
试题 试卷


题型:概要写作 题类:常考题 难易度:困难


阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇 60 词左右的内容概要。

    In today's world where we have various translation apps that allow us to talk to almost anyone "in his own language", why do we still need to make an effort to learn a foreign language ourselves? There are practical reasons, of course. For example, those who are bilingual (具备双语能力的) have a better chance in the job market. And science has proved that learning to speak more than one language can train one's brain to be stronger.

    But there's more to it than that. US author Rita Mae Brown once wrote: "Language is the road map of a culture." By taking a look at the vocabulary and idioms of a language system, we get a glimpse (一瞥) at what's held important in a certain culture. Take the Swedish word "lagom" for example. It means "just the right amount", which doesn't have a matching word either in English or in Chinese. From "lagom", we can see how much the concepts of "moderation (适度)" and "balance" are valued in Swedish culture. By learning a foreign language, you also gain a better understanding of your own culture. Irish language expert Benny Lewis explained this idea in his blog with an interesting metaphor: "Trying to understand your own culture merely from within it is like trying to understand what a bus is like if you've only ever ridden inside it. If you want the bigger picture, you need to get off that bus and examine it from the outside." And by opening our eyes to different cultures, we're able to understand better how people grow up to be different from one another. We also learn to be more tolerant and respectful to the diversity of the world.

    As Trinity University professor Leonardo De Valoes wrote on the school's website: "Foreign language study is simply part of a very basic liberal education: to 'educate' is to lead out, to lead out of narrowness and darkness."


    There was a boss who made a contract with his workers: he will pay their salary each week, but not in cash. Instead, the workers would choose some goods in a shop, which equal the value of their salary. Then he will pay the cash to the owner of the shop.

    But one day, one of the workers complained to his boss, “The shop owner said 'no cash, no goods'. And he requested us to pay in cash.” For that reason, the worker asked the boss to pay him in cash, too. The boss agreed. After a while, the shop owner came to the boss, asking him to pay for his workers.

    The boss was confused and looked into the issue, and finally found out that the worker told a lie. However, he paid the shop owner as usual, because he must keep his promise, even he was cheated and had to pay more money.

    Good merchants won't scrap(废除)their contracts. They won't sign contracts easily and usually chaffer(论价)for their benefits if they have to sign them. But after that, they will definitely follow them whatever the price.











    Every country in the world has a flag. A flag is a piece of cloth with a picture or pattern on it. The flag is a symbol that stands for the country. It is a custom in many places for people to fly or hang a flag. The flag tells something about the country and its culture. This may be about its land, its history, or the things that the people do there.

    Many flags have patterns of stripes (条纹). The flag of Italy has a green stripe, a white stripe and a red stripe. Each stripe tells something about Italy. The white stripe is symbol of Italy's snowy mountains. Some flags show pictures. The flag of Canada has a picture of a red maple (枫叶) leaf, which is a symbol of the maple trees in Canada. The Mexican flag has both a pattern of stripes and a picture. The picture shows an eagle eating a snake. This picture comes from a very old Mexican story.

    A flag may also tell about a country's past. The American flag is called the Stars and Stripes. It has pattern of fifty stars and thirteen stripes. The fifty stars are a symbol of the fifty states in the country and the thirteen stripes are a symbol of the country's first thirteen colonies (殖民地).

    However, a flag may be a symbol of a group, a school or an event like the Olympics. The flag of the Olympics shows five rings of different colors that connect. Each ring is a symbol for a part of the world that joins in the Olympics. The Red Cross is a group that helps people who are in trouble. If a person sees the Red Cross flag, which has a red cross against a white background, he knows he can ask for help. People may fly a flag as a custom on a holiday. Children's Day in Japan is a holiday when the country wishes for children's happiness. It is a custom on this day to fly a flag with a picture of a fish.

Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

    Most of us — even those at the top — struggle with public-speaking anxiety. When I ask my clients what makes them nervous, invariably they respond with the same answers: "I don't like being watched", "I don't like the eyes on me" or "I don't like being in the spotlight".

    To understand why, we need to go way back to prehistoric times, when humans regarded eyes watching us as an existential threat. Those eyes were likely predators (肉食动物) and people were terrified of being eaten alive. The bad news is that our brains have transferred the ancient fear of being watched into public speaking. In other words, public-speaking anxiety is in our DNA.

    Fortunately, there is a solution: human generosity. The key to disarming our panic button is to turn the focus away from ourselves and toward helping the audience. Studies have shown that an increase in generosity indeed leads to a decrease in amygdala (扁桃腺) activity, which is responsible for our panic feeling in the brain. When we are kind to others, we overcome the sense of being under attack and start to feel less nervous.

    Admittedly, this is hard to do. But it's absolutely possible to become a generous speaker. To begin with, when you start preparing for a presentation, the mistake you often make is starting with the topic. Instead, you should start with the audience. Identify the audience's needs, and craft a message that speaks directly to those needs. Also, you are the most nervous right before you speak. This is the moment when your brain is telling you, "Everyone is judging me." But it is exactly the moment when you should refocus your brain. Over time, your brain will begin to get it, and you will become less nervous.

