, which happen once in a while, has risen by between 10 and 40 per cent since the 1980s. Today, they are so common that about one in eight of us will have one in our lives. But still, little is known about what causes them or what is behind the rise.

Research carried out at the respected Harvard University in the US shows that the brain is working hard during lucid dreams. In fact, the level of the mental (精神

的) activity in some parts of the brain is similar to that of a person who is awake. Lucid dreamers seem to share certain personal characters. For example, in general they are quite creative. They are also good at digging deep into problems and going out of their way to solve them. Furthermore, they always believe in personal responsibility rather than letting society carry the can.

Our nightmares (噩梦) may show our waking worries, with the five most common ones-- falling, being run after, feeling disabled, being late and the death of a loved one. Men are more likely to have nightmares about fights or being fired while hair and tooth loss appear more in women's nightmares-perhaps showing worries about losing their looks. Research has also found that women have more nightmares than men. Their dreams are also scarier and more unforgettable.

 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

In 2004, Zhang Guimei saw a girl sitting silently on the side of a road on a cold morning, with a broken basket at her side.

Zhang, a local high school teacher, asked what was wrong. The girl told Zhang that she wanted to go to school, but her family was too poor to afford it. Zhang went to the 14-year-old girl's home and advised her parents to allow their daughter to continue schooling. However, they finally refused her. Unable to help, Zhang left. With the teenager always on her mind, Zhang was trying to work out how to help the local girls.

She came up with the idea of building a girls-only high school where students wouldn't have to pay anything. In 2007, Zhang attended an important meeting. She spoke, through media, to the public about her long-hidden dream. With the support from the local government and warm-hearted people, Huaping Girls' High School was opened in 2008. On the first day of the new school year, 100 students entered the school, most of whom were from mountainous areas. Since she started the school, Zhang Guimei has visited more than 1,600 families, traveled more than110,000 kilometers, and walked to many places to encourage parents to send their daughters to school for more than 15 years, so the girls could improve their education to change their lives.

Thanks to Zhang's efforts to help the students improve their studies, many of them were able to get offers from universities. Zhang Guimei worked silently for years, helping more than 1,800 girls in poor mountainous areas realize their dreams.


In the year 2070,most of you will be more than 50 years old.The good news is that travel might become smarter by that time.To catch people's eyes and increase the numbers of passengers,European airline (航空公司)(发布)easyJet 2070:The Future Travel Report.Let's take a look at some mind—blowing ideas.


Paper passport will be a thing of the past.You will use"heartbeat passport" instead.According to experts,the machine will count how many times the heart beats in a minute,then it will tell who you are.It doesn't work hard because everyone's heart beats differently.


The seats on the plane are only one size,which can't make passengers satisfied.But in the future,you'll be able to book a seat according to your body type.The seat might even be able to cool or warm you if you want.There will also be no more screens on the back of the seats.A special light from the seat could show the latest movie s straight in front of your eyes.


If you like to visit great places of interest,the AR glasses will help you enjoy the journey.By wearing the AR glasses,you can see what happened at a historic place(战役).You may even be able to sit among the cheering people at the first Olympic Games.

Are you looking forward to having those changes in the year 2070?What other changes do you think about during the flight?

