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题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



Here's the list of skiers, who have won four consecutive (连续的) world championships: Nobody.

Well, nobody besides Mikaela Shiffrin, who did it last Saturday in Are, Sweden. The Colorado skier, still just 23, is the best story, really, of this sports winter in the slalom (障碍滑雪).

She pulled it off, despite an illness that challenged her breathing. Shiffrin told NBC after her win that her mother, Eileen, advised her before her second run: You don't have to do this. But Shiffrin told herself what she had told herself many times before: "I just need 60 seconds." So she did it, and she got it. Shiffrin is closing in on her third World Cup overall title. She's ranked No. 1 on the planet in slalom.

In women's skiing, the mountain is now Shiffrin's. She's earned it. Those two (and soon three) World Cup overalls; 56 World Cup individual victories; and, oh yeah, right, three Olympic medals, two of them gold. Shiffrin is already considered a serious threat to Ingemar Stenmark's record of 86 World Cup victories, and Lindsey Vonn's 82, though the 34-year-old surely would have collected more had she not suffered repeated injuries during her career. Of course, Shiffrin may wind up chasing someone else's mark—Austria's brilliant Marcel Hirscher, 29, now has 68 World Cup wins.

At the same time, Shiffrin loathes all the talk about the numbers and records. "People see the records and statistics. They are asking for more, more, more…it looks easy, but it isn't. Nowhere close," Shiffrin wrote. "What I see is training, sleepless nights, pain, doubt, delayed lights, canceled flights, lost luggage, expense, adventure, and some races mixed in there."

That's what happens when you're as good as she is. But nobody's been as good as she is. In a sense, Shiffrin is just getting started. It's very possible she will be at her peak powers when the Winter Olympics arrive in Beijing in 2022.

(1)、What do we know about Mikaela Shiffrin in her recent slalom race?
A、She was not in her best physical condition. B、She pulled out of the race in the second run. C、She followed her mother's advice and succeeded. D、She told herself a one-minute story before the race.
(2)、Whose record of World Cup victories is Mikaela Shiffrin getting close to?
A、Eileen Shiffrin's. B、Ingemar Stenmark's. C、Lindsey Vonn's. D、Marcel Hirscher's.
(3)、Which of the following best explains "loathes" underlined in paragraph 5?
A、Summarizes. B、Gives away. C、Dislikes. D、Focuses on.
(4)、What is the best title for the text?
A、Shiffrin Is Moving Mountains B、Shiffrin Is At Her Peak C、The Rise And Fall Of A Colorado Skier D、The Most Popular Winter Sports

    You may hear about 12 people who have walked on the moon. Of the outstanding astronauts listed below, who do you think was the most influential in Humans' history?

    Neil Armstrong (Space Flight: Apollo 11; Time on Moon: 21h 31m 20s)

Armstrong's biggest moment came in 1969, when he was chosen for NASA's first manned lunar mission (任务). On July 21, 1969, he set foot on the surface of the moon, which made him the first human to do so. After returning, Armstrong became an international icon(偶像) and was honored worldwide. His words also impressed the world.

    Pete Conrad (Space Flight: Apollo 12; Time on Moon: 31h 31m 12s)

•During his childhood, Pete suffered from dyslexia (读写困难). He failed in the 11th grade and had to leave school. Then he joined Darrow School, where he performed so well that he won a Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps (NROTC) scholarship. Before joining NASA, Pete was a fighter pilot. He was chosen as the commander of Apollo 12, and landed on the moon on Nov 19, 1969.

Edgar Mitchell (Space Flight: Apollo 14; Time on Moon: 1d 9h 30m 29s)

    Edgar was selected by NASA, in 1966, and was later made the lunar module (分离舱) pilot of Apollo 14. He followed his commander Alan Shepard onto the moon, becoming the sixth person to do so. Edgar has expressed his firm belief that UTOs belong to other planets. He also firmly believes that the US government is in possession of some “recovered alien bodies”, and is covering up this issue so that the truth doesn't come out.

    John Young (Space Flight: Apollo 16; Time on Moon: 2d 23h 02m 13s)

Young was made the commander of Apollo 16, which landed on the moon on April 16, 1972. He was the ninth person to set foot there. John was chosen as the commander of the first space shuttle flight in 1981. Young retired from NASA after serving for around 42 years, which made him the man ever to work for NASA for the longest time.


    A handsome middle-aged man walked quietly into the café and sat down. Before he ordered, he couldn't help but noticed a group of younger men at the table next to him. It was obvious they were making fun of something about him and it wasn't until he remembered he was wearing a small pink ribbon(丝带) on the lapel of his suit that he became aware of what the joke was all about.

The man pretended not to notice it, but the whisper and laughter began to get to him. He looked one of the rude young men straight into the eye, placed his hand beneath the ribbon and asked, “This?”

    With that the young men all began to laugh out loud. The man he spoke to said, “Hey, sorry, man, but we were just commenting on how pretty your little pink ribbon looks against your blue jacket!”

    The middle-aged man calmly invited the joker to come over to his table, and politely seated him. As uncomfortable as he was, the young guy had to, not really sure why. In a soft voice, the middle-aged man said, “I wear this ribbon to bring awareness about breast cancer. I wear it in my mother's honor.”

    “Oh, sorry. She died of breast cancer?”

    “No, she didn't. She's alive and well. But her breasts nourished me as a baby, and were a soft resting place for my head when I was scared or lonely as a little boy. I'm very grateful for my mother's breasts, and her health.”

    “Umm,” the young replied, “yeah.”

    “And I wear this ribbon to honor my wife,” the man continued.

    “And she's okay, too?” the young guy asked.

    “Oh, yes. She's fine. Her breasts have been a great source of loving pleasure for both of us, and with them she nurtured and nourished our daughter 23 years ago. I'm grateful for my wife's breasts, and her health.”

    “Uh, huh. And I guess you wear it to honor your daughter, also?”

    “No. It's too late to honor my daughter by wearing it now ……”

    Shaken and ashamed, the young guy said, “Oh, I'm so sorry, mister.”

    “So, in my daughter's memory, too, I proudly wear this little ribbon, which allows me the opportunity to enlighten others. And here…” With this, he reached in his pocket and handed the young man a little pink ribbon. The young guy looked at it, slowly raised his head and asked, “……?”



    Four Must-See Route 66 (66号公路) Attractions

    The United States is full of odd roadside attractions. Route 66 is home to some of the oldest and most known attractions of them all. Here are four attractions you should see along the Mother Road:

    ⒈Paul Bunyan and a Hot Dog

    Route 66 travelers pass by many fiberglass giants(巨人)right along the road. These giants were a popular form of advertising in the 1960s.Many of them stood in front of service stations. They held car parts, such as mufflers. The collection of Route 66 giants became known as “Muffler Men”. Businesses hoped the strange statues would get travelers' attention.

    The first fiberglass giant was a “Paul Bunyan” figure, built in the early 1960s. It's said that Paul Bunyan is a famous wood worker.

    ⒉Crown Candy Kitchen and Jamaica Ray

    Crown Candy Kitchen has been serving Route 66 travelers from the very beginning. It is just a few short blocks from the 66 path through St. Louis, Missouri. The family-run soda fountain shop opened more than 100 years ago, and has been making candies and meals ever since.

    On weekends, people sometimes wait in line for a table at Crown Candy for over an hour. Luckily there is free entertainment right outside. Jamaica Ray, a local folk artist, creates unusual sculptures.

    ⒊The World's Largest Rocking Chair

    Fanning, Missouri, is home to one of the strangest Route 66 attractions. Just off the road sits an almost 13-meter-tall rocking chair.

    The structure was completed in 2008 on the first of April, or April Fool's Day. At one time the chair actually rocked. But officials decided it had to be still to be safe for ever. People are not permitted to climb the chair. We think, however, that it probably happens once in a while, when no one is watching.

    ⒋Big Texan's Steak Challenge

    Few places better represent the common expression “Everything's Bigger in Texas” than the Big Texan Steak Ranch. Since 1960.it has appealed to travelers with big appetites and a big love of beef.

    It is hard to miss the huge yellow restaurant or the giant cow statue that sits out front. The cow advertises Big Texan's special deal, and what has made this steak ranch famous: a “free” 72-ounce(英两)or 2-kilogram steak. There is one trick: the steak is only free if you can eat the entire thing in one hour.

    A special table is in the middle of the restaurant for the daring diners who accept the challenge. Since 1990, more than 9,000 diners have eaten the entire 2-kilogram steak.


    It's a little hard to figure out the rules for sure,  but the baby African buffalo( 水牛) seems to have the upper hand. The two stand a couple feet apart, staring at each other. Behind them, their mothers look on with the kind of indifference(不关心) of mothers  everywhere who see their kids playing a harmless game.

    The alarm went off about half an hour ago, the second time tonight. Here, one bell means “elephant”, two, “rhino” (犀牛), and three and four, 1 really can't remember for what, because when you're awoken by bells in the middle of the night, your first thought won't be “Animal! ”.But as soon as I realized it was the rhino alarm.

    I was running for the stairs. Yet I'm the only one watching the animals stare-down. Either everyone else died of a heart attack when the bells went off, or l was the only one in the entire hotel who didn't turn the alarm switch to off before going to bed.

    The Ark, a hotel shaped like the biblical ark(圣经的方舟) , lies in the highlands of Kenya's Aberdare National Park, about 100 kilometers north of Nairobi. At the Ark's prow(船首) are huge windows overlooking a waterhole. Earlier tonight, I'd watched a pack of wolves, buffalos and elephants. And now, at three or so in the morning, I'm down for rhino bells. The first time, 2.5 hours ago, it was a single black rhino, which came down, got a drink, and left. I'd have been sorry for the lost sleep.  I've already arranged with a guide to take me out at sunrise for the so-called “should never miss” bird-watching, where we'll get to see 30 species, but really, how many times in your life will you get to wake up and say, “Wow! Rhino!”? Isn't that the definition of a pretty good night? Last week we went from Uganda into Kenya.  Before I left home, 1 thought I'd be happy with ten elephants and five or six giraffes on the whole trip. I didn't dare to dream the rhino.


    Learning Chinese could be one of the most important decisions you ever make. Chinese is becoming the language to learn in the 21st century. With the world's largest population and a rapidly growing middle class, China stands to become the engine of the world's economy in the coming years. This will make learning Chinese very important for people in many industries, or for those of us who wish to visit China or learn from its culture and history.

    There is an ongoing effort to modernize the writing system and standardize the language. An increasing number of people learning Chinese are learning the Mandarin, so unless you absolutely need to learn another dialect (such as Cantonese), be sure you are studying Mandarin.

For native English speakers Chinese is one of the most difficult and most different languages to learn. The vocabulary is wholly unfamiliar and unlike anything we know. In addition, in the Chinese tone system, words are spoken in rising or falling tones, which help to distinguish between them. Furthermore, there is the Chinese writing system— a collection of thousands of individual ideograms (表意文字), or symbols, which represent a word or an idea. These ideograms have no phonetic value—that is to say, we can't tell how the word is pronounced by how it is written. There is a method to present written Chinese in a phonetic script called pinyin. If you are learning Chinese, you'll be working with this pinyin system, but the beauty of the traditional writing system shouldn't be passed up. All these factors make learning Chinese difficult for us. Yet, for a determined learner, there's always a way to overcome it.

