
试题 试卷


题型:阅读理解 题类:常考题 难易度:普通

高中英语-_牛津译林版-_高一下册-_模块3-_Unit 2 Language


Dear Friend ,

    The recent success of children's books has made the general public aware that there's a huge market out there .And there's a growing need for new writers trained to create the $3 billion worth of children's books bought each year … plus stories and articles needed by over 650 publishers of magazines for children and teenagers .Who are these needed writers ? They're ordinary folks like you and me .But am I good enough ?

    I was once where you might be now . My thoughts of writing had been pushed down by self-doubt , and I didn't know where to turn for help .

    Then , I accepted a free offer from the Institute to test my writing ability , and it turned out to be the inspiration I needed .

    The promise that paid off

    The Institute made the same promise to me that they will make to you , if you show basic writing ability :

    You will complete at least one manuscript(手稿)suitable to hand in to a publisher by the time you finish our course .

    I really didn't expect any publication before I finished the course , but that happened . I sold three stories . And I soon discovered that was not unusual at the Institute .

    Since graduation , I have authored 34 nationally published children's books and over 300 stories and articles .

    Free test and brochure

    We offer a free ability test and will send you a copy of our brochure(小册子)describing our recognized home-study courses on the basis of one-on-one training .Realize your writing dream today . There's nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever .

Sincerely ,

Kristi Hill , Instructor

Institute of Children's Literature

(1)、The first two paragraphs tell us that __________ .

A、magazines for children and teenagers have drawn public attention B、there is a growing need for writers of children's books C、publishers are making $3 billion each year D、children's books are usually bestsellers
(2)、You are promised to publish one manuscript when you __________ .

A、show basic ability B、finish the course C、have sold three stories D、have passed the test
(3)、Kristi Holl mentions her own experience mainly to __________ .

A、prove she is a qualified instructor B、introduce the home-study courses C、show she has realized her dream D、promote the writing program

    From visiting museums to watching Changing the Guard, there are some amazing experiences for you to get while in London. Here we pick some of the best free activities in London.

    Changing the Guard

    For a display of British ceremony, watch Changing the Guard outside Buckingham Palace. This is where one member of Queen's Guards exchanges duty with the old guard. Both guards are dressed in traditional red uniform and bearskin hats, and the handover is accompanied by a Guards band. Guard Mounting takes place at 11:30 am. It is held daily from May to July, and on alternate(间隔的)dates throughout the rest of the year.

    Sir John Soane's Museum

    Sir John Soane was an architect. During his lifetime he collected some valuable antiquities(古董) from all four corners of the globe. They are now on display in Sir John Soane's Museum which gives a real insight into the life of this outstanding Victorian gentleman.

    Geffrye Museum

    A very unique experience, the Geffrye Museum, located in 18th century almshouses(救济院),gives a fascinating insight into the lives of the British middle classes from the 1600s to the present day. Explore a series of room sets, complete with furnishing and textiles(纺织品)from each period.

    Hogarth's House

    Hogarth was very famous and criticized 18th century society in his engravings(雕刻),such as A Harlot's Progress, A Rake's Progress and Marriage a-la-Mode. As the name suggests, Hogarth's House is where he lived before he died in 1764, and it's here that you'll find the most extensive collection of his paintings on public display.

    Bank of England Museum

    The splendid Bank of England Museum traces the history of the bank from its foundation by Royal Charter in 1694 to its role today as the country's central bank. There are many items you have never expected to see.


    Once, Buddha was walking from one town to another with some of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were traveling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his followers, “I am thirsty. Please get me some water from that lake there”.

The follower walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that some people were washing clothes in the water and, right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing the lake right at the edge of it. As a result, the water became very muddy, very dirty. The follower thought, “How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink?!” So he came back and told the Buddha, “The water in there is very muddy. I don't think it is fit to drink”.

    So, the Buddha said, let us take a little rest here by the tree. After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same follower to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The follower obediently (顺从地) went back to the lake. This time he found that the lake had absolutely clear water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be had. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to the Buddha.

The Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the follower and said, “See, you let the water be and the mud settled down on its own. You got clear water. It didn't require any effort”.

Our mind is also like that. When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time and it will settle down on its own. You don't have to put in any effort to calm it down. We can judge and best decisions of our life when we stay calm.


Craziest Food Festivals sounds like a joke topic, but once you start looking into it, you'll realize they're everywhere—the crazier, the better.

    ⒈Bibimbap Festival

    In the South Korean town of Jeonjuloves, their “mixed rice” dish is a hearty serve of rice topped with raw beef, a rainbow of vegetables, a raw egg and gochujang sauce (韩国的辣椒酱) so much. They take four days out of October to celebrate it.

    Like any festival there's music, entertainment and magic, but making it that little bit different is the bibimbap that's whipped (搅拌) up in a big bowl by dozens of chefs and served to over 400 people.

    ⒉Waikiki Spam Jam (怀基基午餐肉节)

    Who knew this canned meat had so much love? Well, it turns out that a can of Spam is the go-to item in Hawaii, along with a grass skirt and garland (花环). The people of Hawaii love Spam so much that they even spend a day in May serving out the best Spam, a type of cheap canned meat made mainly from pork.

    ⒊Bessieres Easter Egg Festival

    At Easter time, for those in the French town of Bessieres it's all about an egg far less sweet.

    Here they celebrate the holiday by getting dozens of chefs to make one large omelette (煎蛋卷) - 15,000 eggs strong - for the townsfolk (市民).

    ⒋Potato Days Festival

    This festival actually takes place in Barnesville, Minnesota(明尼苏达州), the US. Over the last Friday and Saturday in August the town celebrates its potato-growing skills by hosting potato picking and peeling contests, as well as a Miss Tater Tot pageant (盛典) for five-and six-year-old girls.


    Here are some schools in Southeast England. Find out if you are interested in any of them.

Caterham School

Headmaster: Mr. J.P. Thomas

Ages: Boys/Girls: 11-18 years

Attendance: Day& Boarding (寄宿)

Number of Students: 900

Tel:+44(0)1883 343028

The school aims to provide a great all-round education so that every pupil can reach their full potential (潜能). Covering80 acres. it is a family school providing a caring environment

Deepdene School

Bursar: Mr. Stephen Ball

Ages: Boys/Girls: I-11 years

Attendance: Day

Number of Students: 400

Tel:+44(0)1273 418984

Deepdene offers a great education where every child matters. An exciting programme of sport, music, Latin & French, dance, drama and art is provided.

Claires Court

Contact: Hugh &James Wilding, Principals

Ages: Boys/Girls 3-18 years

Attendance: Day

Number of Students: 1,000

Tel:+44(0)1628 411472

Claires Court is a school for families, run by a family, providing education for young people aged 3-18 years. Based on three sites across Maidenhead, they are an all-ability school where boys and girls are educated separately during their main school years, but come together for trips and visits.

Crosfields School

Contact: Mr. J Wansey, Headmaster

Ages: Boys/Girls: 3-13 years

Attendance: Day

Number of Students: 515

Tel:+44(0)1189 871810

Crosfields is a great Prep School for children aged 3-13. From early years aged 3, through to teenage years aged 13, it provides a first-class educational start. The school has the most modern facilities (设备) in 40 acres of grounds which provide children with exciting and different learning chances.


    A few weeks ago, I sat with a California farmer named Dave Ribeiro. I asked him what he wished to know about farmers. He smiled and said, "That we walk among you. We look like you and talk like you. We have advanced degrees and hobbies, just like you."

    Take Dave for example: He's a young man with a music degree. And if you walked past him on the street, you'd never think, "There goes a farmer."

    Is someone like Dave who you picture when you think of a farmer? Probably not. I think that most people would picture a man in his overalls(工作服). I can tell you, that does not represent Dave or any of the many other farmers I have gotten to know.

    Not only do we have to throw out our previous impression of farmers, but farming as a whole doesn't look much like it used to either. We recently sent a team out to see what modern farming looks like, and they found farmers to be completely different from our usual ideas about them and also came across them in some unexpected places.

    In a parking lot in a neighborhood of Brooklyn, they met a new crop of young farmers who were trying to bring fresh greens closer to eaters in the city by growing them in high-tech indoor vertical(垂直的) farms. In a Florida field under the fight path of an airport, they discovered farmers with university degrees growing plants that might someday fuel our cars. And in a modern farm in California, they observed how farmers were using technology to take the best possible care of their animals.

    These farmers all spend their days in very different ways—none of them looks like the previous farmer we have in our mind—but they're all working on new ways to feed our planet. Not only do we need to change our idea of what farming looks like, but we also need to change our view of where solutions can come from. Feeding all of us is going to take all of us working together.

