
试题 试卷


题型:任务型阅读 题类:真题 难易度:困难



    Many kids go camping during the summer. Usually, they start camp (露营) in the morning and go home in the afternoon. That is called day camp. Nowadays, another kind of camp, sleep-away camp, is becoming popular with kids. It's called sleep-away camp because they stay overnight (过夜) there. It's a kind of vacation for kids, but without their parents. Kids usually spend a week in attending sleep-away camp. It offers much more excitement because they'll be there all day and night, eating their meals, playing games and communicating with others. They'll sleep in a cabin (小屋) with the other kids attending the camp. They have to share the bathroom with the other kids.

    If you go to a sleep-away camp for the first time, you'll feel excited and maybe a little nervous. Be proud of yourself for being old enough to go camping. It is a chance to try new things. It's also a chance to learn about being independent. Are you looking forward to attending such a camp in your summer vacation?

(1)、c to exchange information, news or ideas with somebody
(2)、n being worried and not able to relax
(3)、Be proud of yourself for being old enough to go camping. 完成同义句转换,每空一词。

Take yourself for being old enough to go camping.

(4)、How many kinds of camps are mentioned in the passage?
(5)、How long do kids usually spend in attending sleep-way camp?
(6)、Who do they have to share the bathroom with?
任务型阅读  根据短文内容完成表格中所缺信息,在答题卷上相应的横线上填写答案,每空限填一个单词。

    Online schools are becoming very popular with many people today. And now, even regular students are going in for online education. As it leaves them with enough time to do other things, such as a part-time job or a hobby, along with studying. However, as with everything, there are two sides about online schooling.

    Let's start with the good side. Online schools cost very little. You don't have to spend money on books, or bus fees. Also, since you can work along with studying at an online schools, you would not need to take an education loan. Another benefit of going to school online is the freedom it provides. You can study wherever you want—in your house, at a cafe or even in a park. Some people who want to study further, now no longer have to take a break in their jobs, thanks to online schools.

    However, those students who often need a push from their teachers to do well have a very high chance of not doing well at online schools. When studying in a class, different topics in a given subject are discussed and different students give their points of view. This is something that online schooling cannot provide.

    Also, there are many employers who prefer students with a regular and traditional degree to those who have an online degree. The employers feel that students who go to full-time colleges have more knowledge compared to those who have online degrees.

    In general, it can be said online schools are good for some, while others should give them up! A person should see the situation he is in and then decide whether or nor to choose an online school.

Are online schools a good idea?

The present situation

Online schools are so popular at present that some regular students also {#blank#}1{#/blank#} them.

Main point

Online schooling, like everything, has two sides as follows.

Advantages of online schooling

●You spend {#blank#}2{#/blank#} money at an online school and you can work along with studying.

●You are free at online schools because you can study anytime and anywhere you want.

●If you want to accept further {#blank#}3{#/blank#}, you needn't give up your job thanks to online schools.

Disadvantages of online schooling

●Some students are likely to do badly at online schools for lack of a push from their teachers.

●Students do not have the {#blank#}4{#/blank#}to discuss with their classmates.

●After graduation, students with online degrees are not {#blank#}5{#/blank#} by many employers.


Whether online schools are good for you is decided by your situation.


    Oct. 16 is World Food Day. The UN started the day in 1979. It's used to remind people not to waste food and fight hunger.

    A big number of people in the world still don't have enough food to eat. Food shortage(匮乏) is a big problem worldwide. Right now, there are more than 1000 million hungry people in the world according to the UN. Many children go to sleep hungry, and 15 million of them die of hunger each year.

    There are several reasons why there are food shortages. First,there have been more droughts(干旱) and floods recently. Also,a growing population makes feeding everyone more difficult.

    Another big reason is food waste. Most people don't realize how much food they throw away every day. Sometimes we cook too much, or we don't use it goes bad. The average(平均的) person throws away 50kg of food every year. According to the UN, more than third of all food produced worldwide goes to waste each year.

    That is over 1,300,000 million kilograms of food being wasted. The amount of food wasted in Europe can feed 200 million people, and the food wasted in Latin America can feed 300 million a year.

    So think twice next time you want to throw away food.By cutting down on food waste, we could help put food on the empty plates of some hungry children. Only order as much food as you can eat at a restaurant. If you can't eat all you order, take the rest home. Don't be too picky about food so that you don't leave any on your plate. Some food may not taste great, but your body needs it. Keep an eye on what food you have at home. Don't buy too much. Don't cook too much.

    When you throw away food, you are not just wasting the food itself. Resources(资源) are also wasted while growing, transporting and cooking the food. These things all take energy, time and water.

title:{#blank#}1{#/blank#} on World Food Day

the UN's {#blank#}2{#/blank#} to start this day

to remind people not to waste food and fight hunger

facts of food shortage

◆Over 1,000 million people are hungry each year.

◆15 million children die of hunger each year.

reasons for food shortage

◆more droughts and floods now

◆a growing population

◆Food waste


{#blank#}3{#/blank#} of it each year

※ The average person throws away 50kg of food.

※ Over 1,300,000,000,000kg of food is wasted.

※ The food wasted in Europe can feed 200,000,000 people,and the food wasted in Latin America can feed 300,000,000 people.   

Ways to stop food waste

u Only order as such as you can eat at a restaurant.

u Take the rest of food home if you can't eat all you've ordered.

u Don't be too picky about food.

u Be sure not to {#blank#}4{#/blank#} more food at home than you need.

{#blank#}5{#/blank#} included

u energy                  

u time

u water


A. It's just fun.      B. Travel is education.

C. Kids are not afraid.     D. Never let them travel alone.

E. They'll like it more and more.   F. They become communicative

    Many parents fear to travel with kids. If you have the same fear, it's time to remove it. Here are some reasons why it's important to travel with kids.


    When I say that, I'm talking not only about the history lessons. I'm also talking about the math lying behind the questions to be answered, such as "How long will it take us to get there? What is the currency (货币) exchange rate to the US dollar? Children can also learn some geography facts."


    For kids, being able to talk about their travel experiences with others is pretty impressive! These types of travel experiences stick with children for a lifetime, and they will always have information to share about their travels.


    The moment my son became old enough to travel alone, I was so nervous. But it didn't take him long to become a very independent little traveler. When children realize what it takes to travel independently, it creates a certain level of confidence which is very important for them.


    Once your kids realize that there's so much of this exciting world that they haven't seen, they will be hungry to explore more and more!


    Who doesn't need a break from school? I know my kids do because we are strict during the school week: No TV, no computers, only homework and after-school activities. So, naturally, they want a break from the busy life. And, more than likely, there is plenty of fun waiting for you. Don't forget that you don't have to travel far for kids to have a good time!

