
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



While rhythms in the foreground of music are often dominated (支配) by higher tones, rhythms in the background of music are often made up of lower tones, such as the bass lines of jazz and blues, and the left-hand and low-pitched rhythms of the piano.

"Music in diverse cultures is composed this way, from classical East Indian music to Gamelan music of Java and Bali, suggesting an inborn origin," said Laurel Trainor. To find out why lower tones might dominate rhythms in music, Laurel Trainor and her co-workers had 35 volunteers listen to two streams of piano tones produced in a computer, each of a different pitch (音调).

In one set of experiments, the researchers scanned the brain activity of the volunteers as they listened to these streams of tones, showing the brains of the participants responded more strongly when the lower tones were off beat. In another set of experiments, the researchers had the volunteers tap their fingers in time with the streams of tones, and they discovered the participants changed their finger tapping to follow changes in timing of the lower tones more often than for the higher tones.

These findings suggest people are better at detecting mistakes in the timing of a rhythm when they happen with lower tones, which could explain why lower tones dominate musical rhythms. "There is a physiological basis for why we create music the way we do," Trainor said. "Almost all people will respond more to the beat when it is carried by lower-pitched instruments."

Trainor and her co-workers also found that people are better at sensing the higher-pitched of two real-time sounds. This could explain why rhythms are commonly expressed by higher tones.

"Indeed, high-pitched instruments can carry important rhythmic aspects―for example in jazz, higher-pitched instruments often add rhythmic interest—so the rhythm is an interaction between different instruments," Trainor said. "What we are saying is that most typically bass-range instruments lay down the basic beat."

(1)、The first paragraph suggests that ________.
A、music is mainly made up of higher notes B、deeper sounds make up beautiful rhythms in music C、lower tones are often performed as background music D、a successful piece of music is decided by higher tones
(2)、Researchers decide the domination of lower tones because people can easily sense ________.
A、the mistakes in a rhythm's timing B、the heartbeats of the volunteers C、the frequency of brain activities D、the streams of the higher tones
(3)、According to Trainor, we create music the way we do because ________.
A、we are sensitive to changes in rhythms B、we pick out more mistakes in higher tones C、we can more easily sense rhythms set by lower tones D、we like the beat carried by lower-pitched instruments
(4)、What can we infer about higher-pitched sounds?
A、They are the basis of musical beats. B、They can also contribute to rhythms. C、They are hard to identify for listeners. D、They may cause rhythms to lose the attraction.

    If you have a long holiday to spend, where can you go?

Nikoi Island, Indonesia

    Less than 85 km – but somehow a whole world away – from Singapore's shining skyline lies Nikoi Island. Surrounded by white sandy shorelines and vivid coral reefs, Nikoi's centre is hidden in rainforest, resulting in amazing biodiversity seen in its native plants, animals and bird life. Marrying traditional Indonesian craftsmanship with contemporary design, Nikoi boasts just 15 stilted(建于支柱上的)beach houses, all with breathtaking sea views, guaranteeing privacy and total escape from the daily grind.

Amanpulo, Philippines

    The only property on Pamalican Island, the luxurious Amanpulo resort offers extremely impressive accommodation, with only access to over five kilometres of clean coral sand beach. Designed to resemble indigenous Bahay Kubo homes, Amanpulo's beachside, treetop and hillside villas all feature comfortable decks with hammocks(吊床)from which to enjoy the spectacular views of the greenish-blue sea below. Fill your schedule with Amanpulo's signature aquatic adventures (including diving, windsurfing and sailing), recharge in the award-winning spa or feast upon locally caught seafood – the choice is yours.

Song Saa, Cambodia

    Song Saa's incredible ocean views, and breathtaking sunsets are a very typical example of pure paradise. Its 24 villas – each with their own sea-view private plunge pool – are designed to reflect the natural beauty of Cambodia's coastline; built from recycled wood with straw roofs and driftwood furnishings, these presences are stylish proof of Song Saa's admirable commitment to sustainability(持续)and conservation. You can choose to do as much or as little as you want here, with rainforest tours, island safaris and reef snorkelling just some of the activities on offer that showcase this spectacular destination.


    “Children start putting their fingers in their noses as infants,” says Sarah Springer, MD' of Kids Plus Pediatrics in Pittsburgh. “As soon as they have motor control of their fingers, they'll find holes where their fingers can fit. It's not a worry—just a normal part of how they explore and learn.”

    In order to help your child to stop engaging in the behavior it's important to understand why they may start the habit in the first place, according to the University of Michigan Health System. Nose-picking can be a result of boredom, sleepiness, falling asleep, relaxation or coping. In most instances, nose-picking is likely just a phase(阶段)and the child will eventually quit it.

    There isn't much parents can do to stop the behavior of nose-picking, as it's a normal part of being a kid, Dr. Springer says. Parents are advised to ignore the behavior and not show frustration's this won't help encourage your child to stop picking their nose. Instead, Dr. Springer says to help your child learn to blow their nose once they are four or five years old and talk to your child about keeping their hands clean to avoid spreading germs.

    Take note of the season or climate, too, as dry air or cold can increase the occurrence of nose-picking. Parents should use a humidifier(增湿器)in these conditions to help nasal secretions(鼻分泌物)stay moist. Putting petroleum jelly(凡士林)a few times a day inside the nose can help with irritation and minimize picking.

    Once your child enters school, it's inevitable for them to see and pick up bad habits, Dr. Springer said. Nose-picking is a common habit, even among adults and as children age most will realize it's not an acceptable behavior.

    “Nose picking is a normal part of childhood,” Dr. Springer says. “Most kids will become conscious of the social stigma(羞耻)associated with it, and will eventually stop picking, at least in public.”


    The past two decades have seen astronomers' catalogue of planets expand over two hundred times, as new techniques and better telescopes have found more than 2,000 of them orbiting stars other than the sun. But in the solar system itself, the list of planets has actually shrunk, Pluto(冥王星)having been downgraded from that status in 2006. The number of the sun's planetary companions has thus fallen from nine to eight.

    Now, a pair of astronomers from the California Institute of Technology think they have evidence that will restore the sun's record to its previous value. Their analysis of objects orbiting in the Kuiper Belt(柯伊伯带), a ring of frozen asteroids(小行星)that circle beyond the orbit of Neptune (and of which Pluto is now regarded as the largest member), suggests to them that something about ten times as massive as Earth has changed those orbits. If you knew where to look, this planet-sized object would be visible through a suitable telescope. And Konstanin Batygin and Michael Brown believe they do know.

As they write in the Astronomical journal, they have analyzed the orbits of Kuiper Belt objects and found six that behave in a peculiar way. As the diagram shows, the points of closest approach of these objects to the sun, known as their perihelia(近日点), almost coincide. Moreover, these perihelia all lie near the ecliptic(黄道)—the plane of Earth's orbit and also, approximately, that of the other planets—while the objects' orbits are all angled at 30° below the ecliptic. The chance of all this being a coincidence, the two researchers estimate, is about seven in 100,000. If it is not a coincidence, it suggests the six objects have been guided into their orbits by the gravitational intervention of something much larger.

    A computer analysis Dr Batygin and Dr Brown performed suggests this something is a planet weighing 5-15 times as much as Earth, whose perihelion is on the opposite side of the sun from the cluster, and which thus orbits mainly on the other side of the solar system from the objects its orbit has affected. This planet's perihelion would be 200 times farther from the sun than Earth's, and the far end of its orbit might be as much as six times that distance away. This gives a search zone, and Dr Batygin and Dr Brown are using Subaru, a Japanese telescope, to perform that search.

    Given other demands on Subaru's time, it might take five years for this search to find (or not find) the hypothetical planet. But looking at some existing data from. The Widefield Infrared Survey Explore, a satellite, might also show it, if it is there to be seen.

    Ironically, it was Dr Brown as much as anyone who was responsible for Pluto's downgrading, for he discovered Eris, an object almost as big as Pluto, in 2005.

    That discovery did much to damage Pluto's planetary proof. By his own admission, he was skeptical that the anomalies he and Dr Batygin have investigated actually would point to the existence of a replacement ninth planet. He is a skeptic no longer. Whether he is actually right may soon become apparent.


    A T-shirt that constantly monitors the heart's activity and detects abnormalities could help protect people against stroke. The T-shirt, which can be washed up to 35 times before it needs replacing, has been developed to improve the detection of dangerous heart conditions like atrial fibrillation( 心房颤动), which causes an irregular heart rhythm and raises the risk of stroke.

    At least one million people in Britain are known to have this condition; however, it's estimated that at least another 500,000 have it but haven't yet been diagnosed because they have no obvious symptoms. Some will have symptoms such as chest pain, dizziness and fatigue; but a large number of people have no idea they're ill until they suffer a stroke.

    Detecting atrial fibrillation involves carrying out an ECG(心电图). Conventional ECGs are done in a hospital and involve highly trained teams of staff attaching up to 24 separate electrodes(电极) to different parts of the body to measure electrical signals. But most patients experience abnormal rhythms only intermittently(间歇地). This means the chance of picking them up during a short hospital check is slim.

    Doctors sometimes issue patients with a device called a Holter monitor to wear under their clothes to try to pick up cardiac( 心脏的) problems. This is an electronic box which clips onto your waistband and is connected to a series of electrodes worn on the upper part of your body. But the box itself is quite bulky, hard to hide beneath clothing and involves a dozen or more wires being attached to the patient's chest.

    The Cardioskin T-shirt, which is made from cotton, could be a much more convenient alternative and can be worn 24 hours a day — meaning it is more likely to pick up any abnormal rhythms in the patient's heart. It has 15 tiny electrodes woven into the material which are strategically placed around the chest area to track the electrical signals from the heart as they travel across the main part of your body.

    The electrodes are powered by a battery which can be removed easily when you need to wash the T- shirt and feed results to a microchip which then sends them out wirelessly to an app. This converts( 转换) the data into an easy-to-read chart showing if the heart rate is abnormal. The results are shared with the patient's doctor so they can check the patient's heart without having to call them into the hospital.

    Martin Cowie, a professor of cardiology at Imperial College London, said, “Cardioskin could be an important development for cardiologists.”


    My teacher, Mr. August J. Bachmann, was the most influential teacher I ever had.

    I had gotten into trouble in his class: Another student had pushed me for fun, and I became angry and began to hit him. Mr. Bachmann stopped the fight, but instead of sending me to the office, he sat me down and asked a simple question, "Penna, why are you wasting your life?Why aren't you going to college?"

    I didn't know anything about colleges or scholarships. No one had ever considered that a fatherless boy from the poorest neighborhood had a future. That day, instead of rushing off for lunch, he stayed and explained possible education options to me. At the end of our talk, he sent me to see a secretary who had a child at a state college. This was in 1962 at Emerson High School in Union City, New Jersey.

    Well, 55 years have passed, and what have I done with the knowledge he gave me?I gained a PhD from Fordham University when I was only 29.I taught English and social studies and then moved up the chain of command from teacher to principal(校长).

    I've sat on the board for Magnet Schools of America and represented that organization at the United Nations. I've won a number of great educational awards. But where would I be if a truly caring teacher had not taken the time out of his lunch period to speak to me? It was without question only his confidence in me that helped me forward.

    I have repaid his kindness hundreds of times by encouraging misguided youngsters to aim higher. If I have saved any children, it is because of him. If I have been a successful educator, it is because I had a great role model in Mr. Bachmann.

