
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



The weather of Antarctica(南极洲)is cold, cloudy with heavy snow. Most parts of it are covered with ice sea for 10 months. Though it is dry and seldom rains, scientists in Antarctica have gotten their first crop of vegetables that they grew without earth. As one part of a plan, it will help astronauts to study fresh food about other planets. If the plan is successful, people will have some space to plant vegetables and fruit.

Researchers at Germany's Neumayer Station III say they have planted 3.6 kilograms (about 8pounds) of salad green vegetables, including 18 cucumbers and 70 carrots in a high technology greenhouse(温室),while the temperatures outside dropped below -200C. In this way, they can eat fresh vegetables in time.

The German Aerospace(航天航空) Center DLR, Daniel Dchubert, which was the leader of the plan, said on Thursday," Scientists hope to get 4 to 5 kilograms of fruit and vegetables a week in May.Maybe the plan can turn into reality."

While NASA has successful grown green plants on the International Space Station, DLR's Daniel Dchubert says the Antarctic plan decides to produce a wider range of vegetables, such as tomatoes, onions and so on. People might grow them on the Mars or the Moon one day.

We know people depend on agriculture since the beginning of human history.

Without agriculture, people can't live for many years. At the same time, the development of agriculture needed some conditions, including environment, temperature, weather and so on. The technology develops quickly. People will plant the vegetables on the Mars sooner or later.

(1)、What's the weather like in Antarctica according the passage?
A、Sunny and cold. B、Cool and snowy. C、Dry and rainy. D、Seriously bad.
(2)、From Daniel Dchubert's words, we can learn that         .
A、Antarctic plan will produce more kinds of vegetables B、more vegetables might be grown on the Sun or the Moon C、Antarctic plan may be useless to other planets, like the Mars D、Green plants will be grown on the International Space Station
(3)、Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A、3.6 kilograms is 9 pounds. B、No people are living in Antarctica. C、People will plant vegetables on the Mars. D、Scientists in Antarctica can't grow vegetables.
(4)、What's the meaning of the underlined word "agriculture" in Chinese?
A、航天. B、工业. C、农业 D、服务业.
(5)、What's the best title for the passage?
A、Green vegetables in Antarctica. B、Special weather in Antarctica. C、A great plan about vegetables. D、Planting green vegetables.

sit, one, recent, be in control of, fall, sadness, be, she

    I'm not much of a crier most of the time. But {#blank#}1{#/blank#} when I was reading a book on a plane, I started crying. Of course, it came as a big surprise when tears came up, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't {#blank#}2{#/blank#} myself.

    Oh no, not this now. I thought to myself. But even as the thought entered my brain. I felt the {#blank#}3{#/blank#} hot drop of salty water coming down my face. I put my head down, hoping that I could go on reading.

    In fact, the harder I tried, the more tears pushed their way out of my eyes. You could guess how surprised the man next to me looked.

    My head {#blank#}4{#/blank#} in shame. He must think I was crazy. Maybe I could turn towards him, hold up the cover of the book and say in my crying voice. "I'm sorry, sir. It's just a really good book!" But I didn't, say anything. Instead, I just put my head back against the {#blank#}5{#/blank#} and let the tears run. Do you know what decision I made while I was crying? My decision was that it was OK if he thought I was crazy. I preferred to be crazy instead of being the kind of person who wouldn't cry when the situation called for it, or who wouldn't let {#blank#}6{#/blank#} feel anything at all.

    I've been that girl who has spent so much time trying to make sure people didn't think f was crazy. But now I don't want to be that girl any more —that bored and {#blank#}7{#/blank#} girl. I'd rather {#blank#}8{#/blank#} this girl who is able to forgive (原谅), love and act, even if it means being disappointed or being hurt again and again.


    As more information comes out about 10-year-old Cindy Smith's death(死亡), worries about amusement park safety(游乐场安全性) grow.

Cindy is not the first child who died on an amusement park ride. 25 years ago, the mother of a 14-year-old girl waited to pick up her daughter outside Worlds of Fun. Laura Barry never saw her daughter Rosie alive again.

"My heart goes out to the Smith family more than they can ever possibly know," said Barry. She is one of the few people who truly know the hurt that family is feeling.

In 1995, Rosie's mom said that something went wrong on the Timber Wolf the night Rosie died. Police found no evidence(证据). Two men told the police that they saw Rosie standing before she fell out of the car.

"I couldn't believe that such a thing could happen still and again," said Barry. She believes Rosie's death should have been a wakeup call for amusement park safety.

She finds that not much has changed in the past years. Amusement parks race to build bigger, taller, faster rides. In her opinion, amusement parks just try to bring in visitors and give them the idea that riding is good, safe and fun. She believes that parks should have put safety first.

There is no exact number of amusement park deaths each year. It is quite low according to some websites. But Barry doesn't accept that. "My daughter was the only person that had ever been killed at Worlds of Fun in all of the years, among all of the thousands and thousands of people that went there. The number doesn't mean anything, you know, because when your child is the one, that's one too many," she said.


Doorbells are the bells (铃) for people to ring at a door. When someone hears it, he or she can open the door. Do you know that you can ring a doorbell for fish, too? 

Every spring, millions of fish migrate (洄游) along the river in the city to find better places to lay eggs. But in the river, there are many locks (水闸). They stop fish from swimming through. Weerd Lock is in Utrecht, the fourth largest city in the Netherlands (荷兰). When fish get there, they have to wait a long time before the lock opens for boats to pass through. The lock keeper there is glad to open the lock for fish, but he cannot tell when fish want to get through. So in 2021, Mark van Heukelum, a scientist, came up with a good idea to help solve this problem—by using the fish doorbell. 

Under the water near the lock, there's a camera. People from around the world can visit a website (网站) to see fish through the camera. When you see a group of fish waiting, you can ring the doorbell on the screen. And when the lock keeper notices it, he will open the lock for the fish. 

In its first spring season in 2021, people around the world rang the fish doorbell more than 100,000 times. If you want to join them to help fish, visit the website and ring the fish doorbell next spring. 

 Choose the best answer(根据短文内容, 选择最恰当的答案)

Joel Sartore is a writer, teacher, and photographer. His words and beautiful images show his love of photography and of the natural world. 

Question 1: How did you become a National Geographic photographer?

My first job was for a newspaper. After a few years there, I met a National Geographic photographer. He liked my photos and said I should send some to the magazine. So I did. That led to a one—day job. And that led to a nine—day job, and so on. 

Question 2:     ▲    

To get into National Geographic, you have to give them something they don't have. It's not enough just to be a great photographer. You also have to be a scientist, for example, or be able to dive under sea ice, or spend maybe several days in a tree. 

Question 3: Is it hard to get a job as a photographer today?

It's now harder to work for magazines. Technology makes it easy to take good pictures, which means there are more photos and photographers. Also, the Web is filled with photos from all around the world that are free, or cost very little. These photos are often good enough to be put in books and magazines. What the magazines need to do these days is to pay for these photos. 

Question 4: I want to be a photographer. Do you have any advice for me?

Advice? Well, work hard. Be passionate (热情的)about every project you work on. Take lots of pictures in different situations. Look at others' photos thoughtfully and learn from them. And be curious about everything. There's something to photograph everywhere. 

