
试题 试卷


题型:完形填空 题类:真题 难易度:困难



    Cowboys have lived and worked in the west and south—west of the United States for over three centuries and they are a famous symbol of the USA. When you watch those old Hollywood cowboy films from the fifties and sixties, you see a job. You see a 1 of freedom and adventure (冒险). However, the real job of an American cowboy has always been 2 and sometimes dangerous. It is physical with long hours and low pay.

    Life hasn't 3 much for cowboys since the early days. Cows walk across huge plains (草原) to 4 the grass and the cowboy rides on his horse to bring 5 home. Like the cowboys of the past, a 21st century cowboy 6 gets up early on freezing cold mornings and makes breakfast over a fire.

    So why does a man—because it is usually a man—become a cowboy? For some, it isn't a 7, because they are born into the life. They have worked with 8 since they were children. They 9 the traditional cowboy culture: "It's a real life about you, your horse and the open 10."

    Some people choose the job 11 in life. Pat had an office job with the US government with high pay, 12 he didn't like city life and spending all day inside. So one day, he 13 his job and moved to a ranch (牧场) in Texas, making much less money 14 a cowboy. He wanted job satisfaction. And for a cowboy, job satisfaction doesn't come from the money or a comfortable office. It comes from being 15 to wake up under the sky and being your own boss.

A、life B、place C、way D、day
A、interesting B、boring C、hard D、easy
A、got B、paid C、done D、changed
A、catch B、eat C、touch D、take
A、it B、him C、her D、them
A、just B、still C、even D、never
A、problem B、choice C、plan D、dream
A、parents B、brothers C、cows D、sheep
A、create B、miss C、love D、refuse
A、country B、culture C、mind D、cowboy
A、later B、early C、quickly D、suddenly
A、so B、and C、since D、but
A、looked for B、took up C、gave up D、cared about
A、for B、as C、with D、like
A、relaxed B、slow C、late D、free

    I was feeling a little blue because my mother had lost her job.

    One day, while I was 1 on the street, I heard the piano music and singing rising above the noise of the people. I walked more slowly to 2 where it was coming from. Then I saw a young lady sitting at a piano.

    She was singing songs about love, 3 yourself and keeping on trying. The way she was singing made me a little comfortable. I stood there 4, watching her playing on such a crowded New York square. I thought that she must be 5 enough to perform in front of so many people.  

    She noticed me: I walked over and told her how good her 6 sounded. "Thank you," she said.

    "I have been going through a hard time recently, 7 you've made me hopeful again." I said to her.

    "I'm glad that I could help," she replied. "Why are you so 8?"

    "Well, my mum has lost her job, and I'm not sure what to do.”

    "Did you notice the 9 you were walking? Your head was down." she said. "Don't be upset, because 10 comes in different ways and if your head is down, you might not see it. You should 11 more and lift your head up. "

    I looked 12 her, amazed at how she was encouraging me. " 13 are you playing the piano here?" I asked her with a smile.

    She 14  that she saw a lot of unhappy people in the world and she tried to cheer 15 up by playing music.  

    I smiled a little wilder, realizing that no difficulties could stop me from going on.


    Before Father's Day.I found my father was unhappy because he was out of work.I decided to make him happy by buying him a special Father's Day gift.

    One day after school I 1to the Agins which was known for fashions and styles.I told Agins that I was looking for a Father's Day present.

    “Do you think he'd like a2?”she asked.“I think he may.”I told her.

    She3 a Swiss watch and I told her that I would like it.

    “How much money do you have?”she asked.

    “4dollars.”I replied.

    “You're so lucky!” she told me.“It's only $ 11.You still have $ 1 for the5.”She packed the watch and I thanked for my business.and I rode off home with the gift under my arm.

    When my father opened the gift,he was very6.“Where did you get it?”

    “I bought it at the Agins.It cost me $ 11.”I said.My father was shocked into silence.

    Many years later,the watch cost several hundred dollars,7I appreciated (赞赏) how wonderful Agins had been to me.I always felt regretful (后悔的) that I never had a8 to thank her.

    “What really surprises me to this day...my daughter.” My father said,“Letting you have the watch for 11 dollars was unbelievable (不可相信的).But the fact that she let you leave the9with a dollar for the card was a touch (触动) of kindness.I'll never10it.”


    Ashley was outspoken, fashionable, and the "Queen Bee" in my school.

    I looked up to her and idolized her. I listened to the music she listened to, wore the clothes she wore. I even took art class though I had really wanted to take theatre. I finally fitted in 1 group.

    One day, I skipped out of my last class a few minutes early to

2 seats for our group at the dining hall. Concentrating on my homework, I didn't notice they had sat down behind me. Before I could say a word, I realized what they were 3.

    I listened silently. "She's such a loser," one girl said.

    Another girl added, "Ashley, she 4 follows you, trying to copy you."

    "I wish she would leave us alone. We were in the same summer school and now she thinks we're best friends." The once familiar voice sounded so 5 and strange.

    I was mortified. My hands were shaking. I couldn't help crying 6. I felt heart—broken for the very first time. How did this happen? I 7 we were friends.

    I ran home. My mother just held me while I sobbed for hours. The advice she gave was so 8, and I had heard it a million times. "Just be yourself and people will like you for 9you are." This time it became so profound. Then and there I 10 to find myself back. That was exactly—what I did.

    Over the next month, I went through a lot of 11. I bought new clothes that I wanted to wear. I no longer went to art class 12 them, and took theatre. I began making new friends. I developed my own 13 and never again followed the crowd.

    I had an amazing school year. 14 I look back, I think it was the year when I discovered the person I was going to be. Despite the pain I felt that day, it was a 15 they had given me.

