
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    German artist HA Schult is an unusual artist who uses trash (废物)to make sculptures." We are living in the time of garbage, " says Schult."I created a thousand sculptures of garbage. They are a mirror of ourselves." Here, Schult was talking about his 1,000 trash sculptures in the form of humans. He first exhibited them in 1996 in the western German state of North Rhine­Westphalia.

    "They are social sculptures, " he explains. "They are not only sculptures for the eyes. They are sculptures to spread the idea that we live in a time of garbage." So far, Schult's social sculptures have been on show in Paris, in Moscow's Red Square, on the Great Wall of China, and in the desert next to the Pyramids of Giza near Cairo.

    HA Schult's work is unforgettable. Although his work has had a big influence on the art world, Schult remains modest about his creations:"Artists have to learn every time. We are not important. All that counts is the time in which we are living."

    Trash art has been around for years. But it seems that only the popular artists are regarded as true artists when working with trash. Why can't common people be considered artists when they use the same things and change them into some form of personal art?Maybe it's because we all have our own preset ideas of what art is and isn't, or whom artists are or should be.

    You can be an artist like Schult if you try. Look at used metal cans. What might be done with them? Imagine them in any number of new uses, or imagine them simply as an art form. What about boxes or clothing? Boxes can usually serve as new storage containers and houses for pets. And clothing?Imagine taking old clothes and turning them into hats or hanging organizers.

(1)、What do we know about Schult's sculptures?
A、They served as garbage containers. B、They reflected environmental issues. C、They were first shown in Paris,France. D、They were to raise economic awareness.
(2)、HA Schult's artistic works also get the message across that an artist must ________.
A、be socially responsible B、be as modest as possible C、make garbage recyclable D、take diverse artistic forms
(3)、According to the last 2 paragraphs, the author probably agrees that ________.
A、it takes talent to be a trash artist B、preset ideas are important to artists C、trash art can't be seen as a real art form D、average people can also make trash artists
(4)、Which of the following is the best title for the text?
A、Could You Be a Trash Artist? B、What Are Social Sculptures? C、Do You Know about Trash Art? D、How Can We Deal with Used Cans?

    China is starting to blacklist poorly-behaved tourists as it seeks to rescue the image of its citizens as holidaymakers.

    According to a regulation by the China National Tourism Administration (NTA) that entered effect this week, tourists will be blacklisted for offences including acting antisocially on public transport, damaging private or public property, disrespecting local customs, damaging historical exhibits on purpose or engaging in gambling or pornographic activities. Records will be kept in a two-tired system: provincial-level tourism authorities are responsible for cases under their jurisdiction(管辖区域)while the NTA will be in charge of a nationwide register. People will be .blacklisted for two years after they offend, according to the regulation.            

    The NTA said tourism authorities will inform blacklisted tourists and “propose correction measures in order to mitigate the negative impact”. It also said that tourism authorities reserve the right to report such violations to public security, customs and transport authorities as well as the central bank's individual credit department.

    The regulation comes amid (在……之中) growing concern about the ill manners of Chinese tourists both at home and abroad. In 2013, a Chinese tourist wrote his name on a relief carving in Luxor, Egypt. In December, a Chinese passenger threw a cup of hot instant noodles at a flight attendant on an international flight. Chinese tourists have been fined or put into prison for carrying prohibited items or purchasing wild animal products.


    I'd planned to spend my weekend in the sun, potting flowers outdoors. But that was before the pair of crows (乌鸦). Out of nowhere, they had set up their base camp in our backyard.

    We first discovered our feathered enemies on Friday morning. It was early, and the sound the birds made traveled through our neighborhood. I figured they'd go away soon. But, no. They were getting louder and probably annoying my neighbors nearly as much as us with the noise. I admit I got a little desperate.

    Then, on Sunday afternoon, I looked out the kitchen window to see our dog Quatchi staring at something on the ground. I went to explore and found a small coal-black bird in the grass. Its eyes were milky, and it stayed perfectly still as my dog inched towards it. Only when Quatchi touched his nose to its head did it walk away. I took hold of the dog and locked him inside and came back with my camera.

    It never occurred to me that the young would be hanging out on the ground, growing and gaining strength as its parents guarded it from above. The second I saw this little creature I forgave the crows.

    To be honest, I've never been much of a bird person. I also have a healthy respect for birds, and by healthy I mean slightly fear-based. They're basically living dinosaurs.

    I wish they'd chosen another backyard. There are only so many sunny days in Seattle, and I still can't do any gardening out there. But I'm also grateful that I got to see this little bit of nature unfold up close. It's pretty amazing.

    The experience has also strengthened my desire to create a beautiful backyard garden that attracts lots of bees, butterflies, and yes, birds. They are welcome here.


    When I was in the eighth grade, one caring teacher of mine taught me several useful little techniques. He told me to keep a notebook nearby when I was reading and that I should try to figure out what the main idea of every paragraph was so that I could understand the passages better. It seemed awfully boring at that time, but I decided to give it a try anyway.

    It didn't take long before I started reading a book called How to Read a Book that would completely change how I thought about the written word. Thanks to these techniques, I learned to get the most out of reading. I kept applying them over the years until I finally came up with a lot of little techniques for reading a book.

    I also eventually came to learn that there were a lot of different kinds of reading. For example, when I read a Stephen King novel, the interesting plot made me completely relaxed. Then there's reading to learn new things, which is what I do when I read personal finance books. There's also reading to understand and grow, which is easily the hardest and the most rewarding. The last kind of reading involves taking a piece of literature or a nonfiction book that you might read for simple pleasure and transforming it into something life-changing, or something that causes you to question some of your deeply-held ideas and beliefs.

    How to Read a Book really focuses on the latter two: books that you read to learn about a new topic or to learn a skill, and books that you read to learn about yourself. If you've ever been drawn to read to really improve yourself, this book is well worth the time to read even if it's a bit dry at times. Let's dig in.


Essentials of Nutrition — Good nutrition VS malnutrition (营养不良)

    Author: Joel Bressler

    Price: $29. 99

Essentials of Nutrition touches important health topics such as: the positive and negative aspects of nutrition; the importance of exercise; the necessity of vitamins, minerals, and water. It also advises how doctors and educators will improve our health in the future.

    Preserve the Best and Conserve the Rest—Memoirs (回忆录) of a US Forest Service Wildlife Biologist

    Author: Hadley B. Roberts

    Price: $19.99

Preserve the Best and Conserve the Rest covers US Forest Service wildlife biologist Hadley B. Roberts' half-century career in wildlife and fish habitat conservation and preservation. It includes his accomplishment, motives and influences behind his actions.

Poodle (贵宾犬) Mistress —The Autobiographical Story of Life with Nine Toy Poodle

    Author: Sandi Latimer

    Price: $22.99

Poodle Mistress is a story of unconditional love and devotion about nine dogs that changed author Sandi Latimer's life. Her memoir (回忆录) details a twenty-seven-year journey as she and her husband cared for and enjoyed the funny behaviors of their toy poodles.

A Professor and CEO True Story—A Fascinating Journey to Success

    Author: Richard T. Cheng

    Price: $13.95

In A Professor and CEO True Story, Richard T Cheng shares how he overcame great odds and transformed from a struggling immigrant to million-dollar CEO and esteemed professor. This is a powerful and inspiring story of success and survival.


    The Children's Groundwater Festival, first organized by the Groundwater Foundation 19 years ago, is celebrated every year in Nebraska, a state of the central United States in the Great Plains. After organizing the festival for 16 years, the foundation passed the program on to the local community of Grand Island, Nebraska. The festival is an annual event for fourth and fifth graders of Nebraska. It is an interesting and energetic day filled with hands­on education. Water magic, folk singers and musicians, storytellers, and bird shows add to the happy atmosphere during the festival. There are also some educational activities:

    Gooey Garbage: Children build a landfill (废物填埋场) and learn how a properly­built landfill can protect groundwater.

    Water Races: Children learn about water pollution by racing a drop of water through a model.

    Well in a Cup: By building a small aquifer (蓄水层) in a cup, children learn about aquifers and drinking water wells.

    Taster's Choice: Children drink different types of water, from tap water to bottled water. Then they are taught about the treatment process of each type of water.

    There's No New Water: Students are taught to make a special glass container and learn about the water cycle.

    The Children's Groundwater Festival not only has a great influence on Nebraska's people. So far, similar festivals have been held in nearly 40 American states, Mexico City, several provinces in Canada, and New Delhi, India. People everywhere are realizing the importance of educating young people to learn and care about groundwater.

    For more information about this festival, remember to watch our program tomorrow evening. I'll be waiting for you.


    Much older than the Great Wall, Stonehenge is one of the world's most fascinating (迷人的), but least understood historical sites (遗址). Every year, thousands of tourists come to admire Stonehenge's beauty and to wonder about how and why it was built.

    Stonehenge was produced by a culture that left no written records. Though there are many guesses, it is still a mystery why stone-age man moved such heavy stones over 380 kilometers from where they were made.

    At that time, people had only basic wooden tools. To move the stones they probably used tree trunks (树干) to roll them along.

    Some historians believe that Stonehenge was a temple, the site of ancient sacrifice(祭祀). Others believe it was perhaps a giant sundial (日冕) to tell the time. Stonehenge could have been a burial ground(墓地) from its earliest beginnings, because human bone dating from as early as 3000 BC was found there. Whatever its ancient use was, the stones have always been a source of fascination for British people. One record from 1135 said the great stones were carried to England by giant magical creatures!

    In modern times Stonehenge has become a huge hit with tourists. When Stonehenge was first opened to the public it was possible to walk among and even climb on the stones, but the stones were circled with ropes in 1977 as a result of serious erosion(侵蚀). Visitors are no longer allowed to touch the stones, but are able to walk around from a short distance away. What's more, visitors can make special bookings to get into the stones throughout the year.

