
试题 试卷


题型:阅读选择 题类:常考题 难易度:普通


   A smile will tell people around you that you are a kind and friendly person. However,many people don't smile because they think they ugly teeth. For example, one of my classmates, Mile, doesn't have very nice teeth,so thatis why he seldom opens his mouth.he even says that he has lost cofidence because of his teeth.So it is very important for us to look after our teeth. In fact, a lot of people have this problem. Some people inherit teeth problems from their parents,while others'teeth are damaged because of bad habits,like heavy smoking,eating too much sugar or not brush-ing teeth often.If your teeth are in bad shape, you should see a dentist and ask for help. They can help improve your teeth and tell you how to take care of then.
   Smiling can help you to feel more confident and make other people think of you as a more friendly person. If you want to keephealthy, you should not only smile but also laugh. An Indian doctor called Kataria said that young children should laugh about 300 times a day, wile adults should laugh between 7 and 15 times a day. So please take this chance to smile and laugh now!

(1)、What has made Mike lose his confidence?

A、His bad habit.  B、His bad teeth.  C、Not smiling. D、Eating too much sugar.
(2)、Many people don't smile because    .

A、they don't like smiling B、they think they are ugly C、their teeth are not beautiful D、they can't open their mouths
(3)、What can a dentist do according to the passage?

A、A dentist can tell you how to improve your bad teeth. B、A dentist can help you to take care of your bad teeth. C、A dentist can tell you how to brush your teeth. D、Both A and B.
(4)、If you want to keep healthy, you had better    .

A、not smile often B、laugh all the time C、neiter smile nor laugh D、smile and even laugh often
(5)、How many times should a child laugh every day in doctor Kataria's opinion?

A、Either 300 or 30 times a day. B、Between 7 and 15 times a day. C、Around 300 times a day. D、Only 30 times a day.
    As we know, it is not easy to build a satellite(卫星). Building a traditional satellite usually takes years. The costs can be as high as $250 million or more. Most members of the design teams have worked in the field for a long time. They hold advanced degrees(学历) in math, science, or engineering.
    But things are changing. High costs, unusual educational needs and long start-up times are no longer an obstacle(障碍) to space exploration. The scientists have developed a new type of tiny, inexpensive earth-orbiting(轨道) satellite.
    So far, college students have built and launched(发射) several cube-shaped satellites, or CubeSats. At least 15 more are ready to go. Those already in orbit take pictures, collect information and send it back to the earth, just as regular satellites do.
    But you might not even have to wait until you get to college to start designing and building your own satellite. A new program called KatySat aims to get teenagers to take part in. When kids understand what satellites can do, the kinds of ideas they'll come up with may be countless.
    Education isn't the only aim of CubeSats because these tiny, technology-filled boxes are  inexpensive to build and can be put together quickly, they're perfect for testing new technologies that might one day be used on major space tasks.
    The biggest challenge now is to find ways to bring the satellites back to the earth after a year or two. Or space junk could gradually increase because CubeSats become more popular.
   Nowadays, college and high school students are getting a chance to learn what it takes to explore in space. Someday—perhaps a lot sooner that you imaging—you might get to design, build and launch your own satellite. If you do, you're sure to have fun. And you might also get crazy about science for life.


    Do you and your friends ever talk about your dreams with each other? If you do, you might have noticed something interesting – some of your friends seldom remember their dreams, but some can always describe their dreams so clearly that it seems like they're describing things that really happened to them. What makes those people different?

    The answer is simple. There are two different types of dreamers – low dream recallers(回忆者)and high dream recallers.

    Low dream recallers usually remember their dreams only twice a month. But high dream recallers are able to remember them about five mornings a week. And a new study suggests that activity in a certain part of the brain could have something to do with it, reported The Huffington Post.

    Perrine Ruby, a French researcher at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, studied 41 people (21 high dream recallers and 20 low dream recallers) and recorded their brain activity.

    She found that a part of the brain called the temporo-parietal junction (颞顶联合区) was more active in high dream recallers than in low dream recallers – both when they were sleeping and awake.

    This brain area collects and processes(编程)information from the outside world. This means that high dream recallers know more about what's happening around them. For example, when they are awake, they respond (对……有反应) more strongly to hearing their own names, and when they are sleeping, they are woken more easily by sounds and movements.

    By closely studying people's brain activities, Ruby found that high dream recallers have twice as much “wakefulness time” during sleep as low dream recallers do. And it is during these short times of wakefulness that the brain remembers dreams.

    “The sleeping brain is not able to remember new information,” Ruby told The Washington Post. “It needs to wake up to be able to do that.”

    This is not hard to understand. Just try to think of your own sleeping experiences. If you are worried during the night, you are more likely to remember your dreams, but if you sleep well, you will remember little in the morning, and this is because “you never get a chance to remember”, Robert Stickgold, a Harvard Medical School researcher, told The Washington Post.


    When someone says, "Well, I guess I'll have to face the music", it doesn't mean that he is planning to go to hear a singer or attend a concert. It is something far sadder than you are called in by your leader to explain why you did this and that or why you did not do this or that.

    At some time or another, every one of us has to "face the music", especially as children. We can all remember Father's angry words "I want to talk to you". And only because we did not listen to him. What a bad thing it was!

    In the middle or at the end of every term, we students have to "face the music". The result of the exam will decide whether we will face the music or not. If.…that means parents' cold faces and contempt (轻蔑) of the teachers and classmates.

    The American novelist James Fennimore Cooper said in 1851 that the expression "face the music" was first used by actors while waiting aside to go on stage. When it was their turn to go on the stage, they often said, "It's time to face the music." An actor might be frightened or nervous as he moved onto the stage in front of the audience because they might be friendly, or perhaps they are hostile, especially if he forgot what he would say. But he had to go out. If he did not, there would be no play. He would lose his job.

    "To face the music" is well known to every American, young or old. It is at least 100 years old. It really means that you have to do something, no matter how terrible the whole thing might be, because you know you have no choice.

