
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通



    Scientists Diego Kersting and Cristina Linares have found that some coral species are able to recover from harmful warming events through a unique survival strategy (策略)—known as "rejuvenescence" (新生)—among corals in the Mediterranean Sea. The findings represent some rare good news for corals around the world, which are facing numerous severe threats—most notably, climate change.

    "The main threats are climate change, overfishing, pollution and coastal urbanization," Kersting said. "But currently, climate change is probably the one causing the most coral cover declines. Warming stresses corals up to a point that may cause death. Some corals bleach (白化) before dying. Other corals do not bleach but die directly." He went on, "Our findings are significant because this survival strategy was only known from fossil corals that existed hundreds of millions of years ago. It is the first time that it has been found in a living coral. Thanks to our findings, we know now that some corals are able to recover, but unfortunately this is not enough in the current climate change context."

    For their research, Kersting and Linares monitored 243 colonies of the endangered reef-building coral Cladocoracaespitosa in Spain's Columbretes Islands Marine Reserve over 16 years, starting in 2002. The monitoring revealed that Cladocoracaespitosa in the Mediterranean uses rejuvenescence to cope with warming events. This process involves the polyps — or the individual coral animals in a colony—shrinking inward and abandoning their skeletons (骨骼) during warm periods, before rejuvenating at a later point. "What happens is that some polyps in a coral colony—sometimes just one— reduces completely its dimensions and partially retreats from its skeleton," Kersting said. "Once the stressful event is over, the shrunken or rejuvenated polyp recovers its size and builds up a new skeleton. Eventually, it begins to reproduce itself through budding and begins to cover the dead colony surfaces."

    He continued, "The results were very surprising because I started to observe colonies that were dead years ago, that were showing living parts many years after their death."

(1)、What is the greatest threat to corals now?
A、Overfishing. B、Light pollution. C、City growth. D、Climate change.
(2)、What can we learn about the survival strategy?
A、It is the cause of warming events. B、It was found for the first time. C、It will bring hope for the endangered corals. D、It represents the evolution of the corals.
(3)、What does paragraph3 mainly talk about?
A、How the extreme corals forms. B、How the polyps survive their competitors. C、How the research was conducted. D、How the coral species manages to recover and regrow.
(4)、What can best replace the underlined word "retreat" in paragraph3?
A、Withdraw. B、Unfold. C、Benefit. D、Steal.

How to Cure a Stomach Ache

    When your stomach is upset, it is difficult to concentrate or even get through your day. If you wish to cure a stomach ache and keep it from coming back, follow these steps.

    1){#blank#}1{#/blank#}Don't start treating until you know the source of your pain. Your stomach is a big area so start by pinpointing your pain. Is there tightness in your lower abdomen or intestines? Or is there a burning high in your stomach?

    2)Stay hydrated. You need to drink water every day, no matter what. Dehydration can cause your stomach ache, tightness in your intestines and constipation. Drinking proper water each day helps your body function properly.{#blank#}2{#/blank#}

    3)Eat some crackers. Often pain in your stomach is caused by hunger or something disagreeable you have eaten. Fill the hunger with a few crackers to take the edge off. The crackers will also provide something to mix with any bacteria or other disagreeable items you may have consumed.

    4)Relax. {#blank#}3{#/blank#}Stand up to stretch, and take a walk to relax. This will also help loosen any tension your stomach is holding due to the ache you feel.

    5)Maintain a regular high-fiber diet. When your stomach aches often you need to take a look at your diet. {#blank#}4{#/blank#}If your digestive system is not working with a steady flow you will back up and feel the pain. Consuming high fiber foods will help you regulate your digestive system.

    6)Wait it out. Sometimes whatever is ailing you just needs to work its way out of your system. {#blank#}5{#/blank#}

A. Without it your stomach is the first to feel pain and tightness.

B. Find out the source of your ache.

C. Put away the spicy dishes and any other foods that cause your stomach upset.

D. Stress is bad for your stomach.

E. Give your body the chance to work itself out by eating mild, healthy meals.

F. They check your fiber intake.

G. Then check your fiber intake.


    Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake

    With the Mid-Autumn Festival coming, the time for crabs is around the corner! Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake in China are believed to be the best freshwater crabs.

    “They are delicious, because the bottom of Yangcheng Lake is hard and the crabs grow strong by walking on such a hard surface,” said one sales manager in Suzhou.

    Li Lei, a crab lover from Beijing, said “It's very delicious! But there are too many fake Yangcheng Lake Dazha Crabs”.

    “Maybe the crabs from other regions can appear to be glistening green back, white belly after people wash them, but the golden fine hair on crab claws is still a point of pride and is exclusive to Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake,” said the manager.

    The best time for enjoying them is during September and October of Chinese lunar calendar. “When the season for crabs arrives, the Dazha Crabs from Yangcheng Lake are flown to various cities so that people's appetites can be satisfied,” said the sales manager. “They are really expensive here, sometimes more than 320RMB/500g, 10% of my salary!” said Li Lei.

    Dazha Crabs are usually steamed or boiled for within 20 minutes before they come on the dinner table. They are often enjoyed with vinegar mixed with minced ginger to add flavor and get rid of the cold. People who are particular about how they eat crabs also need to have high-grade Shaoxing rice wine to warm their stomachs.

    There is much work required to eat crabs. So much shell!Most people use both hands and teeth while eating Dazha Crabs. “The eating way is not graceful or elegant,” said Huck. “However, some professionals of eating crabs can use tools to take all the meat out of the crab without damaging a single bite and the crab can be restored to its original shape if the empty shells are pieced together!” said Han Mei, another Dazha crab lover.


    At no time in history has there been such a mass movement of people from the countryside to the city as is happening now. By the year 2030, it's estimated that more than two thirds of the world's population will be living in cities, twice as many as today. This means that the problems faced by cities today-overcrowding, poor housing, unemployment, poverty and lack of food and water—will be twice as bad, unless we find solutions soon.

    Another serious issue is how to provide good transportation for their citizens. Many of the world's major cities are already struggling with out-of-date transport infrastructures (基本设施). How can they deal with the additional demands?

    London is a good example. Its enlargement was made possible by the invention of the steam engine, which powered the world's first underground railway. But its transport system are now hopelessly out-of-date and need urgent modernization. London's future success depends very much on developing better public transport

    Over a million people travel into central London every day from outside the city. They, together with the people who live in London, want a public transport system that is efficient, safe and environmentally friendly. What they often get, however, falls far short of that ideal. Passengers complain about cost and pollution, while businesses worry about the problems their staff have in getting to work on time. Yes, the proportion of London households that own a car grew from just over ten percent in the early 1950s to over sixty percent today.

    As the city has become increasingly crowded and polluted, there has been a growing realization that action must be taken soon.


    English teenagers will receive cooking lessons in schools. The idea is to encourage healthy eating to solve the problem that many people are overweight. Also, it worries people that basic cooking and food preparation skills are being lost because parents use too much pre-prepared fast food.

Cooking was once regarded as an important part of education in England—even if it was mainly for girls. In recent years cooking has become less important in schools. But the rising level of obesity has led to rethink about the food that children are given and the skills they should be taught.

    “What we want is to teach young people how to do basic, simple meals, which they can use now at home and then in their life,” said Ed Balls, an education expert.

    The new lessons will start in September, but some schools without kitchens will be given a longer time to prepare. Also, there may be a shortage of teachers with the right skills, since schools have been teaching food technology rather than practical cooking. Besides, the lessons for hand-on cooking will only be one hour a week for one term. But the well-known cookery writer, Pru Leith, believe it will be worth it.

    “If we'd done this thirty years ago we might not have to face the problem about obesity and lack of knowledge about food and so on. Every child should know how to cook, not just so that they'll be healthy, but because it's a life skill which is a real pleasure.”

    The renewed interest in cooking is an effort to reduce the obesity rate, which is almost the highest in Europe, and according to the government, half of all British people will be obese in 25 years if present trends are not halted.


New discoveries and technological breakthroughs are made every year. Yet, as the information industry moves forward, many people in society are looking back to their roots in terms of the way they eat. A "locavore" movement has emerged in the United States. The movement supports eating foods grown locally and sustainably, rather than prepackaged foods shipped from other parts of the world.

Experts hold that eating local has many merits, and is expected to become a trend featuring sustainability. Erin Barnett is the director of Local Harvest, a company that aims to help connect people to farms in their area. By eating local, she argues, people have a better and more personal understanding of the impact their food consumption has on the rest of the world. "There is a way of connecting the point, where eating locally is an act that raises our awareness of sustainable living," Barnett says.

The United States' agricultural output is one of the highest in the world, says Timothy Beach, a professor of geography and geoscience at the University of Texas in Austin, Texas. "There's just no other place on Earth where the amount of input is so productive," Beach says of American agriculture. "Nobody can cut off the food we need."

However, the US food system is not sustainable because of its dependency on fossil (化石) fuels, says Beach. Equipment used on "extremely productive" farms is quickly consuming Earth's natural resources, particularly oil. Additionally, the production of agricultural supplements (补充剂),such as fertilizer, uses large amounts of energy.

The world has used close to half of the global oil supply, Beach says, and the second half will be consumed at an even faster rate because of the growing population and economic development. Although many businesses are experimenting with wind, solar, and biofuel, Beach says there's nothing that we see on the horizon that can replace it. "There is no way on Earth we are using fossil fuels sustainably. Then we have to reconsider the impact of eating local," he says.

