
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:模拟题 难易度:普通



    Encouraging life to bloom in the middle of a desert is no easy task. But one company, The National Advisor Bureau, in the United Arab Emirates has come up with a unique plan to provide drinking water for the state's citizens. The firm intends to pull icebergs from Antarctica to the gulf coast in order to harvest its billions of gallons of fresh water. One iceberg could provide enough for one million people over five years, according to the company. And the scheme could begin as early as the start of 2018.

    The firm's director says they have already travelled the transportation route and used simulators to check the practicality of the scheme, according to reports in Gulf News. Speaking to the site about what he is calling the UAE Iceberg Project, Abdullah Mohammad Shehi said: “we predict that it will take up to one year to tow (拖拉) an iceberg to UAE.” We have made the technical and financial plan. Towing is the best method. We will start the project in beginning of 2018. “We want it mainly for the water. It could also be good for tourism and the weather.”

    The UAE is one of the most dry countries and one of the top 10 most water-scarce in the world, due to its extremely dry climate, which receives less than four inches (100 mm) of rainfall per year. Despite that, it consumes more water than double the global national average, putting the country at severe risk of droughts over the next 25 years. An average iceberg contains more than 20 billion gallons of water, according to the Abu Dhabi-based company. They take a long time to melt as 80 percent of their mass is underwater, while the white ice above reflects sunlight, reducing its heat. Upon arrival at a specially constructed processing facility, workers will “mine” the icebergs for their water supplies. Blocks of ice will be sliced and placed in giant tanks, before being filtered and processed. “This is the purest water in the world”, Mr Al Shehi added. He also claims the iceberg's presence could provide a more moist micro-climate in the area, perhaps even prompting rainfall. And the project may prove a boost for tourism if it proves a success, with people travelling to see the unusual sight of an iceberg off the coast of the Arabian Gulf.

(1)、What is the main purpose of The National Advisor Bureau's scheme?
A、To boost tourism and ease financial burden in UAE. B、To save endangered wildlife and boost tourism in UAE. C、To make drinking water accessible to the people in UAE. D、To get the purest water in the world for the citizens in UAE.
(2)、What does the underlined word simulator in Paragraph 2 refer to?
A、A type of mining tool to carve out the iceberg. B、An electronic device to create and store energy. C、A vehicle to transport the iceberg from Antarctica. D、A piece of equipment to test potential conditions.
(3)、Which of the following helps slow down the melting of iceberg during transportation?
A、The special electronic devices to keep the iceberg frozen. B、The time of processing iceberg before being transported. C、Much of the iceberg lying under water with ice above reflecting light. D、The floating of the iceberg in the seawater with a more moist micro-climate.
(4)、What is the author's attitude towards the plan?
A、Favorable. B、Cautious. C、Ambiguous. D、Disapproving.

    When you hear the word “recycling”, what comes to your mind? The color green or global warming?

    What if I were to tell you there is a dark side of recycling? A type of recycling that does more than good. The dark side of recycling has nothing to do with the environment but rather has a lot to do with the recycling of ideas.

Environmental unrest is not the only trouble we must face. Idea pollution is quickly becoming widespread across the online world.

    Think about it. When was the last time you read an original blog post? I'm guessing it has been quite a while. Why do you think top bloggers of today win so much respect? Do you think they recycle their ideas? With each recycled idea the online world becomes much more polluted. Used content contributes to the ever increasing mass of digital smog.

    The first step to reduce pollution is simple: stop recycling. When you stop recycling, you will then be forced to take up the task of creating from your own ideas. When you recycle an excellent idea, it soon becomes good. When you recycle a good idea, it soon becomes just OK. The chain continues until the key part of what used to make the idea good is saturated, leaving you nothing but a pile of mess.

    In order not to pollute, your ideas must go beyond “just recycled”. Your ideas must stand out from the pollution of the web. For your voice and talent to be heard and seen, you must go far beyond the standard copy of your neighbours' ideas.

    For the next week, make a promise not to recycle. Let your ideas flourish and flow. Believe in your ability to create, because the death of recycling starts with YOU.


    It is quite apparent that competition surrounds every aspect of human life whether in the United States or the Amazon Rain Forest. Without it we would not have grown into primates(灵长类动物). Or we would probably still be struggling to sharpen a bronze tool while crawling around on four legs in search of meat. Without competition, Columbus wouldn't have discovered America and Edison would never have invented the light bulb.

    Friendship, like all relationship between two people, involves competition. It isn't competition in a traditional sense because there are no goals to be scored and no prize. Perhaps the ecological definition—the simultaneous (同时的)demand by two or more organisms for limited environmental resources, such as nutrients, living space, or light- better explain it.

    As in nature, high school life is governed by a set of laws, similar to a shortened version of Darwin's theory of evolution, overpopulation, and competition. There is an abundance of high school students and to distinguish them, ranking and categorizing(分类)take place. In high school, friendships learn to co-exist with competition even though at times the relationship is rough. In fact, in some circumstances, competition is too much of a burden for a friendship to bear, causing it to fall apart. College admission is the final high school objective. Four years of hard work is to achieve good grades, and a student's fate is determined not only by these achievements, but by the records of thousands of other seniors trying to achieve a similar recognition.

    Nevertheless, by necessity, competition between students exists in all aspects of high school life. It sets and improves the standards in everything from sports to school work. A healthy, friendly competition can have only benefits, but when it becomes too fierce, jealousy can tear friendships apart. Yet, despite all this, without competition, we would be lost.


    World Elephant Day is the perfect time to find out more about these amazing animals and what we can do to preserve them so they do not go the way of the mammoth(猛犸象).

    World Elephant Day was created in 2011 by two Canadian filmmakers Patricia Sims and Thailand's Elephant Reintroduction Foundation and was first celebrated on August 12, 2012. They made the documentary Return to the Forest, a fascinating 30 minute film about the reintroduction of caught Asian elephants to the wild.

    Currently, the demand for ivory(象牙)is becoming bigger and bigger, whose price is higher than that of gold, making elephants bigger targets than ever. Habitation loss is also a danger to the world's elephant population as it robs elephants of the hundreds of pounds of food they need every day, making it more difficult for them to breed and making it easier for hunters to track them down. Circuses and tourism are also serious threats to the animals' well-being.

    The best way to celebrate this day is to take the opportunity to educate yourself about these magnificent(巨大的)mammals and share your knowledge with others. As ever, simply spreading the word about the dangers these magnificent mammals face via social media can actually make a real change. Expose that “training” elephants often involves tying and beating them daily for months on end. If you want to get a bit more involved, you could choose to make a donation to a foundation dedicated to protecting elephants from hunters or relocating them to locations better suited to their needs.

    Whichever way suits you best, make sure that you spend this day in a way that helps elephants all over the world, so we, in turn, can continue to wonder at them and their uniquely fascinating way of life.


    Your next car could have two seats, three wheels — two in front and one in the back and a top speed of more than 100 miles per hour. Elio Motors plans to make such a tiny car named the Elio. Its two seats sit front and back instead of side by side. The driver is positioned in the center with the passenger directly behind.

    The starting price for the car is just $6,800. It has only one door, on the left side, which cuts a few hundred dollars off the manufacturing costs. Having three wheels also makes it cheaper. It has air conditioning, power windows and door locks and an AM/FM radio. More features can be ordered through Elio's long list of suppliers. Elio will also sell the cars directly through its own stores and not through franchised dealers (特约经销商).

    Paul Elio dreamed as a kid that he would one day own a car company called Elio Motors. In 2008, tired of high gas prices, he started working on a car that burns gas in a more effective way. Equally important to him was creating U.S. manufacturing jobs and making the car inexpensive enough to attract buyers who might otherwise be stuck in their old, unreliable cars. “Whatever matters to you, this can move the needle on it,” he said.

    Already, more than 27,000 people have reserved (预订) one. Paul hopes to make 250,000 cars a year by 2016. So far, reservation holders are those who will use the Elio as a second or third car for work. Finally, though, he believes the car will interest high school and college students as well as used-car drivers who want something newer and more reliable.


    My violin is like a soul mate that whispers words of wisdom to me. Together, we've gone through both tears and happiness.

    About 12 years ago, I made acquaintance with it following an order from my mom. Many hours of boredom were spent practicing it. And to make things worse, the disappointment in my teacher's eyes as I played the wrong notes was like an invisible(隐形的)hammer, striking on my heart. One day, I finally decided: I hate it!

    By chance, things changed when I was seven. I was at home lying on the sofa, wondering how those famous violinists dealt with this terrible dilemma. I searched online for the E-minor Concerto, a well-known violin work by German composer Felix Mendelssohn, and listened to it.

    A beautiful and mysterious sound came from the violin as the bow moved across it. It was like the music slid over the flowers, rose up, and started to fill the air. The violin's voice woke up the sun, made the trees green, and freshened the air. As the music changed, the sky turned back to gray. A gloomy shade covered the grass as all the sunshine disappeared. I could hear children crying and men shouting. It was like an invisible claw had grabbed my heart tightly, making it unable to beat.

    That glorious day set off my passion and interest in violin - I grabbed mine and never let it go. Before the memories faded, I stared at my instrument. Without hesitating, I picked it up, rosined(用松香擦)the bow, and began to play. Peace filled my heart.

    My violin has been by my side for 12 years. When I feel happy, an energetic tune makes it even better; when I'm deep in sorrow, a peaceful tune washes it away, when I'm walking on air, feeling especially pleased with my achievements, solemn(庄严的)tunes calm me down. Gradually, it has become a part of my life.

    My violin, shall I compare you to a summer's day?


    Babies' main food is rice cereal. But it is often poisoned. Studies have found that many brands contain measurable amounts of inorganic arsenic(无机砷),the most poisonous kind. It's not just nice: an August 2018 study tested 50 foods made for babies, including organic and nonorganic brands such as Gerber, Earths Best, and other popular labels, and found evidence of at least one dangerous heavy metal in every product. Fifteen of the 50 contained enough contaminants(污染物)to pose potential health risks to a child eating one serving or less a day.

    Heavy metals can damage cognitive(认知的)development in children, who are especially at risk because of their smaller size. Inorganic arsenic in drinking water has been found to lower the IQ scores of children by five to six ills. And as heavy metals accumulate in the body over time, they can raise the risk of cancer, diabetes and other physical conditions. Of course, finding you're your favorite brand is contaminated is not a reason to panic. Low levels of exposure for short periods are unlikely to cause serious effects, but parents should focus on reducing the overall levels of these poisonous substances in their children's total diet to limit harm.

    Heavy metals occur naturally on Earth and are present in soil and water. But pesticides(杀虫剂), mining and pollution increase their concentrations, and farming and food manufacturing processes can contribute even more.

    Food makers are clearly of keeping baby food poison-free: roughly a third of the tested products did not contain worrisome metal levels. Some companies are already trying to look into the sources of contamination in their products and try to reduce them. More companies should follow. But the best chance of real change will come with laws. Currently there are no U. S rules on acceptable levels of heavy metals in baby foods.

    The government and the food industry should unite to deal with the serious threat to our children.

