
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    CHINA has built a biscuit factory to make food for its captive (圈养的) giant pandas, giving them a healthier diet (日常食物) than the usual steamed bread.

    The special biscuits, developed by the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding and Research Centre, are shaped like bamboo so they will not seem unfamiliar to the pandas.

    "The cream-colored biscuit, made of bamboo, is rich in vitamins and has 30 per cent more fiber (纤维) than normal bamboo," said Yu Jianqiu, who is in charge of the project.

    Steamed bread, which is eaten by most captive giant pandas as well as fresh bamboo, loses much of its goodness when cooked, often causing bad health. What's more, it can only be stored for a short time, making pandas expensive to feed.

    Thirty pandas have tried the biscuits since the factory was completed in October.

    "They love our new biscuits," Yu said. "In time, all captive pandas will be given the new food."

    Around 1,000 giant pandas live in the foggy mountains around the Sichuan basin (盆地) in southwest China, while about 140 live in captivity around the world.

    The destruction of forests, a panda's natural home and major food source, is the biggest threat to the animal.

    In 1998, China banned the cutting down of trees in panda-inhabited areas to help save an animal seen as a national treasure.

(1)、Why are captive giant pandas given the special biscuits?
A、Because there is not enough fresh bamboo around. B、Because they are healthier and easier to store. C、Because the price of steamed bread is too high. D、Because pandas like to change their food.
(2)、How does steamed bread cause panda's bad health?
A、The bad taste makes pandas tired of eating. B、The bread is not fresh enough to keep pandas healthy. C、Cooking makes it lose what is important to pandas' health. D、The steamed bread goes bad easily enough to harm pandas.
(3)、Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A、There are fewer than 1000 pandas living in the world right now. B、Most of the pandas in captivity are now living on the newly developed biscuits. C、 The pandas are now in great danger mainly because of trees being cut down in forests. D、Pandas like to eat food which has enough vitamins and as much fiber as possible.

    What's the first thing that you notice when you walk into your favorite restaurant? Is it the smell of fresh pizza, or the sight of your favorite desserts? Food that looks and smells good will probably taste good, but what about sound? Is that important, too?

    Scientists now believe that the taste of food can change when your ears hear different sounds, but it has to be right kind of sound. When you turn on a microwave with popcorn in it, it soon starts to pop. Do you think, "That sounds tasty!"?Not really, you probably think it's nearly ready. But when you smell it, you go to get the salt and the butter. Hearing the popcorn makes you think about it, but smelling it tells you that it tastes good. So what arc the sounds to change the tastes of the things?

    In an experiment(实验)in a fish restaurant, customers(顾客)listened to the sound of the seaside while they ate. Did it make a difference? Yes, it did Listening to the sea seemed to improve the taste of the food. It was fresher and saltier. When the restaurant tried the same experiment with the sound of the farm animals, there was no difference in taste. The results are going to be useful for restaurants. Perhaps they will try to use fewer unhealthy things, like salt and sugar in food With the right music or sounds, perhaps we won't taste the difference.

    Restaurants are also beginning to set a connection(联系)between food and the sound that the packet(包装袋)makes. Pick up a packet of your favorite potato chips, what does it sound like? One restaurant recently changed the material(材料)that they used to make their potato chip packets because experiments show that the packet which makes a right noise will make customers think the potato chips are fresher. Another idea is that a list of music will begin to appear on food packets, so if you don't like your green vegetables, the right music or sounds could help you learn to love them.


    Scientists in Britain and the United States have made a new kind of enzyme(酵素) that eats plastics (塑料). With its help, plastics can be turned into smaller parts and go away quickly. Scientists believe that, in the future, it could solve the problem of plastic pollution.

    The enzyme is able to break down PET, a form of plastic. PET was first made in the 1940s and is now widely used to make plastic bottles. It can remain in the environment for many years and pollute large areas of land and water. So it has always been a headache to deal with the waste from PET and other plastics.

    The researchers made the discovery (发现) while examining the structure of a natural enzyme in Japan. They found that the natural enzyme was helping to break down PET plastics. So, they decided to make small changes to the enzyme by adding some amino acids (氨基酸). It made the natural enzyme's plastic-eating abilities work faster and better.

    John McGeehan, one of the lead researchers, said, "We've made an improved enzyme. It's better than the natural one. And we are trying to make more improvements to it." He went on, "The enzyme is not harmful to humans or animals, and it is friendly to the environment. So we are considering putting it into wider use."

    The team is now trying to make the enzyme break down PET in large quantities (大量地).

    "We'll see that the plastic pollution may be stopped with this technology. However, there is still a long way to go," John McGeehan added.

