
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.

    The purpose of the American court system is to protect the rights of the people. According to American law, if someone is accused of a crime, he or she is considered innocent until the court proves that the person is guilty. In other words, it is the responsibility of the court to prove that a person is guilty. It is not the responsibility of the person to prove that he or she is innocent.

    In order to arrest a person, the police have to be reasonable sure that a crime has been committed. The police must give the suspect the reasons why they are arresting him and tell him his rights under the law. Then the police take the suspect to the police station to "book" him. "Booking means that the name of the person and the charges against him are formally listed at the police station.

    The next step is for the suspect to go before a judge. The judge decides whether the suspect should be kept in jail or released. If the suspect has no previous criminal record and the judge feels that he will return to court rather than run away -- for example, because he owns a house and has a family -- he can go free. Otherwise, the suspect must put up bail (保释金). At this time, too, the judge will appoint a court layer to defend the suspect if he can't afford one.

    The suspect returns to court a week or two later. A lawyer from the district attorney's office presents a case against the suspect. This is called a hearing. The attorney may present evidence as well as witnesses. The judge at the hearing then decides whether there is enough reason to hold a trial. If the judge decides that there is sufficient evidence to call for a trial, he or she sets a date for the suspect to appear in court to formally plead guilty (认罪) or not guilty.

    At the trial, a jury of 12 people listens to the evidence from both attorneys and hears the testimony of the witnesses. Then the jury goes into a private room to consider the evidence and decide whether the defendant is guilty of the crime. If the jury decides that the defendant is innocent, he goes free. However, if he is convicted, the judge sets a date for the defendant to appear in court again for sentencing. At this time, the judge tells the convicted(宣判有罪的)person what his punishment will be. The judge may sentence him to prison, order him to pay a fine, or place him on probation (缓刑).

    The American justice system is very complex and sometimes operates slowly. However, every step is designed to protect the rights of the people. These individual rights are the basis, or foundation, of the American government.

(1)、What is the main idea of the passage?
A、The American court system requires that a suspect prove that he or she is innocent. B、The US court system is designed to protect the rights of the people. C、Under the American court system, judge decides if a suspect is innocent or guilty. D、The US court system is designed to help the police present a case against the suspect.
(2)、According to the passage, 'he can go free' (para. 3) means       .
A、the suspect is free to choose a lawyer to defend him B、the suspect does not have to go to trial because the judge has decided he is innocent C、the suspect will be informed by mail whether he is innocent or not D、the suspect does not have to wait in jail or pay money until he goes to trial
(3)、What is the purpose of having the suspect pay bail?
A、To pay for the judge and the trial. B、To pay for a court lawyer to defend the suspect. C、To ensure that the suspect will return to court. D、To ensure that the suspect will appear in prison.
(4)、According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?
A、The American justice system sometimes operates slowly B、The police can arrest a suspect without giving any reasons. C、It is the responsibility of the suspect to prove he is innocent. D、The jury considers the evidence in the court room.

    Ireland has had a very difficult history. The problems started in the 16th century when English ruler tried to conquer(征服) Ireland. For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the English. Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland. The result in that today there are two “Irelands”. Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom. The Republic of Ireland, in the south is an independent country.

    In the 1840s the main crop, was affected by disease and about 750,000 people died of hunger. This, and a shortage(短缺) of work, forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada. As a result of these problems, the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 1851.

    For many years, the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers. Today, many people will work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices. Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside, where things move at a quieter and slower pace.

    The Irish are famous for being warm-hearted and friendly. Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, once said that the Irish were “the greatest talkers since the Creeks”. Since independence, Ireland has revived(复兴) its own culture of music, language, literature and singing. Different areas have different styles of old Irish songs which are sung without instruments. Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc.


    We all fail,all the time.We might miss a call with a client because of an emergency work meeting,or miss that meeting because another project has suddenly become urgent.And then we (or our families) get sick,and we have to shift priorities around again.

    These unsystematic failures are benign,though.They reflect that all of us have limited resources.There simply is not enough time,energy,or money,to do everything you want to do all the time.Part of being a responsible adult is learning to make trade offs: balancing your conflicting goals and trying to get as much done as you can in the time you have.

    The thing you really need to watch out for is the systematic failure.The systematic failure happens when there's a particular goal you want to achieve,but never get to.The causes of systematic failures usually boil down to some combination of these three factors:

    1).Short-term pressures versus long-term goals.Most of us prefer to achieve pressing short-term goals rather than put time into long-term projects.Lots of research suggests that our brains are wired to prefer tasks that pay off in the short term rather than those whose benefit is long-term.The people who do manage to accomplish their long-term goals create regular space to make progress on them.

    2)._________Without even realizing it,we often do what is easiest to accomplish rather than what we say is most important.Email is a great example.If you are like most people,you keep your email program open at work all day. Consequently,each new message is an invitation to drop what you are working on to check it.It feels like work and it's much easier than finishing that 100-slide presentation.Simply shutting off email for a few hours a day can remove this source of distraction from the environment.

    3).Working for too long.Many workplaces create pressure to stay at the office for more and more hours,which (paradoxically) creates opportunities for systematic failures.Work is not an iron man competition where the last person there wins.Most people have an optimal(最佳的)number of hours they can work each day.For example,I can be productive at work for about 8-9 hours a day.If I spend any more time at work than that,then at some point,I start doing "fake work."

    The next time you run into trouble,assess whether it's an unsystematic failure or a systematic one.When you notice a systematic failure in your life,you need to make a change in your behavior.If you don't make a change,you will continue to fail.

    Finally,if you experience a lot of unsystematic failures,it might be worth rethinking the number of tasks you are taking on.Perhaps you need to offload some responsibilities onto someone else,before you start experiencing more systematic failures.


    Theater Listing Guide

    Check out the latest shows in London theaters with our handy theater listing guide! You can either purchase tickets at the theatre or online at https://www.londontheatre.co.uk/whats-on.

    Chicago, Phoenix Theatre

    Chicago, the longest-running American musical in Broadway history, has delighted audiences around the world. The main characters are two female criminals. You must be 18 or older to purchase a ticket.

    Kinky Boots, Adelphi Theatre

    Based on the successful 2005 British film by Geoff Deane and Tim Firth, this musical celebration is about the belief that you can change the world when you change your mind. Fans of musical comedy won't want to miss this fabulous show, as the songs in the musical were produced by Grammy and Tony winning pop icon Cyndi Lauper. No children younger than 6 will be admitted. Children under 3 are tree except in reserved seating.

    King Lear, Duke of York's Theatre

    Acting legend Sir Ian McKellen starred the title character in King Lear, one of Shakespeare's famous tragedies. McKellen's performance in the play, which sees King Lear become mad as he divides his kingdom amongst his children, was highly praised by critics and audiences. You must be 12 or older to enter the theatre.

    Les Miserables, Queen's Theatre

    Adapted from the epic novel by Victor Hugo, the musical tells a powerful and moving story of love, sacrifice, passion and revolutionary spirit. In October 2015 Les Miserables celebrated its 30th Anniversary in London and is now the world's longest-running musical. It is recommended for children aged 7 or over, and children under 5 are prohibited.


    For the past few months, my three-year-old daughter has spent an hour every week learning a foreign language. She walks into a small room in a local school, where she and a handful of three and four-year-old spend the next hour dancing to La Vaca Lola”, a song about a Spanish cow, creating finger puppets(木偶) to voice what they like and don't like (me gusta, no me gusta) and shouting out which animals are big (grande) or small (pequeno).

    She tells us little about the classes. In fact, for the first few weeks, nothing at all. I begin to wonder if it was a huge mistake (each lesson works out at about £9) but then I show her “La Vaca Lola” on YouTube. She shouts vaca with enthusiasm and with what I hope is a Spanish accent.

    The wish to enroll(使……加入) her in language lessons came, like most things, gradually and then in a sudden rush. In my day job, I read and edit stories about the Chinese economy. For a long time, I felt that it would be good for her to learn another language but I had no great plan as to when.

    Then I read Edward Luce's The Retreat of Western Liberalism and all my thoughts and worry about the economy combined into a panic. Waking in a sweat, it seemed obvious that if my daughter was to have any kind of future, she would have to learn another language. Ideally (理想地) immediately.

    I thought about Mandarin Chinese, one of the top 10 languages most important for our future, according to the British Council (others include Arabic, French, German, Portuguese, Italian, Russian, Dutch and Japanese). But there were no classes for young children nearby. There were, however, local Spanish classes—the number-one language on the list. When she started to sing "Incy Wincy Spider" in Spanish and English—helped by a Spanish nursery worker-our decision was made.


    The term "smiling depression" —appearing happy to others while actually suffering depressive symptoms—has become increasingly popular. In fact, many people who experience a low mood and a loss of pleasure in activities manage to hide their condition in this way. And these people might be particularly easy to suicide.

    While smiling depression is not a technical term that psychologists use,it is certain to be depressed and manage to successfully mask the symptoms. The closest technical term for this condition is "atypical depression: It can be very hard to spot people suffering depression because they may seem like they don't have a reason to be sad — they have a job, an apartment and maybe even children or a partner. They smile when you greet them and can carry pleasant conversations. In short, they often put on a mask to the outside world while leading seemingly normal and active lives. Inside, however, they often feel hopeless and down, sometimes even having thoughts about ending it all.

    People with smiling depression put on a happy face to the outside world, but they can experience a lift in their mood as a result of positive occurrences in their lives. Other symptoms of this condition include overeating, feeling a sense of heaviness in the arms and legs and being easily hurt by criticism or rejection. They are also more likely to feel depressed in the evening and feel the need to sleep longer than usual. With other forms of depression, however, your mood might be worse in the morning and you might feel the need for less sleep than you are normally used to.

    So how can they break this circle? A starting point needs to be known that this condition actually exists and that it's serious. Only when we stop ignoring our problems because we think they're not serious enough can we start making an actual difference. Then we can find purpose by taking the attention away from ourselves and placing it onto something else. Feeling that our lives matter is finally what gives us purpose and meaning — and this can make a significant difference for our mental health and well-being.

