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题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语-_牛津译林版-_高一上册-_模块1 Unit 2 Growing pains


    If cars had wings,they could fly and that just might happen,beginning in 2011.The company Terrafugia,based in Woburn,Massachusetts,says it plans to deliver its car­plane,the Transition,to customers by the end of 2011.

    “It's the next ‘wow' vehicle,” said Terrafugia vice president Richard Gersh.“Anybody can buy a Ferrari,but as we say,Ferraris don't fly.”

    The car­plane has wings that unfold for flying-a process the company says takes one minute-and fold back up for driving. A runway is still required to take off and land.

    The Transition is being marketed more as a plane that drives than a car that flies,although it is both. The company has been working with FAA to meet aircraft regulations,and with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to meet vehicle safety regulations.

    The company is aiming to sell the Transition to private pilots as a more convenient and cheaper way to fly. They say it saves you the trouble from trying to find another mode of transportation to get to and from airports:You drive the car to the airport and then you're good to go. When you land,you fold up the wings and hit the road. There are no expensive parking fees because you don't have to store it at an airport-you park it in the garage at home.

    The car­plane is designed to fly primarily under 10,000 feet. It has a maximum takeoff weight of 1,430 pounds,including fuel and passengers. Terrafugia says the Transition reduces the potential for an accident by allowing pilots to drive under the bad weather instead of flying into marginal(临界的) conditions.

    The Transition's price tag:$194,000.But there may be additional charges for options like a radio,a transponder or a GPS. Another option is a full­plane parachute.

    “If you get into a very awful situation,it is the necessary safety option,” Gersh said.

    So far,the company has more than 70 orders with deposits. “We're working very closely with them,but there are still some remaining steps,” Brown said.

(1)、We can learn from the first two paragraphs that ________.

A、car­planes will be popular in 2011 B、people might drive a car­plane in 2011 C、both the Transition and Ferrari can take off and land D、Richard Gersh is the vice president of Massachusetts
(2)、It takes the car­plane one minute to ________.

A、fold and unfold its wings B、unfold wings for flying C、land in the airport D、meet flying safety regulations
(3)、According to the passage,which of the following is NOT true?

A、The car­plane needs a runway to take off and land. B、To meet aircraft regulations,the company has been working with FAA. C、The car­plane may fly as high as normal planes. D、People can park the car­plane in the garage at their home.
(4)、The underlined word “it” in the last but one paragraph refers to ________.

A、the radio B、the transponder C、the GPS D、the full­plane parachute
(5)、What's the best title for the passage?

A、Cars with wings may be just around the corner B、Which to choose:a Ferrari or a car­plane? C、A more convenient and cheaper way to fly D、Cars with wings can fly as fast as planes

    “Now stretch(伸展) over your right leg!” my dance teacher yells over the music. “If it doesn't hurt, you're not trying hard enough. Hold that stretch for 30 seconds!" My dance teacher works hard to form us into the dancers we desire to be. In order for this to occur, we stretch hard a lot!

    Dancing is a real passion of many people, including me. I work hard to make myself better, and prove that I am good enough. Performing a dance routine is more than just a  performance. Dancers tell stories when they dance. It is a way for us to express our personal feelings. Just letting go and letting your body move with the music can create your emotions. Dance tells us things that our mind secretly hides.

    “Get up and do it again!  You need to keep your spirits up!” Even though I am completely worn out after my dances, I love to hear those words. It gives me a sense of relief knowing that I can again express my feelings out on the floor.

    “Practice makes perfect! Come on. We have a competition this weekend, and we need to work harder!” Competitions are the best possible example of fun. For a dancer, life cannot get better than competitions. The thrill of losing yourself onstage is a rush of energy rushing through your body! The feeling is unexplainable. As you sit there putting on your makeup, fixing your hair, and putting on your costume, the rush just gradually grows until it is ready to be released onstage.

    Finally the time comes to tell your story. Standing backstage waiting for your name to be called is one of the scariest moments. You are ready to show the world what you are capable of and what you have been perfecting for a while. Once your number is called, you walk out onstage. The applause at the end tells each dancer that their story has been received, and that the dance has been brought to life.


    A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspapers.“last week, ”said he, “my umbrella was stolen from a London church.As it was a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising, but didn't get it back.”

    “How did you write your advertisement?” asked one of the listeners, a merchant.

“Here it is,” said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper.The other man took it and read, “Lost from the City Church last Sunday evening, a black silk umbrella.The gentleman who finds it will receive ten shillings on leaving it at No.10 Broad Street.”

    “Now, ”Said the merchant, “I often advertise, and find that it pays me well . But the way in which an advertisement is expressed is of extreme importance.Let us try for your umbrella again, and if it fails, I'll buy you a new one.”

The merchant then took a slip of paper out of his pocket and wrote:“If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesn't wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No.10 Broad Street.He is well known.”

    This appeared in the paper, and on the following morning, the man was astonished when he opened the front door.In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors that had been thrown, and his own was among them.Many of them had notes fastened to them saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the loser not to say anything about the matter.


    All Alice Waters wanted was bread, jam and lettuce that tasted real, with a cup of good coffee or a glass of wine on the side. The founder of Chez Panisse, the California restaurant famous for launching the farm-to-table movement, certainly didn't plan to start a revolution.

    Returning to the United States in 1965 after studying in France, Waters missed the delicious food and community of the little cafes where she spent most of her time. “The United States was a land of frozen food, so eating even just fresh bread and jam was an extremely pleasant surprise to me,” says Waters. “And spending time in restaurants with friends… it was very important to me.”

    One day, an idea struck Waters that maybe her cooking and sense of community could help her make some money. Believing they could do anything, she and a group of friends raised money, found a house in Berkeley and opened a little restaurant called Chez Panisse in 1971.

    Most ingredients Waters could find were from industrial farms. They tasted totally different from the ones her parents planted during World War II and the ones she had enjoyed in France. Thus she began a search for suppliers who would grow good ingredients.

    “I was looking for taste. And I couldn't find taste until I met the local organic farmers who were growing vegetables for flavor,” Waters recalls. “I realized that I would be dependent on them for the success of my restaurant.”

At first, the finances were a disaster. If any of the ingredients didn't taste right, chefs threw them out. Staff had to taste the wine to sell it. That meant thousands of dollars of wine disappeared on a regular basis. People who offered ingredients were given meals in trade.

    But Chez Panisse had lines out of the front door from the very first night. Waters' sense of taste and her dedication to making the best food possible kept people coming back. It didn't take long for Chez Panisse to catch the attention of foodies (“吃货”). Throughout its existence, the restaurant has earned the highest praise of many critics. It has sometimes been called the best restaurant in America.

    Now 72, Waters is not content with staying at home and cooking in her kitchen. Last September, she flew to Washington D. C., to meet members of Congress to discuss the benefits of free lunch for all schoolchildren.

    Many people have called Waters unrealistic over the course of her 45-year fight for good food. Nevertheless, her single-mindedness ended up sparking a farm-to-table movement. “She didn't start Chez Panisse to change the world,” said Marion Nestle, a New York University nutrition professor. “But what she did was absolutely revolutionary. She's a force and deserves every bit of recognition that comes her way.”


    Mr. Parker was born in a small village. His father was so poor that he couldn't send him to school. The boy had to help his parents to do some farming and learned English and maths by himself when he was free. Later on he was made to leave his home village and hoped to find a job in a city. And as soon as war broke out, he joined the army. He couldn't forget his terrible past and fought with the enemies bravely. So he became a general when he was fifty. He was honest and friendly to his soldiers and often punished those who tried to pocket a portion of the soldiers' pay (克扣军饷). And his soldiers liked him very much.

    Once Mr. Parker heard from a soldier. In the letter the young man said the food in their military camp was very bad and he wished the general could go to find out the reasons, the old man went there at once, without telling anybody. He went in the kitchen and examined everything carefully and found it was very dirty. Then he went in the soldiers' bedrooms and found there were a lot of fleas. He became angry and asked the soldiers, “What do you think of your food, young men?”

    The soldiers saw their officer standing by the general and said nothing Only a new soldier said, “Very bad, sir!”

    “What did you have for lunch today?” asked Mr. Parker.

    “A fried chicken, some fish and pork, a cake, six eggs and I had three cups of wine.”

    “Really?” Mr. Parker called out in surprise. “It's the King's lunch, I think!”

    “So do I. General,” said the young man. “But it's my birthday today. I paid three hundred dollars for them all in the restaurant!”


    Whatever happened to the familiar scene from the past of children playing "tag(捉人游戏)" in the streets while their parents chatted with the neighbors over the garden fence? This picture is fading fast today, as children are now leaving the streets in favor of a screen.

    Several organizations are attempting to change this situation. One of these organizations is Play England, which aims to improve opportunities for children to play outside. A leading figure in the campaign is 50-year-old Adrian Voce, who has childhood memories of days spent in the "Big Woods" near his house with his older brothers. "We were given a packed lunch and told not to talk to strangers. I can still remember wandering in and out of each others' houses." he says.

    However, it is not only the children that Mr. Voce and his organization have to convince. In many cases the parents themselves block his efforts. A survey in 2014 found that 85 percent of adults agreed that it was important for children to be able to play safely in the road or street where they live. However, many of them were not prepared to park their cars an extra 50 meters away from their homes.

    Mr. Voce's attempts to encourage children to play outside include the organization of campaigns like National Playday. Hundreds of communities all over the country take part in this effort, yet it can take a lot of people to give children a taste of what it is like to play in the streets. On one street in Aldershot last year there were five policemen, three community support officers, a traffic management crew, a closed-circuit television van, and a team of "play workers."

    Society today has changed to such an extent that children do not feel safe on the streets and their parents no longer feel comfortable about letting them play there. It is not only the appeal of computers and video games that has driven children inside, but also the presence of traffic, crime, and violent young people. However, thanks to the efforts of people like Adrian Voce, it may not be too late to turn back the clock.


    Elephants might be the most well-known and well-loved animal in African wildlife. But conservation (保护) of the African elephant faces special difficulties. While the elephant population is half of what it was 40 years ago, some areas of Africa have more elephants than populated areas can support. That's why AWF scientists are studying elephant behavior, protecting habitats and finding ways for humans to live peacefully with elephants in Africa.

    Years ago, overhunting and the ivory trade were the biggest threats to elephants' survival. Luckily, ivory bans (禁令), hunting rules and protected areas protect elephants from these dangers today.

    The 21st century brings a different challenge to elephant conservation — land-use. Elephants walk across borders and outside parks and other protected areas. So they often destroy crops, causing conflicts (冲突) between local farmers and these big animals.

    Successful conservation strategies (策略) must allow elephants to walk freely in their natural habitats while reducing conflicts between elephants and local people.

    AWF researchers are searching for a way to give both elephants and people the space they need. The AWF is collecting information on elephant habitats and behavior. The information they gather will help to develop the widest possible space for elephants.

    The AWF is helping elephants by protecting their habitats. And they also work with local famers to improve their life in order to encourage them to protect rather than destroy elephants.

